171 entries in 0.502s
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651852 << i'ma have to do a likbez when i get home. mod6 did you even split the ads and adb pieces? ( i pasted them into same paste, for ease of reading ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: https://web.eecs.umich.edu/~sugih/pointers/gprof_quick.html << gprof likbez, if anyone wants to try.
asciilifeform: Framedragger: https://archive.is/qEQNe << likbez
asciilifeform: Framedragger: http://preshing.com/20110504/hash-collision-probabilities << re earlier. quick likbez on collision probability calculation using 'birthday theorem'
asciilifeform: did mircea_popescu ever write a 'likbez of partizan warfare' or similar ? i'd quite like to read it.
asciilifeform: http://codearcana.com/posts/2013/05/28/introduction-to-return-oriented-programming-rop.html << likbez
asciilifeform: ( http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-07#1265548 << short likbez, for n00bz ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: pretty good likbez re what specifically 'non-perlistic' programming is .
asciilifeform: Framedragger: it is also full of cribbed likbez material.
mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtahqXjFcxU << rocketry likbez.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-24 12:32 mircea_popescu: ahahahah steven dutch is hysterical. check out his like-this-not-like-that likbez : Да : http://www.uwgb.edu/DutchS/Graphics-Other/PSCI/IntelDomain.gif Нет : http://www.uwgb.edu/DutchS/Graphics-Other/PSCI/IntelCCult.gif
mircea_popescu: ahahahah steven dutch is hysterical. check out his like-this-not-like-that likbez : Да : http://www.uwgb.edu/DutchS/Graphics-Other/PSCI/IntelDomain.gif Нет : http://www.uwgb.edu/DutchS/Graphics-Other/PSCI/IntelCCult.gif ☟︎
asciilifeform: i'ma throw a very basic likbez into a comment, and possibly expand on it later.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526441 << likbez re diff make/automake ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: (likbez #3 : that the socialist shithead can not think of anything because too obsessed with anthill fetish should be informative as to his braindamage)
mircea_popescu: (likbez #2 : ant colony, nature's finest example of star topology, is for this reason uniquely bad example for the (correctly defined) "complex system". the boom-bust cycle of rabbits and other small rodents much better examples. complex systems are made of like parts, not worker-queen sorta nonsense.)
mircea_popescu: (likbez : ant worker is not genetically distinct from ant queen. epigenetics (mostly, env factors - as in feed) make the fenotypical distinction. consequently yes, whole anthill, as far as its underlying mechanics go, is found in each worker ant, all you have to do is sequence the dna and explore the possibilities. that such is currently a computationally prohibitive task is not relevant to the discussion.)
asciilifeform: http://facthacks.cr.yp.to/fermat.html << bernstein's quick likbez on subj
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform likbez is ipso definitio "list of obvious, except not obvious to you"
ascii_field: ^ basic likbez
adlai: in other leddit news, "/r/BTC, a likbez": http://redd.it/3wy6z > 10m later: http://redd.it/3wy8zm > 1h later: http://redd.it/3wyihe > finally, http://redd.it/3wyqa0 (no need to read, just see the titles)
assbot: Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1Kn0Pqf )
mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2014/11/buterins-waterfall-a-likbez/ << i had forgotten alf put all the work into this!
assbot: Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1Kn0Pqf )
shinohai: I liked this a lot http://qntra.net/2014/11/buterins-waterfall-a-likbez/
asciilifeform: time for a brief likbez, perhaps. antecedent - earlier patch that must have happened to satisfy a given patch
asciilifeform: ;;later tell pete_dushenski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhlwy6d8vBk << not a bad likbez re: that other incident, also.
asciilifeform adds 'fits in head' likbez to middle of very long list
asciilifeform: http://www.uccs.edu/~tchriste/courses/PHYS549/549lectures/sputtertech.html << likbez
mircea_popescu: someone should write this likbez at some point. yo danielpbarron !
