121 entries in 0.941s

phf: +++ b/snap_546400.txt 326782a77b9ca1d83da6af8e28f305d5fd6c0b509507effbf50f1cd932c4e882edeb8887632664c073c8dca097145cada941490efdae6443e82bbb85a9ca1371
phf: +++ b/Makefile 2018-06-07 21:23:51.000000000 -0400 1081b49742... etc.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-23 12:09 esthlos: to determine if b.vpatch descends from a.vpatch, my idea is to scan through b.vpatch and ensure that each ---(file,hash) matches some +++(file,hash) in a.vpatch. is this the standard procedure?
phf: +++ b/src/bitcoinrpc.cpp
phf: src/bitcoinrpc.cpp | 6 +++---
a111: Logged on 2018-01-26 05:06 mod6: and it goes back to the same thing as with diana_coman. having two '++' at the front of the line. the way the vdiff is written, when it passes the diffed file off to awk to pattern match the ---|+++ it adds that '+' in the front, then it matches, causing it to call sha512sum.. which is where the false comes from. I think.
mod6: and it goes back to the same thing as with diana_coman. having two '++' at the front of the line. the way the vdiff is written, when it passes the diffed file off to awk to pattern match the ---|+++ it adds that '+' in the front, then it matches, causing it to call sha512sum.. which is where the false comes from. I think.
☟︎ esthlos: to determine if b.vpatch descends from a.vpatch, my idea is to scan through b.vpatch and ensure that each ---(file,hash) matches some +++(file,hash) in a.vpatch. is this the standard procedure?
☟︎ mod6: yah, that's actually what it added up to: "+++ ", but no diff info / hash after it.
mircea_popescu: mod6 the magic string diff uses is "+++ " ie three plusses AND A SPACE
mod6: mircea_popescu: also, fwiw, we might need to adjust our "NO '--- ' or '+++ ' to begin a line in a vpatch to "NO '-- ' or '++ '". There was a vpatch in development where my vtron choked on a line being added into a source file that began with '++', and with the diff '+', became '+++'. My vtron correctly choked here. But maybe a bit of an adjustment to the rule?
phf: +++ b b91e1bccfe010e28e544ebc1cdc2e6030f88a899a13c78d521b46d19801a065aec3c81bae6a0238fd6a01d22c314888a0c483c9c74384aee1e4f288e76ff57b8
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the "no ---/+++" went away in discussion last round, when phf's notational view prevailed
phf: the reason why we have issues with +++ and --- is because vdiff specifically ignores the @ ... @ bits when postprocessing a patch. a complete vdiff-er wouldn't have to do that kind of post processing and can produce a valid patch always
phf: +++ --- is there not for content parsing, but for allowing an arbitrary prelude (that is for including patches in email)
a111: Logged on 2017-12-14 19:55 mircea_popescu: you ~could have a diff format whereby first line is x y z with x = total line count, y notation line count z data line count, and then instead of +++ --- bs you just have line count references in the notation part.
mircea_popescu: can EVEN KEEP the +++ --- style separators, but in the DATA segment
mircea_popescu: you ~could have a diff format whereby first line is x y z with x = total line count, y notation line count z data line count, and then instead of +++ --- bs you just have line count references in the notation part.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: let me change that : "no '--- ' anywhere, you have been warned" should read "no '--- ' or '+++ ' as first 4 characters of any line -- you have been warned"
a111: Logged on 2016-12-11 20:15 asciilifeform: and haha, there are TWO +++ lines !
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 00:43 asciilifeform: incidentally you will blow up on the +++ mine if you try and diff a vdiff.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> i recall a similar boojum in my 1st attempt at the FG release, that time it was a '+++' inside a uuencoded blob << lol, ok i see the problem too. you're right, this similar thing happened before.
erlehmann: ; printf '++++' | base64 -d | od -t x1
erlehmann: actually, ++++ is a valid base64 input
erlehmann: asciilifeform thanks for giving an example regarding +++
mircea_popescu: but for eg trb work, +++ style is quite at home. it is c after all
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 00:43 asciilifeform: incidentally you will blow up on the +++ mine if you try and diff a vdiff.
phf: patch/diff lets you have a patch with --- foo +++ bar in which case it seems to ~check if foo exists, then try and press against foo, otherwise press against bar~
phf: +++ src/XKeysymDB false
a111: Logged on 2016-12-29 23:32 ben_vulpes:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-28#1591573 << the diff line is distinct from the --- / +++ lines, does one ever see a patch file where the files compared aren't prefixed with a/ or b/ ?
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/net.cpp b72b573ba77b095e2497e297ba5b02aa68317f67438ee070fee86e129a95b85dc9b5ca98e96441bb2b3b98263dd88630990c913affbabf890641f349d1c6da47
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/net.cpp b72b573ba77b095e2497e297ba5b02aa68317f67438ee070fee86e129a95b85dc9b5ca98e96441bb2b3b98263dd88630990c913affbabf890641f349d1c6da47
jurov: there's also svg using data uri, where you can put all data on one line, thus avoiding +++ on line start problem
phf: mircea_popescu: i mean vpatch's own --- +++
adlai: i don't think "+++ " can be a valid (subseq line 0 4)
Framedragger: -[--->+<]>-------.-[--->+<]>.+++++.[---->+<]>+++.-[--->++<]>--.-------.--[--->+<]>---.--------------.-.++++++++++++.+++.-------------.--[--->+<]>-.+[->+++<]>++.+++++++++.+.++++++.++[->+++<]>++.+.----[->+++<]>.------------.[->+++<]>+.+++++++++++.------.[--->+<]>-.
