383 entries in 0.708s
mircea_popescu signs off on that orlov piece being total idiocy.
asciilifeform: or maybe it was just orlov.
bounce: do we have sources on us vs ru jet fighter quality other than herr orlov?
mircea_popescu: reading orlov is like reading j. fest v2.0
decimation: don't tell me orlov is a 'truther'
decimation: " The Americans invaded Afghanistan because the Taleban would not relinquish Osama Bin Laden (who was a CIA operative) unless Americans produced evidence implicating him in 9/11—which did not exist. " lol orlov
asciilifeform: see, e.g., orlov:
asciilifeform never met an apocalyptic hypothetical megadeath that herr orlov doesn't love.
asciilifeform: just as herr orlov predicted based on experience elsewhere
asciilifeform: obligatory, orlov's deer hunter... http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2014#750027 ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov termed this 'homo sapiens lite'
asciilifeform: 'prior to Americans' gay rights agitation, Russian gays used to be called “faggots”; now they are being called “American faggots,” and gay rights in Russia have taken a giant leap back.' - orlov
mircea_popescu: lol check it out, the russian foreign service is quite active in the fringe of the us discourse. orlov, roberts, there's a list with these talking points.
asciilifeform: at the risk of sounding like orlov - modern 'machine civilization' tends to create wildly thermodynamically-unfavourable situations like this one.
mircea_popescu: anyway, orlov misses the major point here. it's not about rich/poor as a measurable characteristic. some people are strong, some people are weak. whether the weak are temporarily rich or permanently poor makes little difference at all, money's not for them anyway, nor anything else good in life.
asciilifeform: if i had raped her she'd be pregnant. is she pregnant ? no << orlov's hypothetical portrait is based on the georgian cleanup
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov, at least according to his autobio, grew up in usa from late childhood on, same as i did.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform btw, does orlov admit officially to russian military training as a strategist/analyst/whatevs ?
mircea_popescu: i wouldn't trust orlov much furher than i can throw him tbh.
asciilifeform: (for the psychiatric rumunations re: how & why - straight to herr orlov)
BingoBoingo: Today though was too soon for me to wave the Orlov was right flag. Last night was "mostly peaceful"
mircea_popescu: making orlof a sort of low tech early pioneer in the right direction.
wywialm: asciilifeform, Orlov seems to be one of the best informed people I read on the Ukrainian affair
asciilifeform: good example of the sort of people orlov associates with...
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> he recently convinced weev to "go the kickstarter route", with results that still make people lol. << Weev is going to learn the hard way he isn't old enough for Taleb or even Orlov's deference
asciilifeform: http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/07/fact-free-zone.html << more airplanewank, this time orlov's
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: someone should tell orlov who invented surgical forceps, and what they were originally for
mircea_popescu: somebody should tell orlov how caesarean section got to be called that.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i suspect that orlov's personal wank fantasies have clouded his mind. e.g., he proclaimed, gleefully, that the uninhabitable wastelands of russia will become arable land due to warmocalypse, and the era of anglo-yoke will give way to a russian mega-hegemony
asciilifeform: i'm not even 100% convinced that orlov actually believes in anthropogenic climatocalypse. what is more or less certain is that he wants industrial civilization off the gameboard, asap. and is willing to support just about any ideology which promises to help the process along.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov is an incorrigible believer in an impending pollutionocalypse.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov did recently have a harsh 'brush with reality.' he attended a 'collapse conference' run by his usual circle of people, and was heckled off the stage by 'feminist' types
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov's boat routinely floats about in the open ocean. but, as i understand, he still relies on an intact usa for supply line, and has a day job of some form there. but - unlike me - he also has russian passport. and occasionally makes use of it. so he's something rather like a free man.
asciilifeform: just like - for example - orlov will delete any comments inquiring about what kind of arms, if any, are to be found aboard his ship
asciilifeform: http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2011/04/financial-totalitarianism.html << orlov is also convinced that totalitarian monster is still strong, will succeed in crushing anything it likes with remaining tentacles.
mike_c: well then why does orlov end up in that corner?
mike_c: because you were knew of, and were interested in learning more about bitcoin. orlov knows and is not interested.
