977 entries in 0.52s
asciilifeform: https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/08/16/secret-sharing-erasure-coding-guide-aspiring-dropbox-decentralizer
pete_dushenski: "To date, the developers have raised just over $65m from nearly 700,000 backers, which makes Star Citizen the largest crowdfunded project there has ever been by a huge margin. (The next largest, a publishing platform called Ethereum, has raised a comparatively paltry $18m.)"
mircea_popescu: for the reason that you know, nobody absolutely had any ethereum in the first place ?
danielpbarron: what's the deal with ethereum going to counterparty? I'm curious as to how your short contracts will play out..
cazalla: looks like bitcoin conferences are moving onto blockchain conferences now lol http://latitude.global/ sponsored by ethereum
asciilifeform: 'Co-creator & inventor, Ethereum; Co-Founder, Bitcoin magazine (Toronto, Canada)' (from original source)
mircea_popescu: "Vitalik Buterin beat Mark Zuckerberg for the 2014 World Technology Network award in IT software. The award is presented for Buterin's role as co-creator and inventor of Ethereum which has yet to exist and co-founding Bitcoin Magazine. "
Pierre_Rochard: haha, exactly. These people will tell you “well Ethereum and Ripple seem to be gaining traction, so Bitcon may not be ~the~ digital currency, we need to stay flexible”
thestringpuller: "There are no infinite loops in Ethereum because cycles cost currency and there is a finite amount of currency."
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, what ever happened to aurora coin ? has it passed ethereum yet ?
mircea_popescu: well... promising 2.0 businesses such as ethereum could use more css...
asciilifeform: '...a crackdown that could affect promising Bitcoin 2.0 projects such as Ethereum, MaidSafe, and Counterparty.'
Adlai has been out of the ethereum loop for just about as long as it's existed
thestringpuller: Ugh Ethereum is so unnecessary.
asciilifeform: '...could affect promising Bitcoin 2.0 projects such as Ethereum, MaidSafe, and Counterparty.' << let rabid dogs breed, then shoot them. such victory.
mircea_popescu: there's all the unannounced ethereum etc deaths,
mircea_popescu: clearly it's because ethereum was like all respectable and took like actual investment, rather than just pretending on both scores.
dignork: adlai: bitsharemusic borrowed text from ethereum: http://dpaste.com/3CY9250
johntraveller: @micrea_popescu hello. yes, lots of good stuff. good to have my opinions of ethereum/altcoins/etc seconded
mircea_popescu: assbot: "we show that if an adversary is able to review this cryptosystem, a simulator can be constructed which solves the halting problem"-ethereum << that made precisely no sense. wut ?!
assbot: "we show that if an adversary is able to review this cryptosystem, a simulator can be constructed which solves the halting problem"-ethereum
Adlai backs even further away from ethereum
mircea_popescu: re-ethereum
los_pantalones: mircea_popescu you may get gavin & co to ethereum mode sooner rather than later
mircea_popescu: what may perhaps happen is a day when gavin, mike and co finally go full-ethereum
ben_vulpes: using their considerable expertise in implementing a just-in-time (JIT) compiled version of the Ethereum virtual machine and making computationally-complex contracts a reasonably affordable possibility
assbot: Obtaining and offline securing ether for the upcoming Ethereum launch Medium
ben_vulpes: https://medium.com/@abrkn/obtaining-and-offline-securing-ether-for-the-upcoming-ethereum-launch-157963b6a456 << so one actually downloads wallets from the etherfolk?
pete_dushenski: this was after anthony tried calling me several times, leaving voicemails about how he "didn't know i felt that way about ethereum" and shit.
assbot: Ethereum ASIC-resistant PoW spec - Google Docs
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves do you dispuite the ethereum "money" is already stolen at this point ?
ThickAsThieves: Ethereum announced they hired new people to make a new website and new 'brand'
penguirker: New blog post: http://qntra.net/2014/10/ethereum-developer-to-insurers-consider-covering-bitcoin-risk/
mircea_popescu: bout the same he has to do with ethereum, or bitcoin generally.
mircea_popescu: now that neobee blew up, ethereum is gone into the hole etc
mircea_popescu: ethereum is good for a few weeks, then need something else, same pretense.
Apocalyptic: well they have ethereum for that
TomServo: Almost 2K BTC left the Ethereum wallet Saturday.
cazalla: mircea_popescu, Kyle Torpey, the one that went on keiser spruiking auroracoin, ethereum etc
thickasthieves: ethereum will be another node on the timeline
mircea_popescu: strp yeah, we're totally going to care about some ethereum pr copy. it's like, in short supply.
strp: if you guys don't prefer to scam today I can share the email I got from the ethereum investor, in wihch he talked aobut some of his returns. (removing his name.)
strp: mircea_popescu, well, I was connected with a guy who I think made heavy coin on ethereum. I didn't verify.
mircea_popescu: strp free "equity" in reddit is worth abut the same as free equity in ethereum,
JuliaTourianski_: +Dimsler trust me...i know all there is to know about the ethereum issues. i wont comment further
cazalla: JuliaTourianski_ as said vagina has nothing to do with it but a pretty girl is useful to get across the message, maybe you start making videos on ethereum soon?
rithm: * > ethereum is the new litmus test
danielpbarron: is ethereum even a thing yet? i thought it was still just a pipe dream..
tokyopotato: decimation: when did we reject ethereum?
decimation: okay, well why did you reject ethereum?
decimation: why didn't you cannacoin guys consider using ethereum?
mike_c: i don't like circle's look. not as good as ethereum.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves well sure, that's what ethereum is trying to achieve.