a111: Logged on 2016-05-30 17:49 phf: pre-80s hard bounds as a source of knowledge is a here and now sort of source, same way as pre-2005 amds, etc. not only is it a limited source, it is also unstable. a year from now, we're going to see all the fullstack developers switching to "classics library", and buying up last-known-prints on ebay for +++ bezzle dollars on ebay
phf: pre-80s hard bounds as a source of knowledge is a here and now sort of source, same way as pre-2005 amds, etc. not only is it a limited source, it is also unstable. a year from now, we're going to see all the fullstack developers switching to "classics library", and buying up last-known-prints on ebay for +++ bezzle dollars on ebay
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-05-17 08:01 mircea_popescu: honestly, it's a surprise to me they haven't introduced cockcaging for us kids as of yet. for one thing, they're doing the entire fucktarded "can't drink till 21", so they definitely could. for the other thing, it'd make so much fucking sense, in the twisted psychopathy that passes for sense in the us world : kid gets a nice cage around the age of 3 or so. prevents penis from growing, which is +++. mom gives the key to a well
a111: Logged on 2016-05-17 08:01 mircea_popescu: honestly, it's a surprise to me they haven't introduced cockcaging for us kids as of yet. for one thing, they're doing the entire fucktarded "can't drink till 21", so they definitely could. for the other thing, it'd make so much fucking sense, in the twisted psychopathy that passes for sense in the us world : kid gets a nice cage around the age of 3 or so. prevents penis from growing, which is +++. mom gives the key to a well
mircea_popescu: honestly, it's a surprise to me they haven't introduced cockcaging for us kids as of yet. for one thing, they're doing the entire fucktarded "can't drink till 21", so they definitely could. for the other thing, it'd make so much fucking sense, in the twisted psychopathy that passes for sense in the us world : kid gets a nice cage around the age of 3 or so. prevents penis from growing, which is +++. mom gives the key to a well
☟︎☟︎ jurov: actually, that's logical conclusion of what you want. instead of "teh stupid +++ --- stuff" make c++ parser, apply a transform and generate code
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/main.cpp 02ccc72e42939509fc180861db7ffec50563a84869f35671fcf720090f9782674edcc89c4174175691566fac7277f1ebe0f50253d1e4a995eb960f5b43cce2a3
phf: as far as what it does i hope formatting in the paste above makes it more readable. for each line that starts with --- or +++ awk extract the filename and runs shasum on the file, then prints the new diff line with shasum included. for other files it just outputs whatever's there. so it's a filter that transforms mentions of diff'ed files into diffed files + checksum
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/serialize.h 3b61e200efe4b17a7f5384e13ab2a1a5e0a74fce0a097802d5e32bb5d74f88fa6e018f56c36ca9198d726a3a78168f87a6181d498cb7a388bc1f3adefa7cd93f
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/main.cpp 0ccb0c29c0a3217d57f9bc72d87b497e64116a9f79e69277408750ee3dc95738ce52a70afece7a1054314100d84f93f6525ab514b8abd8ce78ab8ebd50e599a2
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/main.cpp 0ccb0c29c0a3217d57f9bc72d87b497e64116a9f79e69277408750ee3dc95738ce52a70afece7a1054314100d84f93f6525ab514b8abd8ce78ab8ebd50e599a2
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/serialize.h ef93153b01fdf024a0ab2ce0f992ea9af50d3423baa147c395bba4cc90575bda0d832c0313428bbbc837c99d549c4ba787b94fad5b871870397a410ba59ea0e9
mod6: ../../../../patches/bitcoin-asciilifeform.4-goodbye-win32.vpatch:+++ b/bitcoin/src/headers.h b86114b5b74d2b9e737798f78804439c5cdd0ae42440615c57fc85cb0ac7d8b8a454d2ef44048db6af0ca00a938178173eece431b273462dbc299c1501b86600
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/init.cpp cbfb2d8c9a5b1d1c16a66291bcb1f9c7e185b02c7a07f023e1256ce52531f4fc6145fdcdb334e96caa5d31e8ce7aa6fa7aa24e59abd3e8899b17afa2054bc7cd
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/init.cpp 29fbb8792c3462ced61b4a0284360122f72c4fef7fb5fb84e5399967ab6474cd83ccf3a60eb3c425e183b1b95fb9ca71fc23bb791316d762034559df293f8bb0
ascii_field: mod6: just grep the diff for '+++' and compare the hashes with sha512sum of directory (your local manifest)
williamdunne: ++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.
nubbins`: Adlai religious texts are ++++ for those
nubbins`: A++++++ would wait in line again
assbot: --- origdump 2014-10-25 01:53:15.339116615 +0200 +++ patchdump 2014-10-25 - Pastebin.com
chetty: <asciilifeform> whether or not nero actually fiddled while rome burned - here we have an entire symphonic orchestra.//+++++
nubbins`: A+++++++ sure plays a mean pinball would do business with again
chetty: <asciilifeform> 'before x, y' is a professional disease of engineering types. might as well fault a sailor for walking bow-legged on land.// +++++++++