234 entries in 0.665s

diana_coman: jfw: ave1 has GNAT running on musl, no need for the frozen
Adacore version really.
jfw: Besides proprietary GPU drivers there are other "traditional Linux" things not likely to run on musl with any amount of futzing, such as compiled non-static binaries (proprietary apps, the
Adacore GNAT distribution) and "enterprisey" thinks like authentication plugins; I can't speak to whether we should care about these.
a111: Logged on 2019-02-15 17:45 diana_coman:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-15#1896926 -> this failed precisely in the same way; need to get to the bottom of it really because
Adacore's gnat otherwise IS compiled with sjlj so wtf
ave1: going is slow, last try resulted in a crash with a text to contact
adacore mod6: For completeness, this is what happens when you try to install
AdaCore 2016 (binaries) on Cuntoo (keep in mind that the install actually does place the binaries in the expected places...):
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/vX16f/?raw=true mod6: so I never was able to build the ave1 musltronic tools on cuntoo, because no working gnat, I just bundled them up after I built them on a gentoo machine that had a working
AdaCore 2016.
mod6: To make this work properly, I built all of the ave1 musltronic tools on a gentoo instance with a 2016
AdaCore GNAT, then bundled up all of the binaries myself, and placed 'em on mod6.net for testing purposes.
diana_coman: o.O so you're saying that apparently gprbuild --RTS=sjlj on
adacore's gnat STILL pulls in some zcxism??
diana_coman: asciilifeform, for completeness,
adacore's gnat with --rts=sjlj throws only one undefined reference rather than a bunch; here's the winner: undefined reference to symbol '_Unwind_Resume@@GCC_3.0'
diana_coman: in good news, it seems that the static-only ave1-gnat builds itself fine (with the tarballs ofc so ultimately still relying on the corpse but at least that's frozen and the whole thing is NOT relying anymore on a deployed
a111: Logged on 2019-02-28 20:49 bvt: also, at least for vxworks,
adacore for certified profiles supports only sjlj, while using zcx for non-certified use-cases
bvt: also, at least for vxworks,
adacore for certified profiles supports only sjlj, while using zcx for non-certified use-cases
☟︎ mircea_popescu: coincidentally : is anyone from the
adacore/gnat/gnarl/whatever days still breathing even ? or 100% bolix situation, "documents at warehouse, i am machinist in charge" ?
diana_coman: update re builds: it built fine with --enable-sjlj-exceptions in place, checked it in the log and yes, it's set; but the result still seems to be build ada code with zcx in fact (i.e. my test code with tasks is STILL hung waiting for them to abort) and if I specify --rts=sjlj to gprbuild it complains that there is no native compiler for ada and so can't do anything; ftr I compared the dirs of my
adacore install and it has this specific dir
a111: Logged on 2019-02-15 16:12 diana_coman: hm, full replica might require I upload somewhere the tarballs too since at least 1 link was broken ; anyways, it's with
http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-always-static/ + taken out the download script for ada2016 because broken link + added GCC_CONFFLAGS="--enable-sjlj-exceptions" to extraconfig.sh ; set path to point to existing and working
adacore 2016 gnat + put all tarballs in their place
a111: Logged on 2019-02-15 17:45 diana_coman:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-15#1896926 -> this failed precisely in the same way; need to get to the bottom of it really because
Adacore's gnat otherwise IS compiled with sjlj so wtf
diana_coman: because no, the one installed on the machine and used for the scripts is
diana_coman: hm, full replica might require I upload somewhere the tarballs too since at least 1 link was broken ; anyways, it's with
http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-always-static/ + taken out the download script for ada2016 because broken link + added GCC_CONFFLAGS="--enable-sjlj-exceptions" to extraconfig.sh ; set path to point to existing and working
adacore 2016 gnat + put all tarballs in their place
☟︎ diana_coman: all those tests are on
Adacore's 2016 gnat, yes
diana_coman: I guess until now I always built ave1's gnat on a machine that had
adacore's gnat installed with all the paths to libs like that quite standard so possibly that's why it never failed
diana_coman: that's how it sounds from
adacore's link; then again the description of the pragma in gnat ref manual is "it has the effect of deferring aborts for the sequence of statements (but not for the declarations or handlers, if any, associated with this statement sequence).
a111: Logged on 2018-12-03 22:24 bvt: lobbes: i am also interested in learning which gnat version/type and vtools leaf was used, and seeing strace output; i thought this error can happen only on
adacore gnat >=2017 with a strict libc (which rejects 3-character template)
lobbes: diana_coman, bvt: this was indeed a newer
adacore (from May 2018)
https://www.adacore.com/download. I'm going to look into the tempfile thread alf mentioned. may very well be the same issue
bvt: lobbes: i am also interested in learning which gnat version/type and vtools leaf was used, and seeing strace output; i thought this error can happen only on
adacore gnat >=2017 with a strict libc (which rejects 3-character template)
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-12-03 20:52 lobbes: Since this was my first time using vtools, I used diana's "starter v" with the build.sh. Script ran fine, and vtools such as ksum are working. I installed GNAT from
https://www.adacore.com/download (the x86-64 GNU Linux). I'm on my debian box, gcc version 4.9.2
lobbes: Since this was my first time using vtools, I used diana's "starter v" with the build.sh. Script ran fine, and vtools such as ksum are working. I installed GNAT from
https://www.adacore.com/download (the x86-64 GNU Linux). I'm on my debian box, gcc version 4.9.2
☟︎ bvt: but yes, it is
adacore -- not the default sad gcc implementation
phf: i've used a variety, including the two you mentioned. ave1's,
adacore 2016 and 2018 on linux and mac
bvt: did you use ave1's gnat or the
adacore-provided distro? My understanding is that it should work with both, taking 2 different code paths, and fail only with gnat17.
