1200+ entries in 0.46s
trinque: the one with dicks would be more relevant to the show... most plot-oriented softcore porn ever created
BingoBoingo: justJanne: It isn't anything done by any of the channel regulars. It's just some butthurt dickbag with an excess of unwarranted self importance who imagines they are saving the world by DoSing every ip they spot here
williamdunne: If people could see that beauty is on the inside then most of the models in the world would have Down syndrome <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Oh dear jesus. Too dumb to be dicks?
trinque: jurov: I dicked it up messing with it and it made a new sqlite db nobody further down the assembly line cared about
trinque: yeah you're right, this is going to be a pain in the dick
trinque: ah the great dick revolution of 2022
BingoBoingo: Let NSA see all the dick pics
BingoBoingo: Nah, you send the dick pics on Snapchat so NSA can see and become demoralized and desensitized
trinque: I only send dick pics by smtp
BingoBoingo: Cool. I have yet to really get to dicking around with edible plants yet this year
decimation: asciilifeform: because they keep dicking around with the standard library?
williamdunne: trinque: Doesn't look like there has been too much going wrong, a few cases of houses being vandalized, or customers being dickholes
williamdunne: One of those is a social issue, the other is solved by not accepting pulls from dickheads, no?
assbot: dickhead is not registered in WoT.
trinque: !rate dickhead -10 committed 1000 lines of god knows what
BingoBoingo: williamdunne: There's a picture, It's like pissing the first couple hours of taking a blowgun dart to the dick
BingoBoingo: Grindr's the one dicks use to find nearby dicks
mircea_popescu: grinder has a shortage of dicks ?!
BingoBoingo: On the typical USian dating site, gender matters. Other than on grinder the dating site will rarely ever have a shortage of dicks.
trinque: sure configuring a kernel is a massive pain in the dick, but at least you get more acquainted with what's in there
mircea_popescu: biggus dickus ?
BingoBoingo: But yes, since the Feds showed up at my door I have done my best to be a complete dick who either controls hundreds of dollars of BTC or hundreds of thousands (maybe millions, I'm an ass like that)
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: or blame the lack of raising dicks on the patriarchy
mircea_popescu: well... if you can't raise dicks, you can always raise awarenesses.
adlai is being told to stop dicking around on IRC?
nubbins`: and i spend my days not holding my nose to the grindstone, but dicking around on irc and puttering in my basement
Vexual: dick generallydont absorb stuff, theyre disigned for the opposite
Vexual: yes, its because of dicks
ben_vulpes: i studied with many of the like. getting them to think outside of the box was not worth the time as there was no prerequisite dicksucking going along with it.
mircea_popescu: to a sadly larger degree however, the mit graudates' professed confidence rings hollow, like the posturings of the tiny dicked.
ascii_field: the only reason you are reading this by electric light, instead of mumbling to yourself in a field, is that someone had the freedom to counter-economically pull his mental dick by experimenting with strange.
mircea_popescu: i thought the dickspear idea is pretty pervasive.
ben_vulpes: much more so than the calculator with dick and spear
ben_vulpes: but the dick and spear?
mats: my manager dicked around on a server and threw me under the bus when he fucked up
trinque: we just know how to turn a dick inside out and sew it inside
trinque: nubbins`: but was the guy getting his dick chopped off one of those?
nubbins`: multiply that by 1000, and make it about having a pussy instead of a dick.
trinque: +nubbins` | like, say, the lineup at the dick-scissor store. < ahahha
nubbins`: trinque it kinda seems like you're arguing people cut their dicks off /on a whim/
nubbins`: like, say, the lineup at the dick-scissor store.
trinque: what would happen if every man cut off his dick
nubbins`: sure. he could simply decide fuck this, i don't want this dick, what good's it anyway, too
nubbins`: knew a guy who went by the name "mal" who was in the process of letting his wife cut his dick off
nubbins`: trinque what's wrong with dick hammering?
trinque: kitten stomping, dick hammering, you name it
decimation: asciilifeform: aye, would have to dick around with u-boot and the data sheet
mircea_popescu: it wouldn't stick on anyone else, like p, except they keep confessing like the pastiass dickless shitheads they are.
nubbins`: everyone who ever poked his dick in pre-0.5.4 bitcoin
trinque: everyone who ever poked his dick into the github?
trinque: meanwhile I'm not about to run out in front of the white house with my dick out and a target painted on my chest
SquirtPrincess: deal w/ dicks either way lol
SquirtPrincess: rather deals w/ dicks online for good $$ then on the phone for tittle winks
nubbins`: "Claiming that his operation would be “completely dicked over” by an influx of product, Vice President Joe Biden reportedly became increasingly worried this week that the recent legalization of marijuana in Washington, D.C. could seriously cut into his business."
