7669 entries in 0.997s
asciilifeform: tldr: run more winblows, usg
ThickAsThieves: maybe it's the USG!
mircea_popescu: so then i hardly see what argument you have against the usg.
jurov: greenspan_fan: you imagine tsmc can and will reject all orders for 2 month or so just cause usg drops a billion?
benkay: sounds like typical usg propaganda
deadweasel: ThickAsThieves: not so, see USG
asciilifeform: the clever ones will be very suspicious of anything presented as a pill against usg.
mircea_popescu: gedankenexperiment : you are the usg.
mircea_popescu: "Even if the initial miners in the "Satoshi Gang" were not initially part of the USG - they would be hunted down and forced to turn over their Bitcoin at gunpoint." oh for the love of christ.
mircea_popescu: <francis_wolke> A large scale, important project, developed in secret by USG. << how does bitcoin meet any of your criteria ?
francis_wolke: A large scale, important project, developed in secret by USG.
francis_wolke: mircea_popescu: I fail to see how this leads to a USG without Manhattan projects.
pankkake: "the USG would kill it with fire" it can't
decimation: there is a thing called the "roth IRA" where you save post-income-tax money; USG claims it will never tax it again
benkay: mircea_popescu, linking a USG publication as a source of useful numbers?! will miracles never cease...
mircea_popescu: next step : Bitcoin regulates the USG. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: hearn is the guy that answered experimentally the usg's question as to "what happens in case of major bitcoin fork ?"
ThickAsThieves: seems that maybe the bets regulation USG could do is require gov to run a mining farm
ThickAsThieves: so the USG takes over money transfer via the Post Office?
kakobrekla: the usg can build a guantanamo clone and house all 2 mio slovenians there
ThickAsThieves: maybe with contract with USG for UScoin
ThickAsThieves: USG probly wont even let a bank make its own money
ThickAsThieves: pretty much only Google or the USG could do it
ThickAsThieves: So am I correct in stating the USG reports there exists approx $11,000,000,000,000?
mircea_popescu: notwithstanding the only time i heard someone in this channel wanting some sort of info from the usg
mircea_popescu: like hsbc sent the usg packing
decimation: sounds dubiously competent for the usg
asciilifeform: because the thing he did for the next 25 years was a ridiculous and worthless usg boondoggle
asciilifeform: (Lenat was 100% usg-funded)
mircea_popescu: usg*
mircea_popescu: god help me. you mean yahoo is seriously going to do the whole bs usg thing in 2014 ?! after it died ?
pankkake: I guess I'm USG-proof
mircea_popescu: yet the "community" and it's "press" fails to print in two inch letters "Hey! We have a guy here that's two years smarter than the best of the USG. That's why you're fucked."
decimation: For the amount of money the USG shovels into the beltway bandits, we could have your princely secure terminals
decimation: he underestimated the avarice of those who would influence USG decisionmaking
herbijudlestoids: although i would posit that considering the nature of centralisation of the internet currently, it might not be that hard for the USG to do so
herbijudlestoids: hmmm well i would never have argued that the USG will shutdown bitcoin or that bitcoin will be worthless, those seem like two stupid things to bet on
mircea_popescu: amusingly, the usg debacle comes exactly less than a day after https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=435263.msg4802685#msg4802685
mircea_popescu: (not that i'd fly to the us without a handwritten note from the president saying that any usg personnel coming within five feet on me is to be shot on the spot)
mircea_popescu: and yes. winklevii are lieing to the usg, on the grounds of scammy promises people who make a habit out of lieing about their dev status made.
mircea_popescu: consider all the people that apparently are in some capacity part of the usg, and somehow (at least in their own mind) decision factors in various capacities.
blg: USG =? US gov?
jurov: lol, so usg gave a tesla to nejc?
Namworld: Bitstamp must actually be USG funded.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` it's instructive tho. according to dimon, the only marketable value of jpm is that it's a hand puppet of the usg.
benkay: don't forget usg
benkay: i like the implications that the usg requires transaction reviews
pLambert: no, the USG is worth -10 trillion USD, they are in deep debt!
mircea_popescu: is the usg really worth 10 trillion usd ?
asciilifeform: time for usg to rename its organs in line with the new 'soviet' reality
mircea_popescu: usg*
benkay: usg sez so
benkay: the question is what the pointy headed ones in the usg mean by the bitcoin network, pankkake.
asciilifeform: considering the inclination of usg to run things at a loss (so long as said loss can be pawned off on some chump),
benkay: so typical usg propaganda.
mircea_popescu: hardly anything else than proof as to how the usg is impotent and pointless.
mircea_popescu: the usg insists to bother foreign merchants with "regulation". this is one step away from everyone just sending it packing. so it agreed to stfu and save some face.
asciilifeform: or witness 'Crypto AG' - swiss company; founded by best friend of the founder of... nsa. owned by: no one knows, probably usg.
pankkake: I aim to sell Bernankoin to the USG!
benkay: it's not simply los estados unidos, however, it's the entire fiat system. usg simply sits atop it for the meantime.
benkay: the great all seeing eye of USG mk. IV will not of its own make any decisions.
