1200+ entries in 0.668s
mircea_popescu: !~calc 46 * 63 * .82
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 24 * 60 = 1440
mircea_popescu: !~calc 24 * 60
mircea_popescu: !~calc 0.38090752 * 12 * bitcoin-last or what was it
asciilifeform: say, 1000 * 0010 . ( i won't clutter the log with the steps, will leave as exercise. )
asciilifeform: so for concrete case, 0011 * 0110 :
asciilifeform: let's formalize the problem statement. N is integer, N>1 . x, y are int, 0 <= x < 2^N; 0 <= y < 2^N. determine an f, such that f(x,y) is true iff x*y >= 2^2N ; such that complexity of f is less than that of * operation.
asciilifeform: 0011 ( 2 ) * 0111 ( 1 ) = 00010101 = 0001 : 0101 ( 3 )
asciilifeform: 0011 ( 2 ) * 0110 ( 1 ) = 00010010 = 0001 : 0010 ( 3 )
asciilifeform: 111 * 001 = 111 ( 0, 2, 0 leading 0s ) no overflow...
asciilifeform: 101 * 010 = 001010 (we end up with 010 )
mircea_popescu: meanwhile 255 * 255 does not overflow ; you know this because 8 + 8 is not < 16.
mircea_popescu: if l1 of x1 added to the l2 of x2 exceeds N then it doesn't represent x1 * x2
asciilifeform: 1xx * 0 = 0 .
mircea_popescu: 1x * 1y will never result in a 0y no matter what happens!
mircea_popescu: 85 * 97 overflew if the result is not led by a 7.
phf: (2 ** 2048) - 1:
phf: (2 ** 1024) - 1:
mircea_popescu: in other "Riastradh> Design of RNGs for crypto is on-topic, though physical phenomona that lead to them is at the edge of the topic of this channel -- not because it's irrelevant but because it lies outside the area of expertise in mathematical cryptography one expects to find here." : "* andytoshi (~apoelstra@unaffiliated/andytoshi) has joined ##crypto
mircea_popescu: * Topic for ##crypto set by hlieberman at Fri Jan 20 11:28:52 2017
mircea_popescu: * Topic for ##crypto is: Welcome to ##crypto for cryptography theory and practice | "We appeal, as human beings, to human beings: Remember your humanity, and forget the rest." | Resources: http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac http://www.keylength.com | Ethics: http://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/moral-fn.pdf
mircea_popescu: * Loaded log from Sun Jul 13 00:34:38 2014
mircea_popescu: o further gems : function generate_setup_password_salt() { $salt = time() . '*' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '*' . mt_rand(0,60000); $salt = md5($salt); return $salt; :D
scriba: Logged on 2017-04-27: [02:14:22] * mircea_popescu went to business school here today, spent five minutes listening in on what evidently was the graduation project of some 4th year kid. do you know what he had ?
pete_dushenski: "* The Sponsor intends to direct up to one-third of the Annual Fee, for the first three years of the Trust's operations, towards initiatives that support development, marketing, and community activities of the Ethereum Classic Network."
pete_dushenski: "Annual Fee: 3% (includes Development Contribution)*"
asciilifeform: * of k_i+1st bit
mod6: thought it might be inherited from Ada.* or whatever? or do i just need to implement my own?
a111: Logged on 2017-04-21 02:45 mircea_popescu: multiple servers!!!* (* terms and conditions apply. one wife for each soldier means everyone's fucking the same old rubber chicken)
mircea_popescu: multiple servers!!!* (* terms and conditions apply. one wife for each soldier means everyone's fucking the same old rubber chicken) ☟︎
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-13#1643059 << aye, concede. can we move on to the failures of "culturing * populations and rubbing them across the sensitive mucous membranes is a bad idea" now? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-14#1643578 << no. AGAIN. large orgs ie your usg.* friends CAN NOT impl;ement this. MPs can implemenrt this, ie men who beat women and keep slaves. they AND THEM ONLY may implement this. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: do you not have the rest of the 3.* tree asciilifeform ?
