464 entries in 0.622s
danielpbarron: actually maybe nubbins` can help me there; I have this really nice pocket Bible with a zipper and real leather, but it's KJV and i'd like it in NKJV
nubbins`: he's got one that's a reproduction of the 1st-edition gutenberg bible
ascii_field: went to find a soft-leather-bound Bible with gold edges on the India paper, just like I had wanted and asked for, without unwelcome suggestions or anyone pretending to know better than me. It was so respectful I almost got religion, myself. '
ascii_field: ' I went to my local bookstore the other day. I wanted to give a beautifully bound Bible to a Christian friend of mine. Suddenly, I felt space around me warp and I was in USENET space. People from comp.lang.scheme offered me a beutifully bound Torah. People from comp.lang.dylan offered me a beautifully bound Koran. People from elsewhere on the Net offered me beautifully bound copies of The Lord of the Rings, Atlas
assbot: The Perry Bible Fellowship ... ( http://bit.ly/1I0J4OJ )
danielpbarron: i ordered that "bible" you mentioned
asciilifeform: it's numbered like a bible - for folks to quote chapter & verse.
danielpbarron: the USG is surely wicked in that it enforces laws that are counter to The Bible
asciilifeform: the pages are numbered like a bible's
mircea_popescu: "Ancient Rome would envy us if my program is implemented. As our boat sailed south on the James River, named for our illustrious King, whose version of the Bible we cherish"
danielpbarron: lack of interest in Bible could also indicate catholic :p
assbot: Leviticus 13 NKJV - The Law Concerning Leprosy - And the - Bible Gateway ... ( http://bit.ly/19zCCmd )
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/what-the-actual-threat-of-the-medicalisation-of-individuality-looks-like/ << moar scriptures for the cult bible.
assbot: The Perry Bible Fellowship
danielpbarron: in Bible terms, it's enough to "lay with" someone, or "know her," or "see her nakedness" ; not sure a condom would get in the way of those things
danielpbarron: catholics freely admit that they don't follow the Bible, and that some guy with a funny hat can arbitrarily change the rules as he pleases
mircea_popescu: expensive enough to get people to where they'd root for copies of teh hacker bible, and then build a modem out of repurposed materials by hand.
assbot: The Perry Bible Fellowship ... ( http://bit.ly/16KAK93 )
BingoBoingo: mod6: Wait, Was it a bible verse that doesn't want to verify?
danielpbarron: it's a Bible channel / not usually that kind of conversation in there
mircea_popescu: they nevertheless sent mail on special paper. thinner than the bible sheets.
danielpbarron: Another sock puppet possible purchased account of Nubbins / Paul Revere. Also a ranting and raving Jesus humping Bible thumping verifiable crazy person it appears. Stay clear of this one for sure.
xanthyos: the bible warned us about you gavinandresen
mircea_popescu: lmao wait. bible pro-lgbt ?
danielpbarron: someone pasted that link in an irc channel for "reddit christians" from which i was eventually kicked for disputing their claim that The Bible is pro-lgbt
danielpbarron: SuperEddy, you believe the entire Bible?
SuperEddy: its not just calvinism but the bible says it
danielpbarron: fluffypony, nearly all the prominant male figures throughout the Bible had harems of wives and slave wives, and God never scolded them for it
mike_c: join #bible
fluffypony: danielpbarron: so then show me the contrast - where in the Bible does it explicitly allow polygamy?
fluffypony: the Bible also states that any married man in the congregation who is given special responsibilities must be "a husband of one wife."—1 Timothy 3:2, 12
danielpbarron: the Bible doesn't condemn having slaves or slave wives
jurov: i want to get the bible implant
assbot: Revelation 21:9-21 NKJV - The New Jerusalem - Then one of the - Bible Gateway ... ( http://bit.ly/1vRQBfd )
danielpbarron: 10:55 <+decimation> the Bible is certainly unclear on the specifics. << seems pretty specific to me https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+21%3A9-21&version=NKJV
decimation: the Bible is certainly unclear on the specifics. I imagine it is a place where one can ask God wtf he was thinking
undata: danielpbarron: you just wanted to shout "bible is right!" eh?
undata: danielpbarron: the bible can be wrong all on its own, though science can help
danielpbarron: how convenient, the intermediate species don't exist... but the Bible is still wrong because science!
danielpbarron: bagels7, try praying to the God of The Bible next time
assbot: The Perry Bible Fellowship
assbot: The Perry Bible Fellowship
assbot: The Perry Bible Fellowship
danielpbarron: ;;later tell mircea_popescu re: radio, he avoids talking about bitcoin with me and sticks to getting me to say politically incorrect things about the Bible
gribble: Chuck Smith :: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Part ... - Blue Letter Bible: <https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/smith_chuck/HolySpirit/hs_05.cfm>; Prophecies in the Bible about Joseph Smith - Ensign Jan. 1989 ...: <https://www.lds.org/ensign/1989/01/prophecies-in-the-bible-about-joseph-smith?lang=eng>; Book of Mormon. A Scripture Testament of Jesus Christ | Mormon.org: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: ;;google and he smithen them with the holy bible
decimation: my good bible is printed on very thin but weirdly strong paper. thin paper is nice, in the sense that it tends to lie flat
assbot: 105 results for 'bible' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bible
technoboy: !s bible
assbot: The Perry Bible Fellowship
DanielKrawisz: There is no satoshi bible.
