1232 entries in 0.961s
deadweasel: selling a standalone usb rng would be a little too niche to market, i guess?
asciilifeform: board was build separately mainly for testing. final product may include embedded rng, but certainly with an external override.
mircea_popescu: and more rng board types.
pankkake: the fact that the rng board is separate is interesting… perhaps we'll see more products based on it? :)
jurov: i only see a discussion that rng may be sealed.. nothing more concrete
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: people spend billions of dollars on RNG for pure research, so I mean, is that really all that surprising?
mircea_popescu: more stuff about the cardano. basically we're spending an inordinate ammount of time on the rng side of things.
mike_c: i keep thinking.. the rng on that thing should be saleable in itself.
mircea_popescu: so cardano rng board was successfully populated, there's like oscilloscope illuminated randomness and general entropy pouring out of it. i'll be making a post with pics and whatnot once the lot of you stop hawking over the exchange.
jurov: deadweasel http://trilema.com/2013/rng-board-is-here-cute-shirts-bonus/
ozbot: RNG board is here ; cute shirts bonus pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/rng-board-is-here-cute-shirts-bonus/
mircea_popescu: mike_c elitist rng
asciilifeform: for cardano fans: rng to be tested this week.
mod6: so as in the Lamport scheme: RNG produces 256 p & q respectively (512 hashes total), each 256 bits in size these combined are the privkey (p1->256+q1->256 )all of these together equal the privkey. and the pubkey is each of the 512 p's & q's hashed (256 bit) and concatenated together?
nubbins`: i'm picturing a Hiwatt with a built-in RNG
ozbot: Linux RNG May Be Insecure After All - Slashdot
jurov: http://it.slashdot.org/story/13/10/14/2318211/linux-rng-may-be-insecure-after-all
nanotube: gecko_x2: yea, but one could avoid using the on-cpu rng. as to tor: would be even better if we had more nodes. there are only a total of 4k-ish.
mircea_popescu: such as hardware rng, such as the zapper yes,
smickles: ;;later tell mircea_popescu what RNG did you use for the new mpex key?
pankkake: it would be easy to do some good rng on such device though, add things like mic, temperature sensor, or even accelerometer
mircea_popescu: they dobn't have good rng.
pankkake: interesting. how do they have good rng though, from an isolated machine with no inputs?
mircea_popescu: apparently linus t was complicit in weakening linux rng implementation.
mircea_popescu: re the entire linux rng discussion
kingofsports: his games are not provably fair just the general audited RNG bullshit, i dont play but its funny cause i so want to prove over a sample of 100,000 rolls that his game is -EV
Scrat: the "broken rng" in question is the hmac of sha512
Diablo-D3: when you can do probabilities on the next dice roll due to a broken RNG
Diablo-D3: they had a flaw in the original RNG
Scrat: dooglus: how many virgins did you sacrifice to the RNG gods
imsaguy: nobody would ever suspect 0 as a RNG seed.