asciilifeform: inidentally, orlov swore off writing any further books re: collapse, declaring 'i've said what there is to be said.' making him, afaik, unique in that 'field.'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: herr orlov was engineer of some description before 'bugged out'
mircea_popescu: "Suppose you have a company that sets out to make a widget. Let's call it Company A. Its founders are all engineers, of an uncompromising sort, and the widget they design and manufacture is of tremendous longevity, durability and overall quality." << hey check out orlov. ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: can't help but remember orlov's point about the deer hunt
asciilifeform: (anyone who wants to be nomad - straight to herr orlov)
asciilifeform: (as described in orlov's classic - http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2009/03/welcome-to-fuffland.html)
asciilifeform: speaking of sewage, i recently had occasion to learn the details behind herr orlov's assertion that usa minus mains current will drown in own shit ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: remarkable how much orlov gets wrong given how much he notices.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-madness-of-president-putin.html << herr orlov on pussyriot etc
gribble: ClubOrlov: The Rationale behind the Boston Psy-ops: <http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-rationale-behind-boston-psy-ops.html>; JOURNAL: Dmitry Orlov on Collapse - Global Guerrillas: <http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2010/11/journal-dmitry-orlov-on-collapse.html>; Mario's Fresh Bait - Geelong, VIC - Shopping & Retail | Facebook: (1 more message)
asciilifeform: ;;google crank bait orlov
asciilifeform: ^ first saw that one on orlov's page. i think he's friends with the artist.
TheNewDeal: dead souls Club Orlov?
jurov: lol they'll cotinue with it on ukraine and with bonus convince everyone incl. orlov that "them us puppets ordered that"
jurov: well, if orlov's right, russia is right on way to extens its eugenic program to whole eurasia soon
asciilifeform: herr orlov had a piece, where he 'what if concert pianos sometimes exploded'
asciilifeform: paging herr orlov,
BingoBoingo: This goes to the Orlov, the USSR was set up be not collapse as painfully as the thing could have otherwise.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform orlov definitely has a point there. bnw style stratification is a definite future available.
asciilifeform: not to mention other interesting nuances (see herr orlov's blog, not me, for detail) - e.g. dry-docking regularly to patch/repaint the damn thing
TestingUnoDosTre: I tried looking for this orlov piece and all I could find is an entire Russian family that runs back 300 years, and some hockey player
asciilifeform: (herr orlov's crackpot crusade)
mircea_popescu: and i don't think orlov even uses the latter, just, a current russian expression ascii explained in english at some point
Duffer1: you've mentioned orlov a few times
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell asciilifeform "Social networking and mobile computing are hot" dude this orlov guy...
asciilifeform: oldie but goodie. orlov on twittards / silicon valley / etc. -
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: afaik, pretty much the only one who's put in the sweat to explain it in english is orlov
mircea_popescu: then we'll get perhaps to hear all about the arab nazis on orlov's blog
asciilifeform: it isn't orlov's (or putin's) fault that the west ua folks insist on becoming something out of a comic book
mircea_popescu: but listen, had orlov called them "privileged male chauvinist pigs" i'd have went "whoa, when did this guy join the blue side"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so how is it that herr orloff is using the terminology of the russian propaganda, you figure ?
asciilifeform: - orlov's 'post-soviet lessons for post-american century'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform wow, orlov is pro moscow ?!
mircea_popescu: uh orlov deleted it from his blog ?
asciilifeform: channelling herr moldy and orlov: '...it's not clear that you'll want the old world on your resume.'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so orlov finally found costa rica huh
asciilifeform: "To this day pots of late-Roman gold are periodically dug up in England during excavations of Roman villas; the residents of these villas were unable to derive any benefit from their hoards as their empire collapsed and the Dark Age closed in around them." (further from herr Orlov)
asciilifeform: dmitry orlov
Duffer1: this orlov article reads a lot like our discussion on real estate rent
asciilifeform: in orlov's world, a proper system is where you rely on family to feed you in old age
mircea_popescu: lmao! re your club orlov : i was persuaded to add a disclaimer to my article, which reads "but before you run to the interpretative races be advised that the “money” sybol is used correctly in its proper sense, rather than in what mistaken cvasi-definition you might have intuited for yourself, and this use colors the meaning of “time” too."
asciilifeform: also reminds me of orlov's essay on 'fufflers' and their symbiotic relation with the 'victims'
asciilifeform: well, orlov did.
asciilifeform: people occasionally ask orlov about btc
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you found the "collapse gap" piece interesting, read Orlov's full length discussion "Post-Soviet Lessons": https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M56LtVzVcYJSMGKm5CV2RcePETqK1BwvF-Pb5AkdTXM/
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: Orlov has been writing since the mid-2000s