1216 entries in 1.026s
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves bitbet model ? published addresses, you can traverse chain at your leisure ? /// You can verify cold wallet and your own personal balance. You cannot verify hot wallet though ("security reasons").
HeySteve: <+mircea_popescu> incentives do not belong in the wot.
mircea_popescu: let me put it this way : once judaism became large enough they +m'd the channel.
kakobrekla: 03:39.19 ( +mircea_popescu ) ".6 for the shares I bought at .6 or higher. I have all the other shares, some were bought at .1 or so. I got 80% back and saved me a few years of courts and whatever (and he saved 20 years in jail). " this crap makes exactly 0 sense. < it doesnt need to make sense, goat is an idiot but garr is bigger one. it is possible he bluff pressed it.
kakobrekla: 12:53.02 ( +mircea_popescu ) [11:49:40] anyway, there should be a noob channel where people kindergarten their first year(s) in btc < all but -assets ?
ArsKisS: +m for some reason?
elgrecoFL: <+mircea_popescu> !up elgrecoFL
BingoBoingo: But on the matter of +m being a thing, isn't the person with L1 trust offering a chance at L2 trust taking a substantial risk
BingoBoingo: numerisTrade: We are all small, this space is still small. I mean +m only happened Friday.
Naphex: http://www.alienconcept.ro/en/prod/name/citypark+ticket+vending+machines?var=1 and
mircea_popescu: http://cryptome.org/2014/04/home-made-sec.htm << cryptome bravely wades into the public, withoiut a +m
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves this chan going +m.
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> lol who delivered this year ? // shit, it really is no one
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic i wonder if they'll do a wot-based +m :D
jurov: someone actually acted on the hookers+microphone proposal?
Azelphur: yea, it's coincidence more than anything else, there's been a few times I've typed stuff in here, had it dropped because of +m and gone to speak elsewhere instead
ThickAsThieves: ;;google #bitcoin-assets +m
ThickAsThieves: "<MisterE> well was nice chatting with you for a time I'm not fucking around with the +m nonsense"
Anduck: it's not +m and planned to not be
mircea_popescu: fluffypony oh, -otc is +m again ?
fluffypony: does every shitty Windows/web IRC client even notify you if you say something in a room that's +m and you're -v ?
Anduck: i see no reason for +m there
Anduck: what would +m change there?
fluffypony: Anduck: -otc would be great if it was +m, because !voiceme only requires auth with gribble
Anduck: i don't think -otc needs +m =P
[\]: I troll yet you asked me about how to get +m in here
BingoBoingo: I like how normalized +m is already
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves> if initiating noobs is a value held commonly here, isn't this a problem? << say this is college, not junior high /// fair enough
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> so, anyone think this is a bad idea ? /// I'm conflicted
Blazedout419: seems silly to set +m if it is that easy to get a voice ;D
benkay: pankkake: it's an augmented +m
pankkake: true. I just haven't found any influx of annoying people making +m worth it
mircea_popescu: benkay -otc was +m in the old days too.
artifexd: After the 12 hour troll fest in here last night, I wouldn't be surprised if #bitcoin-assets became +m and to get +v you had to be rated in the wot.
jurov: robwhiz22: google the logs for hookers+microphone
fluffypony: the red wedding: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/world/Nigerian+child+bride+forced+into+marriage+poisons+meal/9723504/story.html
Apocalyptic: <fluffypony> I wish Bitcoin-OTC was +m // it was back in the days
mircea_popescu: fluffypony #trilema is +m
fluffypony: I wish Bitcoin-OTC was +m
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller: there should be a gpg encrypted bitcoin illuminati forum<< once this chan goes +m it'll pretty much be it i guess.