assbot: Romans 11:19-24 NKJV - You will say then, Branches were - Bible Gateway
danielpbarron slaps decimation around a bit with a large Bible
danielpbarron: that's one of the things so many false christians get hung up on; that most of the big names in the Bible had multiple wives and concubines (slave wives), and God never scolded them for it
mircea_popescu: i very much doubt the bible makes the mistake.
danielpbarron: depends what is meant by chastity, but I'd say the Bible
assbot: 1 Samuel 8:10-20 KJV - And Samuel told all the words of the - Bible Gateway
assbot: The Golden Ticket | The Best of Perry Bible Fellowship | Pinterest
Vexual: he gonna swear on his wot, not the bible
pete_dushenski: xanthyos: ;;rate danielpbarron -1 fickle with his friends, uses the bible to justify being disloyal << o_O drama
xanthyos: ;;rate danielpbarron -1 fickle with his friends, uses the bible to justify being disloyal
pete_dushenski: well 'prep' in the sense that if you can't memorize the bible in latin, med school will rape you
usagi: The government has as much to do with bitcoin as it does with you believing in the whole bible
assbot: The Bitcoin Bible: Benjamin Guttmann: 9783732284320: Amazon.com: Books
wyrdmantis: http://www.amazon.com/The-Bitcoin-Bible-Benjamin-Guttmann/dp/3732284328 <<<--- is this useful in your opinion? a beginner asked me, i will not buy it.
cazalla: mircea_popescu, http://bible-truths.com/23-min3.jpg << that's pretty great. why does it look like diablo ?! <<< diablo has not looked like that for some time, she got a make over in diablo 3
mircea_popescu: http://bible-truths.com/23-min3.jpg << that's pretty great. why does it look like diablo ?!
assbot: Revelation 20:14 NKJV - Then Death and Hades were cast into the - Bible Gateway
mircea_popescu: cht read aloud from the Satanic Bible.
asciilifeform: alternatively, a 'stalin' biography, our führer is soon to fail out of bob jones bible college.
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=FUNDIE | The brain of the "Christian" fundie, while generally underdeveloped and often host of outlandish delusions, has a large capacity for memorization of Bible verses ...
bitcoinpete: lol pete is already one of those bible doods
mircea_popescu: i didn't eat the pork fried on the bible/coran/etc for the record.
danielpbarron: <+Naphex> so what is the best cure for rage? << if The Bible ain't your thing, try cannabis
punkman: plot twist: #bitcoin-bible-study-group is about trilema
punkman: #bitcoin-bible-study-group
assbot: 1 timothy 2:3-7 NKJV - For this is good and acceptable in the - Bible Gateway
assbot: Deuteronomy 13:10 ESV - You shall stone him to death with - Bible Gateway
Mats_cd03: you have to be pretty gullible to believe in the bible
diametric: danielpbarron: but doesn't the bible also say honoring wicked people is a sin?
diametric: danielpbarron: the bible says it should be
danielpbarron: stoning someone to death is against the law in the US, and the Bible says to submit to the governing authorities
danielpbarron: chetty, it's all one; the whole Bible is essential
danielpbarron: The Bible says, a rebellious son should be brought to the town elders and stoned to death by the community
danielpbarron: part of my argument comes from my belief in The Bible which clearly says that all women should submit to a man (whether their father or their husband) and they should only do something (like coding, for example) if their man ordered them to do so; it's not a very responsible man that delegates his programming needs to a woman (who is probably better suited for things like child-rearing (although exceptions may apply))
Vexual: was camel flu in the bible?
nubbins`: it's an exact reprinting of the first edition of the king james bible
mike_c: "Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus have a sword fight."
jborkl: why not pull a brainwallet, put it on a pi and make your wallet out of a bible verse. They are everywhere and you only have to remember what you part you put in
jurov: lol "bible is promulgation of church" this is new for me
Luke-Jr: the Bible is one of many written promulgations of the Church, in its course of doing its duty to teach the world
Luke-Jr: danielpbarron: Catholicism is based on Christ's teachings, not the Bible. the Church is also not "in Europe", but universal.
danielpbarron: Luke-Jr: is it a fair assessment to state that Catholicism as you describe it is not in accordance with the Bible? -- or, Catholicism is not a religion based on the Bible but instead on "the Church" which in this context refers specifically to an organization in Europe?
danielpbarron: jurov: so, not the Bible?
danielpbarron: Luke-Jr: there are examples in the Bible of God causes evil men to further good works
Luke-Jr: danielpbarron: keep in mind that the Catholic Church *produced* the Bible. so if you question the Church, there is no basis to accept its product either
mircea_popescu: latin is as much an orginal language of the bible as greek is.
wywialm_: mircea_popescu, bible and latin? you sure?
the20year2: hebrew and greek certainly bring a whole new aspect to reading the bible
nubbins`: whenever someone claims "the bible says x" and they don't speak greek or hebrew, it's actually okay to hit them in the face