271 entries in 0.759s
mircea_popescu: and then koch wants to go around pretending like he's one of us. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: but in general speaking, usg.koch blessed us with an idiocy which has to be resolved somehow.
mircea_popescu: ie, the reason koch-gpg-clearsing worked ok for us for a long time is that while flawed as alf correctly (and repeatedly for a year now) points out, nevertheless its hole falls atop a hole of v, namely that it doesn't do "-----"
mircea_popescu: incidentally asciilifeform : as a palleative : could we actually just fucking edit koch-rsa so that "----" rather than "-" becomes a symbol and deploy this on deedbot ?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-11 18:46 asciilifeform: btw for folx who are thick as a brick i will point out, that i SPECIFICALLY DO NOT WANT vdiff's '---' turned by idiot koch liquishit into '- ---'
asciilifeform: btw for folx who are thick as a brick i will point out, that i SPECIFICALLY DO NOT WANT vdiff's '---' turned by idiot koch liquishit into '- ---' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: that the niggers won't listen to usg is one thing - they get the TB treatment (body reaction to koch's bacile is to build walls, literally of calcar, around bacile ghettos in the lungs). who cares, 10% of the pop and concentrated in the poor south / poor urban areas. but by now the hippies don't listen either ? young whites ? that's becoming dangerous.
mircea_popescu: suppose what's his face with the blog shows up, +rates koch and that other idiot, and -rates you and mod6
mircea_popescu: one particular angle would be that if we generate republic-rsa keys (see http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524210 eg) as opposed to koch-rsa keys then yes eulora server will have to dump its privately maintained wot to deedbot periodically ; but on the upside we get very cheap transition to the new format while maintaining all the backwards compatibility one could want. ☝︎
asciilifeform: notice the several ways koch fucked it
asciilifeform: koch's shitball per se is written in such a way that the cruft is glued on with broken glass (all the ciphers are modularized in very gnarly multilayered way, whole thing relies through and through on his weirdo streams thing, 1,001 idiocies) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: now, the one hold-up here is that we've not yet settled on an universal-fingerprinting-function and we don't like how the koch-rsa fingerprinting works
mircea_popescu: even the notion of "expire" as implemented in gpg.koch is nonsense. should be replaced with "disused", as in, "i took it out of deedbot and am not using it anymore"
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2016/werner-koch-lies/ << Trilema - Werner Koch lies.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, from the koch conf, https://sks-keyservers.net/files/2016-09_OpenPGP-Conf-sks-keyservers.pdf >>> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5a0ab/?raw=true << guess of what 0 mention...
asciilifeform: in other noose, koch rolled out his 'wks' turd, http://www.golem.de/news/web-key-service-openpgp-schluessel-ueber-https-verteilen-1609-123194.html
asciilifeform: and meanwhile, '"The Web-of-Trust is a geek's instrument", "Hard to explain" says Werner Koch'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i do not regard the now-explicit cooperation of koch with boeck as uninteresting.
mircea_popescu: but the bullshit koch does ; or blizzard does ; or app development or etc ain't it
asciilifeform: neither does koch's not-sks.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: https://gnupg.org/blog/20160830-web-key-service.html << koch grunts again to push folks to gpg2. this time, by 'obsoleting' sks.
mircea_popescu: considering we have millions of keys, and considering the sort of shenanigans we've seen currently, including werner koch's gpg subversion most recently ; it would not be inconceivable at this point if a good chunk - thousands, hundreds of thousands of keys can actually be factored once we figure out which exact 20, 30, whatever bits are actual entropy , and how the nextprime is chosen on the basis of that.
asciilifeform: yes, that koch.
asciilifeform: 'GnuPG maintainer Werner Koch presented the Sunday keynote at GUADEC 2016 in Karlsruhe, Germany. He used the session to push back against the present trends in Internet architecture ... '
mircea_popescu: so wait, wait, if "nobody's key got compromised" then koch bug was no bug ?
mircea_popescu: Framedragger the problem here is moreover default trust. so you wake up one day and you see... "gnupg". nomina nuda. you look around, theres' "werner koch" idem, nomina nuda. you look, there's "tor" with "shari" and "isis". names, hollow as can be. but the natural tendency of the brain, to see movement in a succession of stills and meaning in noise and structure in names convinces you these are THINGS. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and in other koch, drepper, weimer news : http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbl5enj5Dm1qd2dcwo1_500.gif
asciilifeform: phf: koch, drepper, weimer (yes, i shit thee not, all three participated, grep for them in the credits) took great care to make this job as painful as can be.
mircea_popescu: first case of koch-gpg / openshit-ssh keys sharing a factor. pity it's such a lulzy one, HOWEVER, it does make the "sks error" nonsense just a little more lulzy.
asciilifeform: i'd be quite surprised if any of the participants (other than, perhaps, koch) even suspected there were any such thing as us.
mircea_popescu: soo... https://www.google.com/search?q=werner+koch&tbs=qdr:w << is google serving me special pages or does anyone else see trilema leadign there ?
asciilifeform: 'I _might_ have introduced the hole to mix in more bytes in each step. Or it was a plain bug.' -- koch.