dexX7: <khersonus> so, bitcoin sig needs: btc address, message, signature. << ?? you need a privkey and a message to generate a signature.. from the sig+message you can derive the public key
nubbins`: (this is the same sort of jack that headphone+microphone combos use)
Mats_cd03: whats the timeline on +m and 0.1btc for +v
mircea_popescu: nF7OkRneweXx5lluL0s2fPJF5NUrgrPd5l/9p5P5ltcdtL6O0PynsP3ujGYY8fi39vj/e/un1yPXv2XLyq4p2TafZyuid+Ci8n2uTLt9ev3ohNl5xP+CzDe/g682z95dCNQ+a9OzfSe/9CJ/vs85PLyXyL8f6b7v5NN46X5bb3LAOxe7w3M79j+9W2N0MrvPcFOdo5ea1Nds+Pnr4Qm26Pdsjs7YROdubZl8Fue49l23si8E6zD2Gb8V6+0z2H7CdM9By+N9uznsPe/Fd+k+M9mP36+v035zcar2h7d85+frX/+kSbHM7I7bHY9NmPl9fzw1cZtOkxKfccTr/9e6XnkOH9fprh3f363t/3PWk/+xbrjumBaHtnevuh6Pc+Of3sOMdL/nF280j3ezO85O3pue456M7YwUvy7oLk
mircea_popescu: mX2bPSGHU3Yw/+31++fTmya8j97s8Ov3xg9LeOXpDd6d8x/OP2TfmfmTNwXU6Wm6N/iwmtJH/8ne+vR69ka7l9IJ2Z+Qky8vMi67x5lrPmF7L3ZeXh5lW7JN81+/Jm+/mWYOff3u4vaDMpk/Ort4d51tOnj6Y3bM93RyebM7IY/k6Q3evVdkl2XIr8k5fX5ys3dyejR/ez63K7Ydup0e7b0g5MuL+eXNnJ49+0lvn/6ePfxyKlh+dpw93Wf7jMyn0iXnhH87P5j9xg9e/vx6/9WZNnl6+Pz4Umx6/112rv2v6OT9h/fXRJ2eZ+2OsBWf1ZH49MgOnV8eX353ezE7297G4fB8/gUTX+T57kS0va+yTc8yD/3r+fxo5+mbvQ8Zlw+kjndGzjNq54ezZy93zl9rk3df/M7OxKbbs+
Duffer1: https://www.google.com/#q=marinade+for+moose
benkay: https://www.google.com/#q=mt+gox+missing+bitcoins
Perlboy: and they just replaced their core banking with windows+mssql end to end
dexX7: lol these pictures are priceless: http://www.dailytech.com/Bitcoin+King+Pt+II+Mt+Goxs+Dictator+Karpels+Proves+Tragically+Flawed/article34452.htm
BingoBoingo: The NFL is trying to watch women the wrong way, anyways. Most of the women and girls I know favor this guy over the "All American" sort https://www.google.com/search?q=yadier+molina+tattoo&safe=off&client=ubuntu&hs=kyp&channel=fs&tbm=isch&imgil=_i-QdhSNVYsuXM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcTvSwzEK9Oe49mbzNu6AKJERZyAJuRbPbTzh2mITclXb6EW64AUDw%253B698%253B576%253BaQkQtdrU-z
davout: OR sum of asks+matching signed CS
davout: basically an exchange publishes list of accounts+balances+matching signed cold storage
mircea_popescu: i made trilema +m at some point in 2012 when i was sick of the romanians' drivel
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: imagine if every byte you threw in this channel cost a few satoshi. << eventually the chan will work like mpex, +m and it costs w/e to have voice.
pankkake: well actually you don't sign the key, you sign an identity (name+mail usually)
Vexual: slap i sonly for +m
Vexual: +m wont suffice
mircea_popescu: #trilema is +m
kakobrekla: a few more days and ill set it to +m , we do not need to converse any longer
kakobrekla: here http://www.google.com/search?&q="You+really+make+it+seem+so+easy+with+your+presentation+but+I+find+this+matter+to+be+actually+something+which+I+think+I+would+never+understand."
