1232 entries in 0.975s
trinque: in my dreams there's an e-ink terminals-only device with an ethernet port and hardware rng
asciilifeform: PeterL: when i went to mircea_popescu's conference-2, had an attache of rng samples, which nobody at any of the borders was interested in so much as opening much less demanding to know how to plug them in
asciilifeform: and the money consists of what 'is worth now' according to magic arse rng
asciilifeform: if you have external ssh open (why?) into the thing, keep in mind that recent versions of freebsd had diddled rng
BingoBoingo: Feed the comment spam to the RNG
BingoBoingo: ;;google debian rng 2006
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i spent my 30th bday last yr populating v1 rng (x4) under stereomicroscope. whatever you did had to beat that.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes wouldja be happier if there was a rng added to the vote counts ? :D
asciilifeform: (these were rng boards, which are analogue devices and for which i have means of testing conformance to spec)
punkman: "URGENT: RNG broken for last 4 months"
asciilifeform: (for what? rng. small board, nothing secret therein. yes, motherfucker has my gerbers now)
herbijudlestoids: well, some of the odroids i know have a hw RNG, but i dont know how adequate it is
asciilifeform: ^ no proper rng in any of the machines discussed here
decimation: bitcoinquestions: it is my understanding that macOs uses freebsd's rng (Yarrow), but you are implictly trusting apple...
asciilifeform: toss it, replace with call to whatever rng is presently in use
asciilifeform: for instance, that marsaglia rng thing is probably unnecessary
asciilifeform: no, the rng part is a reasonable, traditional scheme
asciilifeform: mats: no attempt is made to isolate pc 5v power from rng;
asciilifeform: mats: the basic principle of the linked rng is very similar to mine. (fella stayed awake in school.) but the similarities stop there.
asciilifeform: they take usb (usb3 even.) and at one point in the beginning i almost suggested baking in a miner. but 1) who makes miners reputably 2) it has no rng (see log)
asciilifeform: but if you wanted to have any 'wallet' functionality, the thing would have to take rpc commands or equivalent on the lan, but more direly, would need either rng or an embedded one-time pad
asciilifeform: no rng in these machines. literally none.
asciilifeform has no idea, pontificating using anal rng
mircea_popescu: davout: one week later, scalpl made 7% profit <<< best rng ever :D
asciilifeform: an actual computer would have, at minimum, an 'oven' oscillator (capsule can also house rng.) or even rubidium oscillator.
asciilifeform: most curiously. (there is almost always a garbage rng, on such a chip)
asciilifeform: there is, however, no rng of any kind whatsoever.
asciilifeform: incidentally, if these are also to function as 'wallets'... i haven't any notion of whether, e.g., 'pogo', even has an rng.
artifexd: How could the crypto routines be compromised in a way that would matter? Weak key generation? gossipd doesn't generate keys. Weak rng during encryption? I pick the rng (and can offer an option for you to supply your own). Encrypting a message with an "extra" key so peet can read it? That should be easy to see in the code.
assbot: Logged on 15-07-2014 20:38:05; asciilifeform: Rassah: why are you using whitening (hashing) in rng? and 'because everyone does' is not acceptable answer.
asciilifeform: 'whitening' an rng is mostly fooling yourself.
asciilifeform: there used to be at least half a dozen small pc-based rng on the market.
asciilifeform: i wish i knew why folks still think rng is high science. it isn't.
jurov: yea, for example NeuG claims: It is a true RNG, with SHA-256 conditioning component.
jurov: kakobrekla: maybe because cardano nor its rng is not released yet?
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> (what rng? ring oscillator jitter, with sha1 whitening.) <<< better than many
asciilifeform: (what rng? ring oscillator jitter, with sha1 whitening.) ☟︎
asciilifeform: interestingly, thing has an rng, and manual actually provides a schematic supposedly for it.
xe4l: http://onerng.info/ new rng someone passed along
mircea_popescu: iirc that was due to a bad hardware "rng"
asciilifeform: btw entanglement to transmit rng to two ends is sop
asciilifeform: nobody (i hope) uses some bozo's www 'rng' site for weaponized anything
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: if all you need is an rng, you can very easily build a satisfactory one yourself in an evening. from, e.g., 1970s textbooks.