phf: actually, that is what's going on! but i'm not sure how it got that way, because i've both tested
adacore's gnat ahead of time, and also had it building things. something must've gotten clobbered
phf: by then
adacore gnat gcc already managed to compile a whole bunch of stuff
ave1: to debug it, just try to compile a basic C hello world with the
AdaCore gcc (and also with the system gcc, with -v so that it shows you the paths)
ave1: phf, your error is in the
AdaCore gnat gcc (gcc -version shows these boron.a directories)
AdaCore has python scripts that copy stuff for this.
diana_coman: asciilifeform, ah, I forgot to mention it explicitly but yes, my tests include ave1's gnat as well as
adacore's gnat; this is pretty much for any ada code I test
ave1: this builds with the musl gnat, the binary from
adacore and the latests zfp.
phf: (^ POSIX shell for windows written in Ada, presumably for
adacore build toolchain)
phf: unlike tmsr,
adacore people are not attempting to also _build_ on a spaceprobe ;)
phf: ave1, asciilifeform or other ada specialists, how did you bootstrap a gnat on aarch64? is there some binary that's floating around (because
adacore doesn't seem to have linux-aarch64 build) or is it bootstrapped using a cross compiler on a x86 linux?
spyked: asciilifeform, gcc --version returns
adacore's (2016) 4.9.4
a111: Logged on 2018-05-15 21:28 asciilifeform: diana_coman: steps to replicate: 0) on a machine WITH A WORKING GNAT (e.g.
adacore's , and it must be in your path already ) 1 ) download the tarball from
http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-partial-and-parallel-build-support 2) unpack tarball ada-musl-cross-2018-05-15.tgz , go to the dir 3) mkdir bin << this is where the built binariola will live 4) ./build-ada.sh /home/foo/temp/ada/ada-musl-cross-2018-05-15/bin
diana_coman: ah, free bla bla; no, I meant with the output of ave1's script (even if at the very root one used
adacore's, once upon a time, fine); basically what I was trying to do yesterday on rockchip
diana_coman: I'd really like to have a clear and tested way to bootstrap with non-
adacore gnat though
diana_coman: ave1, happy to say that your script worked perfectly fine on x86_64 with
Adacore's 2016 gnat!
ave1: btw, I've not tried running the scripts with the generated native compilers, I always start with the binary from
adacore diana_coman: asciilifeform, I really get that but onth if I have to get a bin I'd much, much rather get one from you than from
adacore ave1: I've run on multiple systems (ubuntu and redhat), procedure has been to unpack the
adacore binary file, set path and go (no ADA_*_PATH)
ave1: asciilifeform: the exact same line in my build output shows almost the same -I directories, except all end with adalib/../adainclude, that last part '../adainclude' seems to be missing on your side. I will start a rebuild with some extra logging on that line. I will get back to it tomorrow. In the mean time, I have only set the path to the
adacore gnat tools and I do not have any other GNAT* flags or CFLAGS or LDFLAGS etc. etc.
ave1: o sorry, no not musltronic, the
adacore one will work fine
ave1: you'll need gnat2016 from
AdaCore on an intel 64bit machine, and that should be all (except for a shell tar, curl etc)
ave1: I found out that GNAT 2016 has some support for arm 64bit, but for android and ios and not for linux. So I had to do some small patching (I also looked at the 2017 version and I still could not find plain linux support in the
adacore gnat)
a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 18:37 ave1: btw, turns out
AdaCore have implemented support for crapple IOS (arm 64 + macho) in their gcc, this cannot be found in fsf gcc's. But needs #ifs and #ifdefs, one line was #ifdef MACHO_TARGET, but should have been #if.
ave1: asciilifeform, yes I know, I've not tried to separate
AdaCore's ada from
AdaCore's gcc backend (to FSF gcc backend).
AdaCore's gcc backend has significant canges from FSF. As this would be an interesting experiment, I will put it on the list (other thing to do, is put Ada 2017 on top of gcc 4.9.4 instead of 7.x)
ave1: btw, turns out
AdaCore have implemented support for crapple IOS (arm 64 + macho) in their gcc, this cannot be found in fsf gcc's. But needs #ifs and #ifdefs, one line was #ifdef MACHO_TARGET, but should have been #if.
☟︎ mircea_popescu:
adacore is perhaps the closest contemporary approximation ; why not pay them a little for their pompous if economically dysfunctional "moneymaker" and then brazenly ask them to help you ruin the whole thing ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, im pretty sure the
adacore people were fucking around with arm64 at some point. maybe asc gingold or someone ?
mircea_popescu: listen. the zynq is a 64 board ; and it's in the
adacore's list of somewhat supported packages.
a111: Logged on 2018-03-28 20:41 phf: hmm, i wonder if
adacore's gprbuild uses its own gcc or global one