mircea_popescu: https://www.google.com/search?q=site:trilema.com+%22pe+ma-ta%22&complete=0
Kleeck: Guys. I highly recommend this book:http://www.amazon.co.uk/Everything-buying-selling-investing-Bitcoin/dp/1493699474/ref=sr_1_5/278-9187282-6189917?ie=UTF8&qid=1386865168&sr=8-5&keywords=bitcoin+miner
Diablo-D3: ;;ticker +market coinbase
nubbins`: https://www.google.ca/search?q=a+baker's+dozen+%2F+once+in+a+blue+moon
nubbins`: https://www.google.ca/search?q=once+in+a+blue+moon+*+number+of+horns+on+a+unicorn
mircea_popescu: as in https://www.google.com/search?q=eve+mining&complete=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch
firedrops: https://plus.google.com/+MikeHearn/posts/LW1DXJ2BK8k
mircea_popescu: incidentally, https://www.google.com/search?q=pircea+mopescu&complete=0 ☟︎
ThickAsThieves: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Reasonable+man+theory
pankkake: it's +m sadly
Duffer1: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=3+most+common+timezones
harrypotter: 
jurov: https://www.google.sk/search?q=popescu+ana+maria , click Pictures, choose any
Namworld: https://maps.google.ca/maps?q=lac+megantic&ie=UTF8&ll=45.996962,-70.059814&spn=4.808363,13.809814&safe=off&hnear=Lac-M%C3%A9gantic,+Le+Granit+Regional+County+Municipality,+Quebec&gl=ca&t=h&z=7
mircea_popescu: dude! /msg chanserv FLAGS +m
benkay: ;;later tell mjr plz remember fincen+money service businesses lincensing requirements when transacting > 1kilobucks per day
benkay: ;;later tell mjr_ plz remember fincen+money service businesses lincensing requirements when transacting > 1kilobucks per day
mircea_popescu: yeah. trilema is +m and voicelisted.
kakobrekla: or +m and have a voicelist
orkaa: mircea_popescu, http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fj3S53HuS6g/TuJ1RicnxkI/AAAAAAAAAOA/SmT71hseD78/s1600/Lamb+Tikka+Masala.jpg
kakobrekla: http://jezus.si:81/render/?title=Bitstamp+and+Mtgox+market+values+-+1+hour&vtitle=Dollars&from=-1hour&width=500&height=250&until=now&areaMode=none&lineMode=connected&target=alias%28bitcoin.mtgox.transactions%2C%22Mtgox%22%29&target=alias%28bitcoin.bitstamp.transactions%2C%22Bitstamp%22%29
jcpham: imsaguy everytime i get opped i do something wrong like +m the channel or try to fix the topic when it is topic locked
ThickAsThieves: for 3+mos
Chaang-Noi: 73%2F&size=83.4+KB&name=Recent+Photos+The+Commons+Getty+Collection+Galleries+World+Map+App+...&p=photo+9-11+airplane+crash+photoshopped+tower&oid=bd885a2e00be7a839184d95acdb7ea93&fr2=&fr=sfp&tt=Recent%2BPhotos%2BThe%2BCommons%2BGetty%2BCollection%2BGalleries%2BWorld%2BMap%2BApp%2B...&b=31&ni=220&no=55&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11lsq5c30&sigb=14bcp79hb&sigi=11lt5ct6m&.crumb=xXUGtlVbO1d this one
mod6: (20:55) <+mod6> wwjd
mod6: (20:46) <+mod6> "First, SD has paid more mining fees than everyone else in the world, combined." << Is this a lie?
mircea_popescu: pity it's +m and not +fuckyouyourestupid
jcpham: channel needs desperately to be +m
mod6: (15:53) <+mod6> (15:52) < danieldaniel> MPEX is gone << DDOS brought down the main site, you can get to it here: mpex.coinbr.com
gribble: Spider-Man: One More Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Man:_One_More_Day>; One More Day by Diamond Rio - The Last Time - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UWx-shGM0g>; One More Day Lyrics - Diamond Rio: <http://www.lyricsfreak.com/d/diamond+rio/one+more+day_20039940.html>
jurov: coinbr+mpex daytrading
mod6: (12:32) <+mod6> haha, no way.
mircea_popescu: this chan is noban, it works fine. my chan is +m, works fine
mod6: (10:04) <+mod6> lol
mod6: (10:04) <+mod6> What MPEx is, is not a website. I'm not sure why people fail to understand that. It doesn't even really need a damn website.
mod6: (10:07) <+mod6> then stop talking shit about stuff you don't understand FonziScheme
mod6: (10:06) <+mod6> asswipe
mod6: (10:06) <+mod6> you want to dog on my code, feel free.
mod6: (10:05) <+mod6> hahaha
mircea_popescu: a tx is (x+y+z) btc input (k+l+m) btc output.