500+ entries in 0.622s
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-18 18:44:31 jfw: "minimal possible bootable" seems a slippery goal, you could trim down to barely any OS at all. But then some pesky user comes along and wants graphics, and
TCP, and to run on recent iron and then what.
jfw: "minimal possible bootable" seems a slippery goal, you could trim down to barely any OS at all. But then some pesky user comes along and wants graphics, and
TCP, and to run on recent iron and then what.
trinque: I don't think you expect to actually be yourselves patching acpica autoconf automake bash bc bison bzip2 cl-hyperspec clisp dash db flex gales-util gcc64 git gnupg less libevent libressl libusb links m4 man-pages man-pages-posix mandoc ncurses nginx ocaml openssh patch pciutils perl php56 py-setuptools python python-docs qmail readline redis sbcl sqlite sqlite-doc tmux ucspi-
tcp vim xz zlib
mp_en_viaje: in other sads, ~all of the czech republic has a massive connectivity issue ; no fucking internet in prague's worth the mention, my remote-over-telco links are just as bad because it's not
tcp/ip level but actually telco level, and for some reason satcover here is shit right no
mp_en_viaje: even
tcp'd have been ok by itself. the "pingpacket" thing is dumb.
BingoBoingo: All of them doing
TCP SYN without getting my dumps requested in person ours ago.
BingoBoingo: "Can I get a packet dump from at least one of the floods before sitting down and discussing options for moving forward. The graphs seem to show when activity is happening, but they lack information that could be used to put together a mitigation strategy. Is the incoming traffic UDP,
TCP, ICMP, etc? Is there any information that suggests an origin or origins. Hay una falta de información forense que pueda ayudar a evaluar lo que est?
mircea_popescu: i mean, i see the merit, but isn't this rather
tcp-style overloading of adhocisms ?
bvt: asciilifeform: today i had a quick look through stevens, apparently timeout for SO_KEEPALIVE is two hours (digging through linux source confirms), so i don't think this option is any useful as is; TCP_KEEPIDLE sets the keepalive timeout per-socket, but then there is a question to which extent to rely on all of these socket options.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 20:14:25 lobbes:
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-09#1935281 << bvt, would you be able to produce the vpatch? I would, but a) my knowledge of
tcp stack / kernels / etc. is pretty much nil and b) I'm gearing up to focus 100% on mircea_popescu's latest mp-wp bot ask if I end up winning this auction.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 17:22:25 asciilifeform: i still dun grasp why os's
tcp stack doesn't liquidate a socket known to be stone dead. but this i suppose is a q for the original perpetrators , when they're connected to 220v
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 06:50:37 mircea_popescu: (this, also, before we get into "Hunchentoot talks with its front-end or with the client over
TCP/IP sockets and optionally uses multiprocessing to handle several requests at the same time. Therefore, it cannot be implemented completely in portable Common Lisp. It currently works with LispWorks and all Lisps which are supported by the compatibility layers usocket and Bordeaux Threads." discussions.)
mircea_popescu: (this, also, before we get into "Hunchentoot talks with its front-end or with the client over
TCP/IP sockets and optionally uses multiprocessing to handle several requests at the same time. Therefore, it cannot be implemented completely in portable Common Lisp. It currently works with LispWorks and all Lisps which are supported by the compatibility layers usocket and Bordeaux Threads." discussions.)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-22 12:35:01 asciilifeform: spyked: mine disconnects strictly when a send() or recv() actually return eggog (i.e. indicating dead
tcp pipe)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-22 21:48:34 trinque: the thing's literally built atop
tcp which supposedly has "connections" and it wants this ping/pong mechanism atop. ask me how many more hours of my life I wish to dedicate to this duck cunt that just wants a bit more.