thestringpuller: Sucking the USG dick.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo most people that i've seen karaoke fit this boring midwestern 30something so-so woman type. << But that's easy mode to getting your dick wet. It works
thestringpuller: just bad feeling seeing summer 2015 as their schedule and this aligns with gavin wanting to have enough dick's sucked to push his shit into github around then as well
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes if you mean, as in latium, then note octavianus didn't adopt random orphans a la dick tracy.
cazalla: pls suck my dick costco and get the fuck out of my country with your made in china shit http://imgur.com/GgNi88n,twFcl5s,ABxl80G,BAl6CMj,xl80E2E
asciilifeform: or possibly philip dick.
ascii_field: how am i to know that, e.g., dick cheney, isn't hunting little gurlz for sport in arizona desert as we speak ?
mircea_popescu: it's so funny to me, all of east asia is pretty much one dick split up to two or even three men. india, right next to it... those dudes are reasonably hung.
cazalla: but i will say.. these red pill dickheads on reddit that mourn for a lack of virginal wife to have a family with aka http://i.imgur.com/zEEL7S4.jpg i've had the frigid virginal wife and the whore girlfriend who sucked any dick within arms reach and i will swear black and blue that the whore is far more satisfying despite the 24/7 drama
mircea_popescu: "well... because i'm not a dickless dipsit, like you."
mircea_popescu: Because it is endangered and endemic to the area, development projects have been restricted to preserve its habitat. For example, the Dickey-Lincoln dam, a $227 million hydroelectric project proposed on the upper Saint John River in 1974, was deauthorized by Congress in 1986 after years of study, because the dam would have flooded 88,000 acres (360 km2) of Maine forest and severely reduced the lousewort's habitat. Some
BingoBoingo: Iranians could totally get the dick.
BingoBoingo: End of the world stuff would probably be better in Ezekiel with the horse dicks
ben_vulpes: replaced it with dicks in blondes mouth
ben_vulpes: oi mate i don't dick around with bounders
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> benkay (~benkay@unaffiliated/benkay) has joined #bitcoin-assets << divorced ? << Could also be some old resurfacing as he dicks around with his bouncer
mircea_popescu: in a dick tracy sort of way
mircea_popescu: but yes, the "sexual disorder" of the 90s is definitely coming to a close. it's too expensive, and to most dickheads undesirable anyway.
mircea_popescu: your dick can have middle lane.
nubbins`: dota 5? /me cuts off dick, throws in trash
asciilifeform: nubbins`: now that part's very easy, you don't need blocks of time to dick on irc
nubbins`: and someone with a link to the stats can take a stab at how much time i spend dicking around on irc
danielpbarron: well now i feel like a dick for having recommended people play only heads up to prevent collusion
ben_vulpes: <pete_dushenski> [] Xuthus: and who would you be ? << that guy who broke his dick, right?
asciilifeform: 'Platinum - also called platina is the heaviest substance but one (see No. 47) known, having a specific gravity of fully 21, which may be raised to about 21.5 by hammering.' - Encyclopaedia of Practical Receipts and Processes. William B. Dick, 1872. << mega-vintage-l0l
Vexual: Or sign to say you have a copy of some turgid dick in abs
decimation: so you gotta wonder how long it took the guy to dick around with his winblows cad software to create a bracket
mircea_popescu: well, i would imagine if they actually aim to be female they'd miss having a cunt more than having a dick.
Bagels7: I never asked but I might assume they miss having a dick
punkman: wasn't he the fellow with the broken dick?
decimation: emacs is great, but it is annoying how you have dick around with the settings for certain poorly written extensions sometimes
mircea_popescu: why not a bag of dicks, while at it.
BingoBoingo: <IHB> i can't weigh in with my opinion. i will leave up to you guys. my stomach tells me the blocksize should not be raised and if people want to do other stuff they can peg their btc to a sidechain, if that ever becomes reality. << Not an unreasonable thing. Settlement happens on the blockchain small amounts dick around on distraction chain.
assbot: #257 - Chafed Dickens [1 of 5] ... ( http://bit.ly/1A67aro )
assbot: #261 - Chafed Dickens [4 of 5] ... ( http://bit.ly/1A64QAs )
assbot: #262 - Chafed Dickens [5 of 5] ... ( http://bit.ly/1A64bPF )
mircea_popescu: dickens vs austen ? "o look, my toy car is faster than your toy car!"
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: If he actually dicked with the precarious balance where we don't look like shit on mobile... I'da had some stronger words
nubbins`: http://music.cbc.ca/#!/artists/Dick-Surgery
assbot: Shitting Dick Nipples - Encyclopedia Dramatica ... ( http://bit.ly/1wzBjal )
BingoBoingo: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Shitting_Dick_Nipples
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shitting+dick+nipples | A term used to refer to strange fetishes involving drawn porn. Especially furry porn.
BingoBoingo: ;;ud shitting dick nipples
BingoBoingo: Given the common internet saying, I'm assuming the dick nipple must also engage in shitting?
trinque: thestringpuller: you can cut off the nipple... can't uncut the dick
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: would you rather have a dick sized nipple, or a nipple sized dick?