asciilifeform: though funnily enough koch didn't pump ~that~ entropy from the whitened pool
asciilifeform: koch et al did a thorough job gluing the nonsense on with broken glass.
asciilifeform: ask koch.
asciilifeform: (other than further spew to hang koch by)
asciilifeform: http://trilema.com/2016/werner-koch-confirmed-usg-stooge << may need correction...
mircea_popescu: turns out EVERYTHING phuctor found comes straight from usg.koch
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2016/werner-koch-confirmed-usg-stooge/ << admire the FF FF pairs, among other things.
asciilifeform: and this isn't even the koch scenario.
mod6: <@deedbot> http://trilema.com/2016/werner-koch-confirmed-usg-stooge/ << Trilema - Werner Koch, confirmed USG stooge << mod this shit up
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2016/werner-koch-confirmed-usg-stooge/ << Trilema - Werner Koch, confirmed USG stooge
asciilifeform: (why a pool? why whiten at all? ask koch.)
asciilifeform: afaik koch didn't use zimmerman's code.
asciilifeform: and koch wants people to download ~entire tarball~ of src and rebuild ?
punkman: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5FD767024E90A94CC8B8FAAF203A5EB0F708D9E00CAA9147799D5E7E6F616D91 << werner koch's co << lol nice
asciilifeform: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5FD767024E90A94CC8B8FAAF203A5EB0F708D9E00CAA9147799D5E7E6F616D91 << werner koch's co
asciilifeform: how long, i wonder, has koch been dead.
mircea_popescu: "This patch also fixes a memory leak of opt.keyserver en passant." << first rule of koch, drepper, weiner & all nsa goons : ALWAYS bundle new vulns with memory leak fixes etc.
asciilifeform: but how is the fungus man 'smooth' ? as far as i can see, he is one gigantic wrinkle, like a von koch snowflake
asciilifeform: koch rewrote.
ascii_field: https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-users/2015-May/053644.html << koch claims that memory corruption can result in 1) corrupted key that is 2) has valid (!!!) signature. this is an insult to every intelligent reader and beneath contempt.
mod6: looks like that part of the code hasn't changed since the initial checkin of the code back in nov. of 97: committer Werner Koch <wk@gnupg.org> Tue, 18 Nov 1997 14:06:00 +0000 (14:06 +0000) 5393dd53c5e06f0458949217317601b2eaed8350 http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=5393dd53c5e06f0458949217317601b2eaed8350
decimation: pete_dushenski & asciilifeform : what about the koch brothers building their own western town in the middle of nowhere colorado
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> i do not know enough about koch to say < i do. he's old. this is a game for men, not for codgers.
asciilifeform: i do not know enough about koch to say whether he is likely to become a post-usg sovereign who might conceivably carry out experiments with artificial fucktopias
decimation: even if herr koch wanted to create a 'functional german hamlet' from ukraine, (for instance), how could he possibly do it without making it like disneyland?
assbot: Billionaire Bill Koch's new Colorado town is a private Old West marvel - The Denver Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1yXq7Ky )
decimation: http://www.denverpost.com/ci_21351638/billionaire-bill-koch-colorado-town-private
mircea_popescu: i don't share the power rangers' suspicions of Werner Koch.
asciilifeform: 'petertodd jrayhawk: it's interesting how more than one tor dev I've spoken too firmly believes Werner Koch - gnupg maintainer - is a NSA/BND plant with the goal of ensuring gnupg remains unusable (e.g. strong opposition to any attempt to make it into a library)'
BingoBoingo: decimation: I think of Denton more as the mirror image of the Koch Brothers, but that's a very imperfect correspondence.
BingoBoingo: mats_cd03: >> white last names with greatest likelihood: Yoder 98.1% Krueger 97.1% Mueller 97% Koch 96.9% schwartz 96.8% novak 96.8% schneider 96.7% schroeder 96.7% haas 96.7% << I've met 8 of these surnames
mats_cd03: >> white last names with greatest likelihood: Yoder 98.1% Krueger 97.1% Mueller 97% Koch 96.9% schwartz 96.8% novak 96.8% schneider 96.7% schroeder 96.7% haas 96.7%
decimation: " Banca d?Italia reveals that 1,199.4 tonnes, or nearly half the total, is held in the Bank?s own vaults under its Palazzo Koch headquarters on Via Nazionale in Rome, while most of the other half is stored in the Federal Reserve Bank gold vault in New York."
MisterE: Koch
jcpham: tyson got bought by koch
herbijudlestoids: www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/02/koch-brothers-palm-springs-donor-list
ozbot: Norwegian student Kristoffer Koch buys $27 in bitcoin in 2009, now he owns an apartment |
bitesak: http://www.news.com.au/money/money-matters/norwegian-student-kristoffer-koch-buys-27-in-bitcoin-in-2009-now-he-owns-an-apartment/story-e6frfmd9-1226748159679
mircea_popescu: http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2013/05/14/new-app-lets-you-boycott-koch-brothers-monsanto-and-more-by-scanning-your-shopping-cart/