271 entries in 0.765s

ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09 jfw: ah there was also Eucrypt, part of which was a liberation of gcrypt from Werner
Koch & co. right?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-04 01:39:30 mircea_popescu: there's a lenghty pile of disadvantages to the current mechanism we use, not least of these being that it actually imports
koch-pgp. it also does suspect signature shenanigans of all sorts, which could potentially present security risks
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: I'd very much like to finally move off
koch-gpg and so ~anything in that direction is quite of interest to me; I'll gladly help re eucrypt too if/when needed, if that's a block for anyone.
mircea_popescu: there's a lenghty pile of disadvantages to the current mechanism we use, not least of these being that it actually imports
koch-pgp. it also does suspect signature shenanigans of all sorts, which could potentially present security risks
mircea_popescu: so
koch-gpg is, out of the box, worse than useless for archival : tar / zip / etc as they exist on unix-likes are fucked in the head enough such that if there's a byte error, either the remainder of the archive or the bytes past that one in the list are lost ; but this can be mitigated at least by having multiple copies. gpg however, multiple copies are equally useless, if none make it intact the contents is lost, because
mircea_popescu: in other "lulz", in the sense that
koch & co are so fucking evil it boggles the mind : gpg has an ascii armored mode, which however contains no error recovery.
a111: Logged on 2019-02-17 16:05 asciilifeform: ( and when found that ~despite this~,
http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2906 , was pant-shittingly hilarious, how
koch still managed to be the tortoise in the race )
koch application of fermat DIRECTLY maps on the above "random definition".
mircea_popescu: then
koch expects to be hired because
koch ~is~, whatever the hell he might be, polite, pedigreed, mit-degreed, "famous" in the smartphone sense etcetera.
koch is implementing fermat because fermat ~is~ the test, not because fermat ~does~ something.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-30 16:43 asciilifeform: ( as i understand, in
koch world fermat test uses ~exactly same # of cycles as 1 shot of m-r )
mircea_popescu: (the view that gpg aka
koch-rsa leaks bits via signature isn't entirely dispelled even today)
a111: Logged on 2019-01-09 15:36 asciilifeform: last night i re-read diana_coman's piece on m-r , it is interesting just how much sweat diana_coman had to put in simply on account of
koch gnarl
mircea_popescu: yeah, and their name is collectively "
koch" and "the gnu foundation"
mircea_popescu: so your reasoning was that if some bits get left out the
koch is gonna eat them ?
a111: Logged on 2016-11-26 16:31 asciilifeform:
koch's shitball per se is written in such a way that the cruft is glued on with broken glass (all the ciphers are modularized in very gnarly multilayered way, whole thing relies through and through on his weirdo streams thing, 1,001 idiocies)
a111: Logged on 2018-11-29 19:21 diana_coman: asciilifeform, and the loc is not the whole story either; I'd much rather read *your* 1000 loc than
Koch's 100 loc
diana_coman: although ofc it's more like
Koch's 1mn loc ~always
diana_coman: asciilifeform, and the loc is not the whole story either; I'd much rather read *your* 1000 loc than
Koch's 100 loc
☟︎ mircea_popescu: but yes, as far as anyone knows 2048 bit keys perfectly safe, now and for the foreseable future (this isn't a comment on
koch faux-pgp, which unsafe at any length as well documented in logs qntra and so on).
mircea_popescu: i should have thought of that! think alfie, a future world wherein all thart's left is nostalgia for the past. a past which is no longer accessible, except in the limited sense, that victorian novels about prim sad ladies have pages steeped in
koch solution ; whereas italian fiction of the plague will gladly give you it.
mircea_popescu: all that code SHOULD NOT have been shared. not with fucking red hat, not with fucking
koch, not with fucking drepper and so on.
mircea_popescu: "extension scripts", fancy that wonder.
koch put ethereum in gpg before ethereum was even "a thing"
lobbesbot: trinque: Sent 13 hours and 6 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> might be worth testing whether
koch's latest lul affects deedbot's gpg hose
ben_vulpes: hey, pete_dushenski how didja plug the fg into the
koch-rsa keygenerator?
ben_vulpes: pete_dushenski: you don't want a 4096 bit key; i can't find the relevant logs at the moment but
koch-rsa does bad shit when generating keys > 2048 bits
ben_vulpes: he is also in my
koch-rsa l1, what of it?
mircea_popescu: what is your standard of proof anyway ? suppose x claims that
koch works for weimer ; and y claims weimer works for
koch. how do you distinguish these claims ?
mircea_popescu: how about this "mechanical borrowing" system you proposes ACTUALLY weakens responsibility, because the 15, instead of taking seriously their true deed, which IS in fact authorship-indistinguishable, rather aim to hide behind a claim of "hey, we merely work here, signing signatures" a sort of "well i really wanted to X and the only part Y available was
Koch's so don't blame me"