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: there's a toggle which forces continuous rng grind, yes
thestringpuller: so S.NSA will sell RNG dongle one day?
asciilifeform: during one of early rng discussions, i think
kakobrekla: he must go to show off the rng or smth? :)
iang: ha, no. Is that based on the RNG problems that various platforms had?
assbot: Improvments to RNG · 98d5a7c · blockchain/My-Wallet · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1G8kZ82 )
punkman: the R value thing, instead of using RNG, you can just hash tx+key or something like that.
asciilifeform: how is a safety-critical, rng-dependent process living in a www browser again ?
asciilifeform: bci << assuming story is genuine, betcha folks will still make glassy eyes 'wtf, academic' when told about rng and ecdsa nonces
assbot: Proof That Mycelium Knows How To Make A Better RNG For Its Entropy Dongle. And Isn't. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1y61MkH )
asciilifeform: pete's article: http://www.contravex.com/2014/07/17/proof-that-mycelium-knows-how-to-make-a-better-rng-for-its-entropy-dongle-and-isnt
asciilifeform: not a well-behaved rng by any metric whatsoever.
asciilifeform: no rng needed for this.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: a good rng will aid the process. << srsly, how do you keep this dry ?
kakobrekla: a good rng will aid the process.
asciilifeform: rng << it is so easy to build a proper rng, the astonishing part is that there are not 500 people selling them for fifty cents.
asciilifeform: thickasthieves: rng << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-10-2014#900085 ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i posted enough re: rng that any kid could bloody well copy it. but no, must have 'improvements.'
asciilifeform: punkman: for rng - yes! you can probably build it now.
asciilifeform: undata: the only formally published aspect so far is a set of high-res photos. but it, plus everything i have said about rng, is ten times more than enough to recreate it for a determined and impatient student.
undata: asciilifeform: have you documented your rng?
asciilifeform: bounce: he certainly devoted verbiage to 'nsa diddles rng, defend yerself'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: recall rng model 1 test ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fixed count on bits << easy as a fart. start with the bits, then shuffle with rng transpositions.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, know of any rng process to compute fixed count onbits random numbers ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: though it will further imperil folks who are enciphering on hardware without proper rng.
asciilifeform: wasn't it illegal to have a game machine with rng << reminds me of...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform wasn't it illegal to have a game machine with rng ?
asciilifeform: and knows of one with civilized rng
asciilifeform: davout, undata: rng is used at other times also.
asciilifeform: undata: or the folks with the master key to the pi rng.
asciilifeform: rng warz
BingoBoingo: bounce: Many of those abandoned, poor rng and gcc as FreeBSD derivatives
asciilifeform: i'll happily take a weekend off to read the rng gibblets, once you lot draft a proclamation of Giving A Fuck
assbot: Proof That Mycelium Knows How To Make A Better RNG For Its Entropy Dongle. And Isn't. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell PinkPosixPXE: When the Mycelium Entropy is inserted into the USB drive << see http://www.contravex.com/2014/07/17/proof-that-mycelium-knows-how-to-make-a-better-rng-for-its-entropy-dongle-and-isnt/
assbot: 3 results for 'sram rng' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sram+rng
asciilifeform: !s sram rng
PinkPosixPXE: it uses /dev/urandom, it's not hardware driven, it just pulls entropy through rng-tools software, rather than 'mouse input' or 'disk activity' etc.
PinkPosixPXE: So we have to increase entropy somehow. This can be done with rng-tools, a package to use a hardware true number generator (TRNG). Don't worry, you don't need any extra hardware, we will use /dev/urandom as our true number generator.
PinkPosixPXE: ignore the debian portion, rng-tools is something most OS's should have available
asciilifeform: PinkPosixPXE: this tool does precisely nothing without a hardware rng.
assbot: Helping The Random Number Generator To Gain Enough Entropy With rng-tools (Debian Lenny) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
PinkPosixPXE: http://www.howtoforge.com/helping-the-random-number-generator-to-gain-enough-entropy-with-rng-tools-debian-lenny
PinkPosixPXE: BingoBoingo: I'd need more details, but essentially you can use rng-tools/rng to increase the entropy on a server. How it would be implemented for your exact use, would require more discussion.
moldysnizz: Right? Any decent crypto needs decent rng.
moldysnizz: mircea_popescu, did you ever get a decent prototype of that RNG device working?
jurov: related to cardano rng
punkman: "It’s an impressive bit of work, especially in the RNG department." "This part of the build isn’t quite working yet"
assbot: RNG board is here ; cute shirts bonus pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: <Duffer1> mircea_popescu, shirt? http://trilema.com/2013/rng-board-is-here-cute-shirts-bonus/
jurov: or lol, if the platform has good rng, do monte carlo
mircea_popescu: rng!
mircea_popescu: "As for the algorithms themselves, the math, many like DSA are actually overtly designed by the NSA, so you can be sure they know how to break them, or they wouldn’t offer them. Others are probably expensive but crackable in high-interest cases (we’re talking quantum computers at their disposal). For anything super-critical I think a one-time pad is the only guarantee, and make sure your RNG works!"
asciilifeform: lol rng
asciilifeform: could not find decent rng to make keys << different story here.
mircea_popescu: think of it. could not find decent rng to make keys