asciilifeform: Framedragger et al : bzgrep -E 'recvfrom.*MSG_PEEK' /usr/portage/distfiles/*.tar.bz2; zgrep -E 'recvfrom.*MSG_PEEK' /usr/portage/distfiles/*.tar.gz; zgrep -E 'recvfrom.*MSG_PEEK' /usr/portage/distfiles/*.tgz
Framedragger: asciilifeform: ah, only glibc etc if "recvfrom" in keywords, you're right. but if only "recv" (https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=recv+.*+MSG_PEEK&page=1), then lots of results
Framedragger: via that HN post, https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=recvfrom+.*+MSG_PEEK
mircea_popescu: "* A race condition flaw was found in the N_HLDC Linux kernel driver when accessing n_hdlc.tbuf list that can lead to double free. A local, unprivileged user able to set the HDLC line discipline on the tty device could use this flaw to increase their privileges on the system. (CVE-2017-2636, Important)"
shinohai: * ingredients
BingoBoingo: * shinohai imagines Vitalik reading the logs an thing mircea_popescu meant `Asi` is a new groundbreaking algorithm ..... << Ass Sort Integrals, some very deep "Ito calculus"
BingoBoingo: * shinohai has only planted radishes and cucumbers, has shitty soil in new locale. << Protip: till a plot and sow densly with turnips/radishes. Do not harvest and burn down with glyphosate before first frost. Till vastly improved soil next year.
BingoBoingo: * http://qntra.net/2017/04/islamic-state-oppresses-minority-religion-on-holy-feast-day/
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-07#1640078 << are you sure this is equiv to select * where something=something and if nothing is selected insert, ie, does the insert take read locks while it looks for the where ? ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-04-06 12:29 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform https://www.google.com/search?q=phuctor&channel=fs&tbas=0&tbs=qdr:m&* << notice anything missing ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform https://www.google.com/search?q=phuctor&channel=fs&tbas=0&tbs=qdr:m&* << notice anything missing ? ☟︎
Framedragger: *how could they have not been included???* NOBODY ASKED US!!111 meanwhile dude in question is humble, says "well, doubt is essential to science", and smiles.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-29 06:33 mircea_popescu: "we represent the whole world*!!!" * as understood by whatever 3rd echelon bureaucrat in the us dept of our democracy that "handles" "canada".
shinohai: * mod6
phf: yeah, i was about to *, but i keep doing this, where i type equivalent sounding words all over the place
asciilifeform: as it is, if grep -i -r unchecked * returns nil, and proggy builds in my gnat -- it is kosher ada
mircea_popescu: "we represent the whole world*!!!" * as understood by whatever 3rd echelon bureaucrat in the us dept of our democracy that "handles" "canada". ☟︎
danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-28#1632959 *^ ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'It's ok Jeff, if this new thing will have to be the Real Bitcoin then this new thing WILL be the Real Bitcoin. Point blank: money will never tolerate the sort of crap that has been pouring out of devtroop for the past while. I don't care you(*)'ve been dorking around with it for years and nobody told you it's wrong, that doesn't make it right, that just makes the little coven irrelevant enough. If current Bitcoin can't be made into
mircea_popescu: consider eg a * b > a + b. this is basically cauchy pared down. that there's no direct path from one to the other is the only last nail of hope (but mp, just because we've not found yet why it's fundamental doesn't prove it isn't. sure.)
asciilifeform: * crackerJack (~infopirat@rrcs-50-84-154-226.sw.biz.rr.com) has joined #trilema << oh hey, because apparently we need TWO ninjashotguns from same pigsty
mod6: <+Framedragger> anyway not sure how useful but you might want to take a look at http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/ doppler (at *_tickets.html), not sure how up to date. (...) << Yeah, it needs some updating. The new V is going to be out in the next few days. Then will put some time into that.
Framedragger: anyway not sure how useful but you might want to take a look at http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/ doppler (at *_tickets.html), not sure how up to date. also http://trilema.com/category/job-board/ for interesting projects which may be good for you as well as good for this here forum
asciilifeform: * is invalid
mircea_popescu: Jan 25 02:21:50 * novusordo (~wut@dns.mullvad.net) has joined #bitcoin-otc << that's feb 2012.
mircea_popescu: * marilyn has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) << dude... why. srsly nao.