asciilifeform: ^ small likbez
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> ... westphalia likbez << even where i went to school it was taught, as a foundational gadget of the (pre-ww1) civilized world...
mircea_popescu: speaking of history : http://www.schillerinstitute.org/strategic/treaty_of_westphalia.html << westphalia likbez.
asciilifeform: ok, quick likbez on 'buildroot'
ascii_field actually does find it interesting, and if mircea_popescu ever writes a detailed likbez, will enjoy reading
ben_vulpes: neat likbez, asciilifeform, thank you
asciilifeform: http://www.servethehome.com/unbuffered-registered-ecc-memory-difference-ecc-udimms-rdimms << likbez re: ecc & buffering
asciilifeform: likbez for ze n00bz
asciilifeform: http://www.dribin.org/dave/keyboard/one_html << likbez
mircea_popescu: in the manner people write fucking books. or at least did, before the great usian likbez pogrom
thestringpuller: ;;ud likbez
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: what is the definition of likbez?
asciilifeform: time for an elementary likbez on the bunkers of gringolandia
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Looks like you induced some measure of a traffic spike. https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net New links to your likbez keep emerging.
asciilifeform: was a bit of a hurried job on my part, BingoBoingo asked for a likbez, and,
gribble: Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez | Qntra.net: <http://qntra.net/2014/11/buterins-waterfall-a-likbez/>; Buterin's Waterfall. : Bitcoin - Reddit: <http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2ljrdi/buterins_waterfall>; [Documentary Interview] Vitalik Buterin - Bitcoin Is A Transition ...: <http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2mge5h/documentary_interview_vitalik_buterin_bitcoin_is/>
BingoBoingo: mike_c: Nah he has an earlier likbez
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: the sheer amount of smoke and misdirection being sprayed over the disk diddler article is epic << Interested in producing a likbez for qntra on this sort of disinformation, in this case specifically?
decimation: asciilifeform: I second request for the likbez, would be useful to link
asciilifeform: ^ mircea_popescu thought that this was obvious and doesn't need a likbez. turns out he was wrong ?
assbot: Logged on 10-02-2015 02:58:05; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, BingoBoingo, cazalla, other writery folks: anybody up for writing a basic likbez for the 'unified theory' of amplification attack as it applies not only to boring ddos but to gavincoin and in general to any system where some bozo can inflict cost C on you by spending c where c < C
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, BingoBoingo, cazalla, other writery folks: anybody up for writing a basic likbez for the 'unified theory' of amplification attack as it applies not only to boring ddos but to gavincoin and in general to any system where some bozo can inflict cost C on you by spending c where c < C ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://imgur.com/a/e2RWY << made this quick likbez for the folks here
decimation: likbez!
assbot: 12 results for 'likbez' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=likbez
Pierre_Rochard: !s likbez
BingoBoingo: Pierre_Rochard: Well if you can figure out who they are feel free to submit a likbez to Qntra
assbot: Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1HaJiDN )
asciilifeform: xanthyos: http://qntra.net/2014/11/buterins-waterfall-a-likbez
assbot: Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez : Buttcoin
jurov: http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2lkevi/buterins_waterfall_a_likbez/
assbot: Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez : Buttcoin
jurov: http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2lkevi/buterins_waterfall_a_likbez/ < asciilifeform this is the right subreddit
scoopbot: New post on Qntra.net by asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2014/11/buterins-waterfall-a-likbez/
assbot: Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez | Qntra.net
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/buterins-waterfall-a-likbez/
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: likbez takes time unless a less ruminant thinker than myself writes likbez... (hint)
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo ferglubbssake write the waterfall likbez.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo is invited to write a ликбез ('likbez' - 'elimination of illiteracy) piece on the waterfall. << yeah prolly not a bad blog idea.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo is invited to write a ликбез ('likbez' - 'elimination of illiteracy) piece on the waterfall. << I guess I have homework now.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo is invited to write a ликбез ('likbez' - 'elimination of illiteracy) piece on the waterfall.