2000+ entries in 1.151s
assbot: Logged on 12-07-2015 22:24:39; *: jurov expects asciilifeform to shoot holes in it ^
trinque: #<HUNCHENSOCKET:WEBSOCKET-ACCEPTOR (host *, port 8081)>
asciilifeform: grep -i nMinRelayTxFee * | wc -l
trinque: asciilifeform: the text of that message silently crashes or hangs python when **printed!!**
assbot: Logged on 09-07-2015 18:17:05; *: asciilifeform sick of being 2nd-most-lines
asciilifeform: funkenstein_: he was all over sci.* a decade+ ago
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 0.00034513 * 270
mod6: I don't see any attempt to reorg... but i'm gonna increase the db locks * 2 and see if that changes anything.
solrodar: grep virtual *.h :)
asciilifeform: in *.cpp and *.h
assbot: Logged on 08-07-2015 05:16:27; ben_vulpes: * williamdunne currently has a neck that looks like Cheetah fur, lovely patterned bruising << furries, asphyxiation...
assbot: Logged on 08-07-2015 05:16:27; ben_vulpes: * williamdunne currently has a neck that looks like Cheetah fur, lovely patterned bruising << furries, asphyxiation...
ben_vulpes: * williamdunne currently has a neck that looks like Cheetah fur, lovely patterned bruising << furries, asphyxiation... ☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform changes gloves, gas mask filter << Shouldn't you step away from the cesium dust first?
assbot: Logged on 07-07-2015 04:26:43; *: asciilifeform confesses that he did not know this proof, and, as a student, wasted a great deal of time trying to devise such a thing
mircea_popescu: quoth php manual : "?php /* * Makes the value of "result" congruent to "value1" modulo " value2"."
mircea_popescu: trinque, asciilifeform, wimc : if client fails to progress past 363736, the likely culprit is the db locks limit. look in derp.log (assuming standard derp) for "REORGANIZE\nREORGANIZE: Disconnect 6 blocks; 000000000000000006a3..000000000000000013fe\nREORGANIZE: Connect 7 blocks; 000000000000000006a3..0000000000000000014e\n\n\n************************\nEXCEPTION: 11DbException\nDb::get: Cannot allocate memory\nbitcoin i
ben_vulpes: my position being "if your notion of a valid block has to patch 0.5.*, get fucked."
phf: the general pattern is a bunch of read-* functions, that are all ultimately reduced to read-byte or read-sequence. the an (unsigned-byte 8) stream and return whatever datrastructure
shinohai: * Herbert Hoover and his wife also spoke Mandarin, so what?
assbot: Logged on 29-06-2015 04:05:44; *: BingoBoingo will likely attempt stator build on OpenBSD soon
assbot: Logged on 01-07-2015 23:49:23; *: asciilifeform fwiw, when worked with robot, had all the 'safety' interlocks disabled. they make it damn-near impossible to get real work done
ben_vulpes: * ascii_field mentally blows dust off his unwritten magnum opus re: ternary computing, 'tertium datur' << never have i been so hooked on so much promiseware
assbot: Logged on 01-07-2015 08:21:20; *: BingoBoingo hates both Github and "rolling release"
mircea_popescu: honestly the only sane arrangement would be either a) store each block as a file, or else b) store blocks in arbitrary sized files, each starting at offsed 1Mb * block_count
assbot: Logged on 01-07-2015 02:51:53; asciilifeform: if his blk** are ~original~ - as in, they were formed ~as the blocks happened~ - they can contain orphaned (in the traditional sense) blocks
asciilifeform: (because if sync is not complete, then naturally last blk**** will differ)
asciilifeform: if his blk** are ~original~ - as in, they were formed ~as the blocks happened~ - they can contain orphaned (in the traditional sense) blocks ☟︎
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform has the same ill feeling an astronomer might have were 'seti' signal to appear << We've outgrown everything but Z80+ECC and somehow that is too slow
mod6: **NOTICE** I'll be updating the graphs in this: http://thebitcoin.foundation/v0_5_3_1-wPatchesApplied/ in about the next ~15 minutes. So if there's a hiccup, just wait a minute or six.
mod6: cruddy hoes > *
mircea_popescu: For instance: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf ("Hello World\n"); } compiles to 985,018 bytes. This is almost all libc overhead.
mircea_popescu: * asciilifeform has never been to 'burning man' thing and never really grasped the appeal << pretty much the ONLY remaining spot on the west coast to meet slovenly females that are undemanding.
