473 entries in 0.5s
trinque: my life's pretty good, but as long as I'm here I'm no better than a happy citizen of the
reich ascii_lander: that wall would still be standing if there weren't a 'pepsi' competing
reich to poke at it
mircea_popescu: who in the
reich went "great, now terrorizes 1000 instead of 1"
assbot: Logged on 16-02-2015 04:18:04; decimation: the 'forced exercise' idea reminds me of a passage in the 'rise and fall of the third
reich': "The young in the Third
Reich were growing up to have strong and healthy bodies, faith in the future of their country and in themselves and a sense of fellowship and camaraderie that shattered all class and economic and social barriers. I thought of that later, in the May days of 1940, when along the road betwee
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 18:26:15; nubbins`: asciilifeform is actually ready to believe that chocolate is delicious more or less everywhere outside of the anglo
reich <<< canadian Cadbury chocolate contains british milk
nubbins`: asciilifeform is actually ready to believe that chocolate is delicious more or less everywhere outside of the anglo
reich <<< canadian Cadbury chocolate contains british milk
assbot: Logged on 19-10-2014 18:32:52; asciilifeform: engineers, who (as shown by the 'monolith' gedankenexperiment, search logs) often do not really apprehend how lizard-
reich and its subordinate bureaucracies really think.
ascii_field: as i've said perhaps a dozen times, if there isn't an icbm battery between you and the lunatic nato
reich - you're fair game to them.
decimation: Johannes Gross, one of the smartest German journalists, wrote: The longer the third
reich is dead, the greater the resistance against hitler and his ilk becomes"
mircea_popescu: up until leningrad it was not at all clear the
reich will ever end, especially not from outside.
jurov: She was a soothsayer and prophesied a fall of the Third
reich mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> gabriel_laddel: it was quite clear in '43 that third
reich would fall apart << is this some bit of original research ?
mircea_popescu: So bad have things become in the United States that one of their top right-wing commentators named Glenn Beck warned his listeners this week that the Obama regime was turning America into a Nazi-like Third
Reich and leading the US into a society of gas chambers.
decimation: the 'forced exercise' idea reminds me of a passage in the 'rise and fall of the third
reich': "The young in the Third
Reich were growing up to have strong and healthy bodies, faith in the future of their country and in themselves and a sense of fellowship and camaraderie that shattered all class and economic and social barriers. I thought of that later, in the May days of 1940, when along the road between Aachen and Brussels one saw
☟︎ the_scourge: the
reich is interesting... oil was a big issue for them
Dimsler: "Simon Heffer wrote in 2011 "Where Hitler failed by military means to conquer Europe, modern Germans are succeeding through trade and financial discipline. Welcome to the Fourth
mircea_popescu: <decimation> of course the ideology of that fourth
reich was harvard circa 1945 << very astute observation.
decimation: of course the ideology of that fourth
reich was harvard circa 1945
Dimsler: the fourth
reich take over of europe ultimatly ended in a wealth transfer scheme and a failing currency
Dimsler: the fourth
reich europe domination has proven to be a failure, instead of bodies all the tanned skin loungers got a free bmw or merc
mircea_popescu: hey, the protocols of sion thing was used to legitimize the
reich jurov: nubbins` if you're ever gonna make some b-a book, these
reich images are very fitting
mircea_popescu: the rich jews were still trying to make deals with teh
reich in 139
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: ^^ for the third
reich afficionados << damn. wayne still has it!
mod6: <+asciilifeform> like, your whole
reich goes down << wouldn't it be grand to have a spec so people can use that to build their own compliant reference implementation?
mircea_popescu: whenever people's conscience is the only protection, the third
reich is about to emerge.
mircea_popescu: it is after all a real state they got over there, not some sort of fourth
reich or anything.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: currency can survive about five minutes with a dead usg << more complicated. reichsmark outlived
reich by a few years (until occupying armies got their shit together) << didn't roman coinage remain in some limited use into the middle ages because of lack of alternative?
mircea_popescu: but as far as i recall, it was a serious source of friction between the third
reich gauleiters and eastern european nobility, that the latter despised the former on the grounds of... well... this, exactly.
mircea_popescu: if they worked together we'd be sitting here speaking german threatening doom to the third
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> fuckitall. watched that clip, now i just wanna be in friedrich's army. what have you done mircea_popescu! <<< lmao. die kaisrin hat sich mit den franzosen alliiert, und das romiche
reich gegen mich revoltiert die russen seind gefallen in preussen ein auf! lasst uns zeigen dass wir brave landeskinder sein!
benkay: DATA and their ilk are the equivalent of soviet or third
reich fascist informers.
assbot: Mouthbreathing Machiavellis Dream Of A Silicon
Reich | Blog | The Baffler
mircea_popescu: yes yes i get that, there isn't a third
reich because you live in the poznan forest, rather than on the warta field
bounce: can just declare the 10 day
reich at home then. take two weeks off, nobody notices. success.
Bowjob: maybe we'll see the 4th
reich mircea_popescu: EskimoBob sure. nazi germany laws were criminal, and they created liability for loyal subjects of the 3rd
__Atlas__: Israel is pretty much the Third
Reich in reverse
EmanuelDeOrtego: People have gone as far as to call the RNC the Third
Reich over this.