assbot: Logged on 17-09-2014 15:50:00; asciilifeform: had a thought. usg's btc price dampener strategy has no clear endgame - the 'ethereum' thing will carry on while the usd printing press runs, because it stands to reason they are running both the sell and -buy- ends of the machine. 'arse-mouth system.'
mircea_popescu: the ethereum scam was mostly supported on borrowed coins.
asciilifeform: i see it as virtually certain that the sr stash was 'washed' - i.e. traded for some quantity of 'uninteresting' coin, of the kind the public has not been sniffing the blockchain history of on a daily basis; which was then used as fuel with which to stoke gambits like 'ethereum.'
asciilifeform: had a thought. usg's btc price dampener strategy has no clear endgame - the 'ethereum' thing will carry on while the usd printing press runs, because it stands to reason they are running both the sell and -buy- ends of the machine. 'arse-mouth system.' ☟︎
thestringpuller: hoorah ethereum?
gribble: Ethereum & Bitcoin : Protocols for $9.3 trillion in value for dead ...: <http://www.gogerty.com/blogpersonal/ethereum-bitcoin-protocols-for-9-3-trillion-in-value/>; Selling Rare Ethereal Soul Trader Pet - Forums - World of Warcraft ...: <http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7979378465>; Ethereal Link KickStarter Heads Up: Project Navalusu [2014-06-30 ...: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: ;;google i will gladly repay you on thursday for an ethereum today
pete_dushenski: notsakamoto: rumor has it ethereum selling 1/2 their holdings to pay for dev. 15,000 btc hitting market soon << that's some diamond encrusted dev work right there
notsakamoto: rumor has it ethereum selling 1/2 their holdings to pay for dev. 15,000 btc hitting market soon
mircea_popescu: anyway, once ethereum cracks open thiel being interviewed for his complicity in propping the scam will become a prerequsite for any further discussions re collaboration of bitcoin authorities with us authorities.
assbot: $100k Peter Thiel Fellowship Awarded to Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin
ThickAsThieves: http://www.coindesk.com/peter-thiel-fellowship-ethereum-vitalik-buterin/
BlueMeanie4: its pretty clear that Ethereum and Bitshares were fundraisers
mircea_popescu: no, it's ethereum
rybro: tell me eth is ethanol and not ethereum
antonosika: mircea_popescu: I deem that ethereum will trade in 100 btc in one year, but in the chance that it does not I have an infinite loss of capital (which is a lot since I dont have much).
mircea_popescu: antonosika "avoid the risk of a delay of ethereum trade" << what;s this mean ?
antonosika: mircea_popescu: Thanks for writing the contract, my take is that you see no way of making it possible for me to avoid waiting till september 2015 for the eth and avoid the risk of a delay of ethereum trade?
antonosika: What do you think about ethereum?
BlueMeanie4: they kicked Charles out of ethereum then announce a partnership with his other project
antonosika: mircea, I have been too busy to follow the updates on ethereum, but I feel like finishing what I started. How do you feel about a 2015 delivery contract?
pete_dushenski: but read the ethereum piece
pete_dushenski: Kamuela: it must be that every member of ethereum has a long history of proven success right? << it must be nothing of the sort and is in fact quite that
assbot: A Guide To Buying 5000 Ether/Bitcoin, 2.5x More Than Ethereum's Genesis Sale Offers | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
kakobrekla: funny you mention ethereum.
Kamuela: it must be that every member of ethereum has a long history of proven success right?
midnightmagic: ethereum
mike_c: wtf, twoplustwo is talking about ethereum now??
Mexual: 3 man years should see ethereum to cumputational autonomy no?
assbot: Hangout with Anthony Di Iorio of Ethereum, and Daniel Larimer of BitShares, with Special presente... - YouTube
mircea_popescu: but just as long as there's a clear delineation of risk, and you undertake the risk of ethereum not going anywhere, we can prolly hammer something out
justusranvier: I heard a theory about Ethereum which I'm not sure has been floated here before.
assbot: ethereum blog | Announcement on planned withdrawal from exodus
asciilifeform: (from https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/08/08/announcement-on-planned-exodus-withdrawal -- linked here earlier)
assbot: ethereum blog | Announcement on planned withdrawal from exodus
StephanLivera: pankkake, https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/08/08/announcement-on-planned-exodus-withdrawal/
pankkake: what's the ethereum address?
StephanLivera: I suspect it's partly ethereum devs cashing some out, and partly merchant adoption outpacing user hoarding
assbot: ethereum blog | Announcement on planned withdrawal from exodus
punkman: ben_vulpes: https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/08/08/announcement-on-planned-exodus-withdrawal/
assbot: ethereum blog | Ether Sale: A Statistical Overview
bats_cd03: https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/08/08/ether-sale-a-statistical-overview a report from the belly of the chumpatron
mircea_popescu: also: I'm not endorsing ethereum, I just think it's highly interesting, mainly from a technical perspective and for the implications it might have (which I can't yet fully imagine). Unsure who's really behind it, either, and what the larger plan is there..."
mircea_popescu: "sentiment of bitcoiners seems quite negative against ethereum. people fear what they don't understand, I guess. Or maybe it's envy these guys are being swamped with coins. btw: not saying ETH is a good investment, I have strong doubts. Ethereum being successful does not necessaril imply ETH will be valuable.
assbot: Future Delivery Contract For the Alleged Future Cryptocurrency "Ethereum" T - Pastebin.com
punkman: is it ethereum?
AntonOsika: +mircea_popescu Yes, I'll go on! I was the newbie under the nick CheapBoy wanting to bet on ethereum. I'm still interested, haven't had time to get the WoT up untill now. What's your take on ethereum now?