977 entries in 0.625s
mircea_popescu: <AntonOsika> I wanted to chat with mircea about his fun ethereum offer. << go on
AntonOsika: I wanted to chat with mircea about his fun ethereum offer.
thickasthieves: bitcoin dev funding = $0 ethereum dev funding = $priceless
fluffypony: I fully agree with what aminorex says about Ethereum:
TomServo: Ethereum has been described by core developers as oil to Bitcoin's gold.
mircea_popescu: i guess best buy some ethereum.
pete_dushenski: the product? ethereum, of course
mike_c: here's an interesting question. of the BTC held by ethereum investors, what percentage did they give to vitalik?
thickasthieves: Ethereum just passed 17k btc
Apocalyptic: I somehow lost track about how is Ethereum doing lately
fluffypony: lol ethereum
thickasthieves: Ethereum https://blockchain.info/address/36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
ben_vulpes: or ethereum for that matter.
pete_dushenski: see construction bubble, mayor tom ford, ethereum fucktards, hipster deluge, etc
coltan: So I guess this is also the place to get some hate about ethereum?
BingoBoingo: This current drama with Doge, LTC, ethereum et al happened before 2-3 years ago
assbot: Ethereum is truly innovative; the first genuine stab at a post-Bitcoin blockchai... | Hacker News
assbot: ethereum blog | Launching the Ether Sale
trixisowned: https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/07/22/launching-the-ether-sale/
trixisowned: “Purchaser understands, that while the Ethereum Team will make reasonable efforts to complete the Ethereum software, it is possible that an official completed version of the Ethereum Platform may not be released and there may never be an operational Ethereum Platform.”
bitcoinpete: it's called ethereum
bitcoinpete: for those who don't know, anthony is one of the spokesman/financiers/doods behind ethereum
RebeccaBitcoin: While Anthony and his cronies are all like "omg ethereum will change the world" yada yada yada, I'll sell
RebeccaBitcoin: So ethereum
mircea_popescu: a lot like ethereum, actually.
RebeccaBitcoin: the true brains behind ethereum is whoever conned people into handing over 7000 bitcoin
RebeccaBitcoin: And to quote myself from earlier: "I wanted to praise Bitcoin pete for his his critisisms of Ethereum. And then I wanted to make fun of him for the perma-hard on he has for mircea popescu "
RebeccaBitcoin: I wanted to praise Bitcoin pete for his his critisisms of Ethereum. And then I wanted to make fun of him for the perma-hard on he has for mircea popescu
RebeccaBitcoin: like omg Ethereum is so cool... and Vitalik is way cooler than Satoshi
assbot: Ethereum sale has begun - Page 2 - Canada's Bitcoin Community
RebeccaBitcoin: https://coinforum.ca/discussion/1813/ethereum-sale-has-begun/p2
RebeccaBitcoin: haha no, I like his blog. He seems to have pissed off the owner of coinforum who's accusing him of making false accusations against Ethereum.
mircea_popescu: jurov incidentally, this reminds me : supposedly people plunked down 5k btc to be locked away in an ethereum address for at least six months, if not more
assbot: ethereum
decimation: kind of I guess https://www.ethereum.org/
btc111_: MP: if ethereum hasn't launched by march, do the contracts expire worthless?
rithm: to speak about ethereum
fluffypony: rithm: isn't a jury supposed to be made up of your peers? so then his jury is going to be made up of Karpeles and the "dev teams" behind MaidSafe and Ethereum?
bitcoinpete: 575 hits on dat ethereum blog so far
assbot: Ripple Forum • View topic - Ethereum seems to start selling their native currency
pigeons: dignork: yes dogeparty is just counterparty on doge, but like i said, much more useful than ethereum
pigeons: by the way, literally and seriously much btter and more useful than ethereum: http://www.dogeparty.io/
efefefrbrb: still amused by the whole Ethereum scam
benkay: <BingoBoingo> HANDSofSTEEL: If you really want to go long on ethereum, mircea_popescu wants to go short. I'd advise reading up on ethereum criticism before doing anything rash though. // it's magically also a bet that nothing'll be around in 9/12 mos.
ThickAsThieves: aww ethereum didnt call me tho
bitcoinpete: at least enough to get a phone call from ethereum fearless leader anthony di iorio
bitcoinpete: his intentions seem innocent enough and i'm sure he's "having fun" but ethereum is still a fucking joke
bitcoinpete: Rassah: I wonder if Bitcoin Pete has met an inteligent person in his life << if i had, would that make ethereum suck less?
BingoBoingo: HANDSofSTEEL: If you really want to go long on ethereum, mircea_popescu wants to go short. I'd advise reading up on ethereum criticism before doing anything rash though.
assbot: 117 results for 'ethereum' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=ethereum
kakobrekla: !s ethereum
HANDSofSTEEL: was reading up on ethereum actually is what brought me here
decimation: the label "money" isn't relevant - jet fuel is eminently salable, whereas the salability of ethereum is extremely dubious - and that's the property I was interested in specifying with the word "money"
assbot: Hi, we are the Ethereum Project Team. Ask us anything! : IAmA
dub: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2bjmgb/hi_we_are_the_ethereum_project_team_ask_us/
pigeons: CheapBoy: ether not usable or transferrable unless ethereum actually comes out one day
BingoBoingo: CheapBoy: Well I doubt the ethereum people are going to make or allow a market for that since, etherium is supposed to be a market
CheapBoy: I'm trying to understand if people will be able to "sell" their ethereum pledge before it is released atm.
