59 entries in 0.813s

jfw: Um. And
ada, sql, patch,
lisp, python... ~everything not C-like ?
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-09 12:37:27 asciilifeform: i strongly suspect that 'logtron in
ada' would inescapably contain the proverbial 'buggy 80% reimplementation of common
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, that might be an argument for
ada. but not for
lisp comes with interpreter costs etc.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-30 14:22 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-30#1910209 << this is a solvable problem -- given a) lang that actually supports modularization (
ada & common
lisp, afaik, being the only such currently ) ; b) mandatorily compact system soft (i.e. specifically opposed to
mil+ loc of liquishit c) generous public whippings for 'the dancers who are hindered by own arse'
verisimilitude: As a
Lisp programmer, what drew you to
Ada, asciilifeform?
mircea_popescu: i suspect that the federated calling model of the current bash is actually its strength ; and not necessarily competed by
a111: Logged on 2018-04-05 19:11 asciilifeform: imho the long-term answer is '3rd way' , i.e. all the crud i wrote in bash, python, etc over the years really oughta be in the hypothetical little-
ada from old thread.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-07 18:19 mircea_popescu: esthlos welcome to the mechanisms of lordship. it's your project, it's your job to make this sort of decisions. "should this be rewritten in
lisp, imported in
ada, be turned into a point of grafting on eucrypt tree ?"
mircea_popescu: esthlos welcome to the mechanisms of lordship. it's your project, it's your job to make this sort of decisions. "should this be rewritten in
lisp, imported in
ada, be turned into a point of grafting on eucrypt tree ?"
☟︎ mircea_popescu: esthlos of course, if your whole thing is
lisp, the utility of
ada keccak may be limited ?
a111: Logged on 2017-10-08 14:06 phf: spyked: r5rs and tinyscheme are not the right places to start on the other, non-
ada end, i'd recommend looking at
lisp in small pieces. you can tease out the theory out of tinyscheme, but it's definitely easier not to get bogged on accidentals if you start from theory
mircea_popescu: mod6, there's no rush there, esthlos had 90% of a working
lisp v, i expect it can be tweaked into a deliverable. can have
ada v later on.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-26#1786219 <-- hey, that sounds like a really neat project, I wouldn't mind adding it to the list. on a related note, /me has been on a sort of semi-holiday for the last 2 months, which led to a lot of exploration on items of potential republican interest. e.g. the
ada lisp scriptlang, an irc logger bot (which I could spin into a rss bot), the text browser thing and some out-of-the-blue ro-en Trilema
☝︎ caaddr: instead we have... what do we have? we have the blockchain but we're still using dns. we have common
lisp but we're still using scheme, or, worse, clojure. we have
ada but we're using rust. "we" being "we the people", as in the redditoid masses
caaddr: it would be nice to bootstrap an entire operating system from machine code to forth to some strange mix of forth and
ada, then tinyscheme, and finally a sane common
lisp subset
spyked: thanks shinohai. :D the plan is to (at the very least) periodically share items of republican interest that I'm working on (e.g.
ada lisp). progress has been very slow so far, but it's picking up
mircea_popescu: and, back to the trunk, we've not even discussed the horror of translation. suppose you write a thing, in
ada. suppose another, who works on a
lisp tree, takes your thing and identically translates it to
lisp (here defined, that on any correct machine his code will in all cases behave indentically to yours). what's your v to do here ?
mircea_popescu: why not actually do it then, and first construct an
ada circular ring
lisp-memory stack first ?
danielpbarron: i guess he's gonna learn himself some
ada, or
lisp if anyone wants. feel free to instruct him
danielpbarron: he was asking for a job so i asked if he had tits, he didn't, so i said do you know
lisp or
ada phf: knuth managed to do a lot to keep tex what it is, given that he's essentially a pacifist academic. there aren't many other examples (common
ada) where preservation has been taken to this extreme.
spyked: shinohai, pretty good. gentoo diddling. I'm trying to get a new box up, learn v, compile trb, add an
ada in, learn
lisp internals ... (the list continues)
mircea_popescu: gcc or w/e you use as a compiler,. for instance, also not an
ada proggy.
ada dun even try what
lisp tried and failed to obtain, ie, a full universe.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-14 11:29 spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737294 <-- not sure if possible with ffatronic
ada subset, though, because of "no dynamic objects" restriction. in my (yet-unpublished) prototype,
lisp memory size is a static knob.
phf: asciilifeform: i'm using "memory management" meaning of cons, not like
lisp 101 take on it. they don't have cons meaning that there's no managed heap, there's no gc on that heap, and you can't allocate things into the heap and let it be managed by heap machinery. so they have "cons", but their ~actual~ cons is
ada's "new ..."
a111: Logged on 2017-11-12 23:39 mircea_popescu: does an
ada lisp ~even exist~ as far as anyone knows ?
phf: spyked: r5rs and tinyscheme are not the right places to start on the other, non-
ada end, i'd recommend looking at
lisp in small pieces. you can tease out the theory out of tinyscheme, but it's definitely easier not to get bogged on accidentals if you start from theory
☟︎ spyked: also, there's the memory model.
lisp machine "cells" are very elegant, while algol-like languages seem pretty muddy on that part. ftr, I have never seriously programmed in
ada (closest thing to it was pascal)
phf: well, problem is that there doesn't seem to be much in terms of tasteful
ada code available to public. with common
lisp you can go to mid-90s and before and you start getting some very reasonable works, worthy imitation.
phf: fwiw
ada is a harsh mistress is an illusion. if it were to become fashionable to write
ada among the hacker news crowd, there will be rapid attempts at modernization. common
lisp went through that process
mircea_popescu: now then. can the lispheads live with the idea of an
ada tmsr-cryptolib ? perhaps with it as a reference and a
lisp copy ?
mircea_popescu: and the supersecret future plan of factory -> vsli ->
ada ->
lisp -> scheme / numeric algebra / stuff is busted open by careless accidental coversations in a public channel
lisp's answer is given von neumann what's most flexible model,
ada's answer is given von neumann how do we put enough constraints that there are runtime reliability guarantees
jurov: but in the course of this, i got an idea, is there a small
lisp/scheme implemented in
gabriel_laddel: nah, more along the lines of "I'm a programmer" "orly, do you grok
lisp? What the primary advantages that haskell's type system provides?
Ada's test suite: comments?"
mircea_popescu: and as they become obsolete in the future, ppl not wanting to upgrade their bitcoin archives will provide hdds with one of those
ada or
lisp-esque eternal lives.
BingoBoingo: You just end up poorly reimplementing Common
Lisp or
Ada BingoBoingo: It is amusing. Still when it comes time to replace GPG it will look more like
https://github.com/tedu/reop than any Moxenslit iPerson thing (except... with RSA support and done in