mod6: [*] Generate only Position Independent Code (PIC) (NEW)
mod6: well, so here's the deal. I can't get it to compile "by hand". meaning, that if i extract the 2 bzip'd files for uclibc: uClibc- & uClibc- and then patch the former with the latter with something like this: for i in `ls ../patch/*.patch | sort` ; do patch -p1 < ../patch/$i ; done
assbot: Logged on 22-06-2015 03:05:35; *: asciilifeform sorta assumed that miners already optimize for snarfing up max fee
assbot: Logged on 18-06-2015 20:42:01; *: ascii_field wonders why nubbins` is publicly begging lizard hitler to order his mail opened and tested
assbot: Logged on 18-06-2015 15:25:48; *: mircea_popescu has absolutely never followed the instruction
assbot: Logged on 18-06-2015 13:35:43; *: asciilifeform doesn't actually spend much time with pr0n, now or historically - for approximately same reason why he doesn't look at pictures of food
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=The+American+Fist | The American Fist. * When you fist a girl so hard and so deep it causes her to pass-out. * Shove it loud, and shove it proud. I really should have token my ...
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform only accepts optical, quantum interference mining modules from 'bitlazy' << lol
assbot: Logged on 16-06-2015 23:52:10; mircea_popescu: * ascii_field still not convinced that this is any kind of actual defeat for usg << and if i serve it cooked you still wouldn't be. it's like a religion with you :D
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> * ascii_field still not convinced that this is any kind of actual defeat for usg << and if i serve it cooked you still wouldn't be. it's like a religion with you :D << USG atm is in its "Opium Wars" phase except it is both Britain and China.
mircea_popescu: * ascii_field still not convinced that this is any kind of actual defeat for usg << and if i serve it cooked you still wouldn't be. it's like a religion with you :D ☟︎
danielpbarron: asciilifeform> what other kinds of broken everyday objects do you folks put up with ? << my (**picks up keyboard**) bicycle's breaks are shot and the gear shifter is sketchy
decimation: so youre 'gentoo' is really gentoo* where * denotes "hand selected all software"
mircea_popescu: ;;calc .95 * 1 + 2 - 2.8
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
assbot: Logged on 11-06-2015 23:11:47; *: mircea_popescu recalls some schmuck used a "supersecret" klingon poem or somesuch
mircea_popescu: M * 193 ? heh
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 23:57:56; mircea_popescu: http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A76BF4503AE2C55107D537EDABB05BDFB3DB93A3CAF697C1C5073FDD9EEF8F4E << interesting how these cluster. now we have a pure M * 29. rather than 11 or 13 rounding out, we get 29 diverging even further from expectation.
mircea_popescu: http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A76BF4503AE2C55107D537EDABB05BDFB3DB93A3CAF697C1C5073FDD9EEF8F4E << interesting how these cluster. now we have a pure M * 29. rather than 11 or 13 rounding out, we get 29 diverging even further from expectation. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform in a somewhat more sour mood than usual, on account of floppy drive in 486 having caught fire << This is tragedy actual floppy drives that haven't been run to shit or decayed on their own are increasingly rare
ascii_field: 'Why is Perl so F***ing special that it gets its own utility for un-f***ing it every time I need to update my system? Why does gentoo use perl at all for anything? In my sight its a disgusting useless barnacle of a write only language and this dependency stuff just makes me not want to touch it, ever, if I did suffer from temporary dementia and considered using it in one of my projects. We don't need a python-cleaner or
assbot: Logged on 13-11-2014 19:04:36; *: asciilifeform admits that he suspects bip64 of being a plot to create usg-like bonds in btc. folks will be asked to trace X proper btc for X+epsilon 'locked' ones that are to land back in their pocket 'in the future', should they live long enough, but are actually recovable 'because this is how the world works'
shinohai: But, I'm sure they had credible intel *
assbot: Logged on 05-06-2015 02:03:53; *: mircea_popescu is confused by this contradiction
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 0.00032831 * 239624
mircea_popescu: ascii_field but 4727 = 29 * 163 which are primes
mircea_popescu: 4294967297 * 3 * 5
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
BingoBoingo: * williamdunne is actually just sitting at home refreshing people's RSS feeds pretending to be a bot << Oh, that's how oglafbot works
assbot: Logged on 31-05-2015 03:01:54; decimation: it's amusing that satoshi re-implemented MFC classes in his little util.* stuff. he was definitely a winblows VC++ guy
decimation: it's amusing that satoshi re-implemented MFC classes in his little util.* stuff. he was definitely a winblows VC++ guy ☟︎
ben_vulpes: ;;calc 20 * 700
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform thought that it died because machine for viewing porn in toilet doesn't need keyboard << Life for it I saw on campuses was people who wanted laptop, but didn't want to carry a laptop. Same people the next years I saw with heavier tablet/keyboard combos
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform retches from memory of ntsc screens << Sometimes... the content is already ntsc encoded...