CheapBoy: Would you buy ethereum for me even though it's not officially released, but tradable?
BigBitz: Ohhh. Ethereum. lol.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the part where there's 500 ether aethereum ethereum etc is certainly helpful.
ThickAsThieves: Who is going to be the google of ethereum? (well... lets not kid ourselves... probably google on that one)
ThickAsThieves: Who is going to be the facebook of ethereum?
ThickAsThieves: "Instead of making a "You guys just don't understand how big this is going to be" comment, why don't you tell us what your plans involve so we get a better idea of what ethereum is? " ~smarter commenter
assbot: Ethereum Launches Own 'Ether' Coin, With Millions Already Sold
ThickAsThieves: http://www.coindesk.com/ethereum-launches-ether-coin-millions-already-sold/
rithm: but ethereum has no plans to "integrate" or use the bitcoin blockchain for any type of verification, right?
assbot: ethereum
ThickAsThieves: ethereum ‏@ethereumproject 2m
thestringpuller: so Ethereum tx script's are turing complete?
assbot: Ethereum Launches Ether - Business Insider
bitcoinpete: http://www.businessinsider.com/ethereum-launches-ether-2014-7 << says it all
bitcoinpete: "But for those who missed out on getting in on Bitcoin early, Ethereum's launch represents something of another chance."
punkman: "ETH, the Ethereum Platform’s cryptofuel"
ThickAsThieves: interest in the Ethereum Project and ETH."
ThickAsThieves: lol they also warn of victimofsuccessery "If the Ethereum Platform is rapidly adopted, the demand for ETH could rise dramatically and at a pace that exceeds the rate with which ETH miners can create new ETH tokens. Under such a scenario, the entire Ethereum Platform could become destabilized, due to the increased cost of running distributed applications. In turn, this could dampen
punkman: "It is possible that the Ethereum Platform will not be used by a large number of external businesses, individuals, and other organizations and that there will be limited public interest in the creation and development of distributed applications. Such a lack of interest could impact the development of the Ethereum Platform and potential uses of ETH. "
punkman: I liked this part: "EthSuisse will be liquidated shortly after creation of genesis block, and EthSuisse anticipates (but does not guarantee) that after it is dissolved the Ethereum Platform will continue to be developed by persons and entities who support Ethereum, including both volunteers and developers who are paid by nonprofit entities interested in supporting the Ethereum Platform."
BingoBoingo: I wonder if ethereum ethers will suffer from the problem classical ether does where explosive peroxide crystals form.
justusranvier: mircea_popescu: What happens if by next March 15th, the Ethereum network isn't sufficiently functional for you to be able to deliver Ethers to the people who take you up on your offer?
mike_c: BingoBoingo: yeah, it didn't seem completely retarded. i had attached some of that feeling to this ethereum thingy. didn't realize it was just a complete nothing.
mike_c: isn't ethereum a wallet or something?
bitstein: Well I'm amazed by any purchase of Ethereum, so...
mircea_popescu: lol so people bought >1k btc worth of ethereum at 2k each btc , instead of buying 1k btc worth of ethereum at 5k each btc ?
bitstein: Ethereum has raised nearly $800k in about 2 hours: https://blockchain.info/address/36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
thickasthieves: mine said "Eccentric European Eviscerates Ethereum's Ether "
thickasthieves: reddit deleted my link to your ethereum thing
mircea_popescu: watch how nobody does, and then watch the ethereum people lie about how they sold however many.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo so now, elementary economic theory : if one actually WANTS ethereum coins, they'll buy from me.
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 5000 "ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2015" 1 BTC "Up to 1k BTC's worth accepted. Get in touch."
gribble: #21134 Tue Jul 22 18:54:18 2014 mircea_popescu SELL 5000.0 ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2014 @ 1 BTC (Up to 1k BTC's worth accepted. Get in touch.)
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 5000 "ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2014" 1 BTC "Up to 1k BTC's worth accepted. Get in touch."
gribble: #21133 Tue Jul 22 18:53:45 2014 mircea_popescu SELL 5000.0 ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2014 @ 1 BTC. (None)
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 5000 "ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2014" 1 BTC.
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 5000 "ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2014" for 1 BTC. ☟︎
thickasthieves: "Ethereum Genesis Sale" they call it
mircea_popescu: you can buy ethereum coins for half what they charge, deliverable jan 15th 2015.
thickasthieves: you're betting on ethereum?!
BingoBoingo: If ethereum manages to ship this winter I doubt it's market cap will survive at a size greater than ATC's through April next year
thickasthieves: who actually wants these smart contracts anyway? i dont get who ethereum is providing for