72 entries in 0.619s

mircea_popescu: all the way to the drastic sadness of "supermarket" stocking or "posh"
hangout places, including there the relationship of the people themselves to the obvious (and obviously disavowed) awareness of their inadequacy.
mircea_popescu: first the chicks with great tits show up, and make a party out of a desert. then the chicks with ugly tits hear about the nice tit
hangout and go there to try and sprinkle some nice on their sad bosoms.
shinohai wonders if alf's attic would make a better BDSM
hangout than that place mircea_popescu mentioned in Disk Less Terminal
trinque: asciilifeform: thought wasn't that the shooting was the
hangout, but the leak of "they made me watch ISIS vids" to press
trinque: I can't put it past these idiots that they'd try a limited
hangout on their impending 91
mircea_popescu: i already know. she was in some poor people
hangout or other doing poor people thing a or b.
mircea_popescu: is this entire "apt" thing the
hangout repackaging of raiu's earlier psychosis ?
mircea_popescu: the "future of bitcoin" will be bitcoin, and it will be pointedly NOT "as anonymous and private" as a made-for-usg fake anon/privacy
hangout. at the very least for as long as i'm around.
mircea_popescu: yeah, who is that twerp again ? seems a rehash o\f the entire "twobitidiot"
btcdrak: I'm on a google
hangout with them right now, just checking.
assbot: Logged on 28-02-2015 04:57:56; asciilifeform: essentially, something so utterly catastrophic to usg that it could not possibly be a
hangout danielpbarron: I joined his google
hangout one time; the guy was so flabbergasted with my position that he kept repeating explitives relating to how unbelievable it was
ascii_modem: lol which 'yourself' ? and how to know it wasn't a
hangout design
TomServo: asciilifeform: what do you mean 'is a
danielpbarron: flibbr-dev, are you the guy I had a google
hangout chat with?
justusranvier: Maybe one of these days you could get on a
Hangout with us for a Q&A.
decimation: in retrospect that kind of "proposal" sounds more like a 'limited
hangout' kind of operation
danielpbarron: i wasn't "in" the
hangout; I was asking questions in the troll box
Mexual: maybe hey can make a better google
hangout Mexual: whos running the
Hangout with Anthony Di Iorio of Ethereum, and Daniel Larimer of BitShares, with Special presente... - YouTube
cazalla: mircea_popescu: there is a new exchange here in au, cointree.com.au, i emailed and invited them here, they were happy to meet for coffee or do a google
hangout but no show here :\
csshih: is this the new cool kid
hangout simlay: Seems like a good place to
hangout no less.
ozbot: PressTV - How to identify CIA limited
hangout op?
truffles: its like the perma
hangout spot for bitcoiners
afrotec: they need a better name than "
ThickAsThieves: soon Google
Hangout or whatever they call it by then will be fully functional in the same way, and I'll be able to suggest using my overlord of choice
bitcoin935: why is a known fraudster(chaang-noi) allowed to
hangout in this investment chat?
bitcoin935: and continue using a fraudster
hangout benkay: <bitcoin935> i dont
hangout on those shitty forums