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mircea_popescu: three guys that fire weapons by hand are not my concern. three million dickless schmucks sitting behind desks, those are the problem.
ben_vulpes: "dick surgery"?
davout: my butt, my dick, my neck
undata: it seems alien to me that words mean precisely dick in the present
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: why this peculiar dick-pulling, why pretend.
mircea_popescu: "I can and will still prove to you that Nubbins is full of shit and on a smear campaign, i am now just choosing to do so directly with the people who matter, not every tom dick and harry that thinks they know a darn thing about woodworking"
ben_vulpes: dickterprints
ben_vulpes: chip in dick
thestringpuller: "Cause I'ma cut your dick off in your sleep."
mircea_popescu: the prohibition was not merely idiocy. it was a particular sort of vindictive idiocy, where the pencildicks got upset that politics was set by men, around beer
mircea_popescu: yes, you can turn down commits that change he to her. if women get upset, that's because the women in question are stupid and they don't belong in tech ; yes you can use proprietary code. if anyone doesn't like it, anyone can suck a free bag of dicks ;
mircea_popescu: usually penned for use by aging wall street execs and other limpydicks.
assbot: /marymad /BBoingo /benjammingh more dick that you can shake a stick at.
assbot: Louis CK Suck a Bag of Dicks - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1DS7W97 )
assbot: “/BBoingo: /benjammingh I use GPG, you suck a big bag of dicks. /thegrugq”< http://t.co/MnynJ1pjzW
BingoBoingo: Seriosuly though what is a muscle bound negroid former highschool running back going to do when I slice his dick with my butt kegels to defeat prison rape?
assbot: “/BBoingo: /benjammingh I use GPG, you suck a big bag of dicks. /thegrugq”< http://t.co/MnynJ1pjzW
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Well, almonds and cyanide both taste bitter and yes this sucks major donkey dick.
mircea_popescu: Gavin educates, make his points and tries convince community without antagonizing anyone. Popescu is probably the biggest jerk in the community, and his flock are such a dickheads that I'd be happy to see them using separate chain just so they can circlejerk and pretend they are the kings of the crypto-word in their own sandbox. Anything they write is so repugnant, that it's just impossible to argue with them. It's fun
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: actual woman on dating site? lol wtf << Site in question kept my dick wet through Library school.
undata: I should've just gone to the valley to suck dick until I had enough to expatriate
kakobrekla: dicking around i thought.
decimation: my great uncle died on the dmz during the pointless dicking around known as 'peace talks'
BingoBoingo: But no, cuckoldy Mr. Watch a dick in his wiferson left early
mats: you'll finally have the biggest dick at the car show
BingoBoingo: decimation: Illinois also sucks a big bag of dicks? What else is new?
decimation: this reminds me of B grade scifi movie - Screamers - based on a phillip k dick story
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=DTF | DOWN TO GET THAT DICK DTFNE1 down to fuck any 1. She's DTF, She wants my dick in or around her mouth! - SuperBad. by KENDALL L January 01, 2008.
mats: and you can't do dick about it.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: don't be a dick about us Riccardo's << what do you use him for ?
fluffypony: don't be a dick about us Riccardo's
cazalla: how's the dick xanthyos ?
BingoBoingo: Ah, I thought maybe whoever conquered Tyrone took the women and left the dick girl.
asciilifeform: 'My dick piece never came off, but I didn't want it to, either. I found a black boyfriend that year, and so I discovered that the cause of my orgasm wasn't actually Tyrone's pee.'
nubbins`: jurov iirc (and i could be wrong), qntra pays the way dickens' publisher paid
adlai: that's philip k dick
mircea_popescu: "Dick Valis. Dick is an altcoin enthusiast and student of philosophy. He enjoys writing about cryptocurrencies and spending his time exploring reality and searching for truth."
mircea_popescu: http://critdick.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/03/Nabilla-Benattia-nude.jpg << this chick.