Framedragger: "thin block" *
mod6: that's fine. could just reference something like: ../../../deps/*.asc or something
mircea_popescu: make[1]: *** [boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2] Error 1
mircea_popescu: mv ~/trb2016-02-20/trbfoo/bitcoin/* ~/trb2016-02-20/trb54/bitcoin/* ?
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: sure, but do you expect to reach **10^24** nodes before trb-i?? (http://fd.mkj.lt/stuff/fsgraph2.png)
a111: Logged on 2016-09-14 12:01 Framedragger: "rdtsc is not guaranteed to be available on every CPU, or to run at a constant rate, *or be consistent between different cores.*" (emphasis mine). `get_cycles()` is recommended, but from cursory look it seems that on some architectures it uses rdtsc internally? madness.
asciilifeform: however block index is not large -- say we have 500,000 blocks, and you want to know where on disk lives its beginning, and your disk takes 64bit lba addressor. so you need 500,000 * 8bytes == 4,000,000 bytes ! 3 floppy's worth
mircea_popescu: and i'll compute 2 * maxint/2 faster than you'll seek maxint/2
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: a block doesn't get to sit down in blk**** in trb unless its antecedents are present.
asciilifeform: you are working on N blocks , with 1k holes each . can issue 1k * N casks, with various promiseheights.
ben_vulpes: oh it's from blogs.*.com
phf: [1] phf (+i) on #trilema (+cmnt) *
ben_vulpes: decent odds that cutting funding for abortion services abroad is just a prelude to cutting funding for * abroad.
BingoBoingo: * mircea_popescu also likes how the "black lives matter" court clerk is "a federal judge appointed by g w bush" depending where one looks. << Tradition is for the lower bowels of the court Pres takes Senator's suggestion in return for favors later
mircea_popescu: in other news * Your host is verne.freenode.net[], running version ircd-seven-1.1.4 is an utter piece of shit, disconnected me what, a dozen times past few days ?
mircea_popescu: lambda ^ k * e ^ -lambda / k!
ben_vulpes: i'm still curious how mp *
Framedragger: (the siphnos datadrop (http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/) gives the banners ("banners" folder) and keys (in various formats), including raw ssh-keyscan output (*_scan.tar.bz2), as e,N,IP CSVs (e-N-IP*), a.k.a. tmsr format, and converted openpgp (rfc4880) format.)
mircea_popescu: so you do 0x100000000 * 0x100000000 and get the carry set and you blew it.
walter_: mircea_popescu, I would ban that too, but looks it also affects archive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://trilema.com/*
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's pretty well demarcated. grep -i -r wallet *
asciilifeform: * but it will often cause CMUCL to fail to save a new core file.
asciilifeform: * I do not know what this object should be or how it got there,
asciilifeform: *
asciilifeform: * additional object.
asciilifeform: * objects created by the C runtime. However, there is an
asciilifeform: * pointing to a free page, because these are newly allocated
asciilifeform: * usage, at startup there should be 4 objects in static space
asciilifeform: * object pointing to an object that is on a free page. In normal
asciilifeform: * happening is that when a core is loaded, there is some static
asciilifeform: * have not been able to figure out how that occurs, but what is
asciilifeform: * For some reason x86 has a heap corruption problem. I (rtoy)
asciilifeform: /*
mircea_popescu: davout *
mircea_popescu: people generally do count(*) or such
asciilifeform: somehow i did not previously notice the mass of mail.*
a111: Logged on 2017-01-09 10:18 diana_coman: well, I don't really think someone can live a very unhappy life due to *others'* expectations; at most due to his/her own
diana_coman: well, I don't really think someone can live a very unhappy life due to *others'* expectations; at most due to his/her own ☟︎
ben_vulpes: for the * patch
ben_vulpes: phf: consider making http://btcbase.org/patches/*/seal/ return a plaintext list of seals?
gabriel_laddel_p: when creating my image, why must I copy using cp -dpR /somedir/* /someotherdir/ rather than the -a flag?