mircea_popescu: KRS|Gotyawallet in the food stamps context ? the stealing of people's money by the usg.
mircea_popescu: (usg = user generated content, ftr)
mircea_popescu: usg amirite ?
mircea_popescu: except of course if prosecuted by the all-corrupt usg.
mircea_popescu: usg confiscated them.
mircea_popescu: honestly, the sad mental state of people still showing up to work for the various usg agencies suggests we'll soon see jamestown-like mass suicides.
dub: probably best to steer away from things that can both circumvent USG spying ubiquity and casually blow up airplanes
ThickAsThieves: maybe usg is trying to set me up or some shit
BingoBoingo: Honestly more than million dollar bitcoin, I'm waiting for the republic of Bitcoin to annex Cuba where despite taking an opposite ideological stance to Fidel's regime this island remains opposed to the USG's incompetence.
asciilifeform: usg drone is built for specific work: plug unarmed man, in open field, by surprise.
asciilifeform: the pill for usg drones: sail right into the tailpipe.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo usg drone fighting rc planes is definitely the thing of the future.
mircea_popescu: zacm no, just the usg using american companies as governmental agents.
jurov`: if anyone wonders what the usg are doing
deadweasel: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&ved=0CEwQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tomshardware.com%2Fnews%2Fgoogle-bug-bounty-security-chrome%2C14686.html&ei=lhyRUtfHIs3rkAePpoCgBw&usg=AFQjCNGH-g53p5GJoBgbIhKvS9TSZRMNhw&sig2=Ya7z8GnnvzdkqWjdyq0vBg&bvm=bv.56988011,d.eW0
bloctoc: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://static3.businessinsider.com/image/524d9ea0eab8ea7a4702bf53/richard-branson-tells-us-the-story-behind-his-famous-kitesurfing-photo-with-a-naked-model.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.businessinsider.com/richard-branson-photo-naked-model-2013-10&h=599&w=1199&sz=60&tbnid=sl0H3C3DB9memM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=180&zoom=1&usg=__XngMZHqznpAN2ffIGTwuQOALDpU=&docid=vSNu6DYXxbAhbM&sa=X&ei=7IWPUv3mLMbmoASSkQI&s
Vexual: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CD8QFjAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpages%2FYour-So-Gay-They-Call-You-The-Local-Ass-Bandit%2F118837624797045&ei=qdyJUuKhNoeBtAbG44CYCw&usg=AFQjCNGDHc9LEj0vQX5Kji8pmaBF7XfexA&cad=rja
ThickAsThieves: USG better spend the silk road coins before they get tagged as drug money
mircea_popescu: confucius says, as bitcoin transitions from 1k to 1mn usd per it will be impossibel to discern whether usg idiocy or bitcoin coolness is pushing the change
ThickAsThieves: how many bitcoins does the USG have again?
Namworld: Maybe they should go propose to the USG to make bills with sensors that explode when they're used in an illegitimate transaction. This way the USG could have only clean money circulating.
BingoBoingo: I suppose it may be more feasible though that Nick Denton is a USG agent
mircea_popescu: scheier totally doesn't work for the usg.
mircea_popescu: i blame the usg and fdr for this particularly niggardly redefinition of community.
kleeck: You have to fill out pages on pages of household info - think doing your taxes just to see if the USG can do anything for you.
ThickAsThieves: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CDcQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DbgDaVLCaBzQ&ei=ieFmUuXIKYT29gTtgoGQDA&usg=AFQjCNE9tyqOxODGGzELM0Ex61Hmd1Ilew&sig2=owzcyjR3NL77wwwr2rs7Gw&bvm=bv.55123115,d.eWU
mircea_popescu: consider : difficulty up 1k%, clear proof delivered that sr didn't matter for bitcoin, and that usg doesn't matter for bitcoin...
nubbins`: everyone still alive who gave the USG all their gold back in the 30s is probably pretty pissed off right now
mod6: yah. lot of damn pps. who the fuck uses pps these days anyway? oh yah, big corps and usg.
mircea_popescu: basicvally the usg is indistinguishable in practice from the common criminal.
mircea_popescu: the usg is not that advanced as of yet.
mircea_popescu: on the other hand, in August USG sues pirate, the same day the judge rules and the sentence is passed.
Kleeck_: The USG is spending more money trying to prove that the "shutdown" is a big deal.
mircea_popescu: usg generally is a hopeless endeavour.
mircea_popescu: if i were the fuhrer of the nsa i would be putting backdoors in every single code or cypher used by the usg
mircea_popescu: i am certainly more interested in judges being raped by the usg than in secretaries being raped by their bosses.
dub: wait, USG shuts down, SR shuts down...
benkay: Vexual: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDYQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DoCZMoY3q2uM&ei=CNhIUubCDsmOrAHB5YHgAw&usg=AFQjCNHBqoinLlepwFIzzeNFct-o68NxfA&sig2=u_GJWmzbGWeYmOK2ofPT_A&bvm=bv.53217764,d.aWM
BingoBoingo: BFL's idea of charity is like the USG's idea of peace...