BingoBoingo: Any Vocal music textbook that doesn't suck a bag of dicks should be fine
undata: you still taking about your dick xanthyos?
cazalla: xanthyos, dick pics leaked? i'm not done with logs yet so feel free to tell me now
jurov: ben_vulpes: best make him write hex string on the dick and give him 0.1btc for the trouble :)
BingoBoingo: lol ben_vulpes isn't in xanthyos dick pic WoT
bagels7: :he thinks I'm normal: lol, oh that was sarcasm, No I am not going to break my dick
nubbins`: bagels7 are you also going to snap your dick in half like xanthyos did?
nubbins`: dicksurgery.ca is up for renewal
undata: dub: am I supposed to believe every joker that claims he broke his dick? standards, man.
dub: the big dick having set
dub: dick break is apparently not that uncommon but limited to a subset of men
dub: buddy of mine broke his dick, no joke
undata: BingoBoingo: who broke their dick?
BingoBoingo: Honestly after last week's broken dick hard to farm pity for health reasons for a while
undata: don't get me wrong; most of it is limp dicked twitter protest
danielpbarron: ;;rate thomas_d 1 plays on seals as thomas_dick
danielpbarron: ;;rate thomas_d 1 plays on seals as thomas_dick
nubbins`: what, they're bandaging broken dicks now?
mircea_popescu: it's just typical of actual people, as neatly opposed to dickles otakus or w/e populate teh us.
xanthyos: he frinked my dick
xanthyos: dickfrink
decimation: it's cheaper to run a full server than to pay for the engineering time to dick with the fpga
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: You have to be decisive... for your dick's sake
nubbins`: dude, your dick's been broken for an hour
nubbins`: what, you can't walk two hours with a broken dick?
BingoBoingo: If you ignore the problem you might not hace a dick
BingoBoingo: Just tell the operator you broke your dick and need an ambulance
xanthyos: thomas dickov
thestringpuller: its like "the only thing I can do is work for cash burning start up or suck dick"
dignork: or dick pics for dollar, might work too
thestringpuller: here's a dick pick + some dollars
undata: the hipsters all use snapchat to send each other dick pics
thomas_d: but I go by thomas dick
thomas_d: dick is my middle name
mircea_popescu: your name seriously is dick ?
thomas_d: I should introduce myself anyway my name is thomas dick I'm a noob
asciilifeform: what 'ai and stupidity' was about, was an actual pestilence of pseudoscience, where folks convinced themselves and others that they were accomplishing 'great things' while really pulling each other's dicks in a most stultifying way
assbot: Dickson County Tennessee Sheriff Hit with Ransomware, Pays | Qntra.net
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/dickson-county-tennessee-sheriff-hit-with-ransomware-pays/
nubbins`: you know this is the second time i've gotten dicked around over bulbs?
mircea_popescu: “When you go to Tokyo….if you’re a white male, you can do what you want. Just grab her, pull her in. She’ll giggle. Just say PIKACHU or POKEMON or something to take the pressure off. I’m romping through the streets (of Tokyo) just grabbing girls and it’s like (motions) head on dick (pfft) head on dick, yelling ‘PIKACHU’ with a Pikachu shirt on….Every foreigner who is white does this. When you see that
jurov exposes his dick to mircea_popescu to spit on
mircea_popescu: but you like sucking dicks
kakobrekla: idk, something that is reliable and not sucking dicks
Vexual: you'll talk for a bit, get a smile, and if your a dickhead, youll hear " you want trouble"
nubbins`: fun with Dick and Vous
nubbins`: fun /with/ dick and jane
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: it'll make an o'reilly cover look like Dick & Jane :D
nubbins`: it'll make an o'reilly cover look like Dick & Jane
nubbins`: dicksurgery.ca
mircea_popescu: nubbins` "dick"
nubbins`: if you were a woman alone with a guy who just slammed you against a wall by your throat and punched you in the head, you'd probably suck his dick to get outta there too
mats_cd03: 'i sucked a dick ... to get outta there ... i didn't like it' -victims
kakobrekla: also dick millimeters
ben_vulpes: i am having the praises of my dick sung to me
kakobrekla: Luke-Jr ah didnt know it was alphabetical. i thought dicks come first.
ben_vulpes: dickhead
thickasthieves: you can have a strap-on of ur own dick to do both holes
asciilifeform has an inescapably 'rectothermal' image of 'pencildick' in his mind
mircea_popescu: between these two, the budged for recruiting pencildicks goes from constant to hilbert's hotel.
undata: asciilifeform: man don't put that on your dick...
mircea_popescu: why DID you think they're called "pencildicks" ?