trinque: the thing's literally built atop
tcp which supposedly has "connections" and it wants this ping/pong mechanism atop. ask me how many more hours of my life I wish to dedicate to this duck cunt that just wants a bit more.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-20 15:01:22 asciilifeform: atm i vaguely suspect that
tcp on piz is slowed by an inept wiretap somewhere.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-20 07:47:16 mp_en_viaje: would like to take the time to point this out re ye olde discussion of "is something to learn / is nothing to learn", coming up oft re gosspid but generally always there. "to learn" is insanely vague an operator. just because you don't learn anything useful [about programming] while doing, say, python, it still dun mean you don't learn anything useful about your girflriend, or the
tcp infrastructure, or router har
mp_en_viaje would like to take the time to point this out re ye olde discussion of "is something to learn / is nothing to learn", coming up oft re gosspid but generally always there. "to learn" is insanely vague an operator. just because you don't learn anything useful [about programming] while doing, say, python, it still dun mean you don't learn anything useful about your girflriend, or the
tcp infrastructure, or router hardware, or the difference be
bvt: asciilifeform: until the day for
tcp to die arrives, you'd still have to interact with
tcp warts in that or other form
bvt: true, but i don't find '80% of cl argument' too convincing; if want comfort, sure, use cl/python; want hard memory limits and gcc performance, can use ada, it won't be fundamentally dirtier (due to
tcp and db stuff), just more boilerplate code
a111: Logged on 2018-08-21 17:36 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-20#1843300 << little known fact: slime's architecture was originally implemented in a similar project for erlang called distel, by the same author luke gorrie. lukego also wrote an emacs clone in erlang and
tcp/ip stack in cmucl.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-29 08:51 spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915245 <-- in other c coad, /me spent his last 2-3 weeks looking at the
tcp stack implementation in linus' kernel. it is truly a fungus, macguyvered with duct tape and rubber bands, such that changing one line almost anywhere breaks shit all over the place.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-29 15:27 asciilifeform:
tcp shows erry possible sign of having been designed, from the start, to extend the ease of snoopage from traditional circuit-switched telco grid, to the packet world. consider e.g. the 'helpfully' plaintext sequence numbers.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-29 08:51 spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915245 <-- in other c coad, /me spent his last 2-3 weeks looking at the
tcp stack implementation in linus' kernel. it is truly a fungus, macguyvered with duct tape and rubber bands, such that changing one line almost anywhere breaks shit all over the place.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-14 14:31 asciilifeform: Framedragger: the problem with
tcp isn't simply that enemy can insert an RST packet and make you blame your peer. (and whitelists do 0 against this.) but that it is very expensive , computationally, long before you have any idea who you're talking to.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-26 13:34 asciilifeform:
tcp is evil, fundamentally because it violates the 'NEVER something-for-nothing-to-all-comers-FUCKOFFRANDOS' principle.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-29 09:06 spyked: the weird part is that the linux
tcp stack ~works~ for the most part. I imagine the maintainer of that particular subsystem must be a neckbeard with 20+y experience in
tcp (because sure, it's not only the implementation, the protocol itself is a mountain of complexity)
spyked: the weird part is that the linux
tcp stack ~works~ for the most part. I imagine the maintainer of that particular subsystem must be a neckbeard with 20+y experience in
tcp (because sure, it's not only the implementation, the protocol itself is a mountain of complexity)
☟︎ spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915245 <-- in other c coad, /me spent his last 2-3 weeks looking at the
tcp stack implementation in linus' kernel. it is truly a fungus, macguyvered with duct tape and rubber bands, such that changing one line almost anywhere breaks shit all over the place.
☝︎☟︎☟︎ Mocky: and i can also expand later on what's with the 'connecting',
tcp? and what's with the directories, protocol on top of
tcp? I'm hoping that its figurative and you don't literally want to build gns on
tcp and
http mp_en_viaje: but the point here was, that as long as what you're implemeting is, say,
tcp, or dram, what you will get is not in fact a safely auditable object.
mp_en_viaje: now imagine a fpga, surrounded by 725 islands, leveraging each one thing, this is net-a that is
tcp-ip-b, that'
mp_en_viaje: so : suppose a)
tcp/ip is intrinsically, by its very [deliberate, and previously uknown-ly so] design vulnerable to "blowhammer", which is a class of yet undescribed attacks ; suppose your fpga includes an electrically-isolated leverage for a.
a111: Logged on 2019-03-26 21:31 asciilifeform: i'll add that even a
tcp skin wouldn't be entirely useless ( right nao the only way to write a wwwistic proggy in ada is to use adacorpse's 'gnatsockets' crock of shit )
mircea_popescu: might tbe a better route, esp if it delivers a cheap way to a
tcp-based republican web, to replace the www.
BingoBoingo: There's likely logistics lessons to be learned. Timings necessary to keep conenctions open and other
tcp weird.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-04 22:05 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: iirc i proposed at one time an intermediate item on the way to proper gossipd ( 'serpent'-ciphered tunneler to connect coupla ircd instances to each other, and ditto for users ( get otp cookie a la deedbot, get a key that's good for 1
tcp connect ) but so far instead followed mircea_popescu's advice re not wasting sweat on such a thing, but pushing with ffa so as to get with what to gossipd.
tcp, prospect of "wtf, mysql, postgres", prospect of wtf we do with xml, prospect of cl-php-replacement, prospects galore.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-22 07:16 mircea_popescu: and yes, obviously, the problem is
tcp connection is stateful, which means memory allocation, and SUCH THINGS (if not necessarily just that thing).
mircea_popescu: and yes, obviously, the problem is
tcp connection is stateful, which means memory allocation, and SUCH THINGS (if not necessarily just that thing).
☟︎ mircea_popescu: no, what i'm saying is that with udp it is ~never worth "Retrying" in the
tcp sense.
mircea_popescu: 6. if you pertmit this 16kb item be chunked, you basically rebuild the
tcp ddos bs long discussed here. if it has to be in 1 piece, you can always use or discard on sight.
mircea_popescu: but, yes, alf has a point : meanwhile read up ~on
tcp~. despaired.
BingoBoingo: End then we'd have to strip down
tcp over carrier pigeon to get UDP over carrier pigeon
mircea_popescu: i'm currently connected through the internet through sheer force of will, and there's a
tcp thing trying to rape this.