ben_vulpes: "*** Update 7/18/06 *** You have to give the California Department of Motor Vehicles (the DMV) credit for creativity on this one. A DMV insider has disclosed to me that the DMV has made a formal request to a federal agency to rule if my Beetle constitutes a threat to national security based on what could happen if it got into the wrong hands."" << hah news to me since the last time i looked at the
ben_vulpes: *.x << contains thermonuke?
assbot: Logged on 28-05-2015 03:26:41; *: asciilifeform spotted a gurl from transylvania today; she worked in a restaurant; queried based on accent, familiar from hanging out with mircea_popescu
assbot: Logged on 27-05-2015 20:46:33; *: ascii_field isn't tickled by the idea at all, confesses
assbot: Logged on 27-05-2015 10:05:20; *: mircea_popescu still has a salivation reflex.
assbot: Logged on 26-05-2015 23:39:59; *: BingoBoingo imagines what happened was Adobe was giving schools Phree Dreamweaver for classes, and they just ran with it all the way
assbot: Logged on 22-05-2015 21:34:19; trinque: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel "I see no reason I can't sell computers pre-loaded with Masamune." be careful, you're underestimating the colossal difficulty of this and there are old skeletons on old battlefields that thought the same. *do you have the connections to make these sales to big businesses, militaries, private schools, and so on?*
trinque: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel "I see no reason I can't sell computers pre-loaded with Masamune." be careful, you're underestimating the colossal difficulty of this and there are old skeletons on old battlefields that thought the same. *do you have the connections to make these sales to big businesses, militaries, private schools, and so on?* ☟︎
gabriel_laddel: *: BingoBoingo finds most confusing about gabriel_laddel that he would suppose people pay for *nix'en + asciilifeform: i must confess that i personally would not pay -anything- for a unix of any description whatsoever. + mircea_popescu: i still don't see the money part. this is art, at best. + asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the way i understand, he t
mircea_popescu: 73014444049 = 17 * 641 * 6700417
assbot: Logged on 21-05-2015 21:22:14; *: ascii_field found this by looking at The List, of course
assbot: Logged on 20-05-2015 11:53:36; *: mircea_popescu underscores the ~probably~. it is not a certainly. not yet at least. moar uranium has to be mined first.
danielpbarron: !up Hasimir welcome to the biggest* best** irc channel!
assbot: Logged on 19-05-2015 21:22:35; *: ascii_field pictures slaves sweating
ascii_field: ;;later tell mircea_popescu *exactly like the one i showed you earlier. virtually same type of modifications.*
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
jurov: /* does this make sense????? */
ben_vulpes: * BingoBoingo though doing an honest assessment finds a person who can reasonably keep up in a lot of #b-a convos but who can't program for shit. And honestly... training to trade punches seems much easier than learning to program on any level approaching asciilifeform, ben_vulpes, and mod6. << you could catch up to me in rather short order
Apocalyptic: asciilifeform, isn't Π(∀n) the product of all the modulus treated by phuctor ? how do you get $schmuck-Q * $otherschmuck-Q by dividing it by (schmuck-P ^ 2) ?
indiancandy1: any*********
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 4737075 * 0.00009843
assbot: Logged on 12-03-2015 12:22:05; *: Adlai desperately hopes that '21' are trying to commoditize asic mining, rather than just another mining ktulu
mod6: * rc-update: local already installed in runlevel `default'; skipping << hmm.
mircea_popescu: * jurov proposes opening D.GBTC to close the circle :DDD << i would, if i didn't know in advance that the entire charade is entirely outside of any sort of economical considerations.
mircea_popescu: consider the following math : uranium reserves, about 6*10^9 kgs. about 0.1% of this is usable for the purpose. uranium molar mass is ~250 [grams/mol] which means ~ 6*10^9 * 1000/250 * 6*10^23 atoms in total. meanwhile energy output is ~200 MeV per event. your total ideal available energy is thus ~1.44 * 10^32 eV. meanwhile land surface is ~1.50 * 10 ^ 14 sqm. So you get a total of ~10*17 eV per square meter, or a litt
mircea_popescu: this shit costs 6 * 3161167 + 40 * 45110 + 45 * 1165 + 4 * 8824 + 1 * 8824 + 10 *1484 + 1 * 23877 = 20906664 satoshi to build.
assbot: Logged on 08-05-2015 22:45:35; *: BingoBoingo waits for 1U longsoon machines
pete_dushenski: 'gbtc'*
assbot: Logged on 06-05-2015 04:14:32; *: BingoBoingo still pissed over saturday's fight. Mayweather spent the whole time retreating.
mircea_popescu: i don't mean one that sucxks. i don't even mean one that doesn't suck. i mean one that's about (amd/intel in 1995)**3
kakobrekla: from some random source, and I quote; " * Module to easily and possibly securily sign strings."
mircea_popescu: sks build /var/lib/sks/dump/*.pgp -n 10 -cache 100 <<