114 entries in 0.73s
ben_vulpes: $rate covertress -1 snr
mircea_popescu: $rate scriba 1 Framedragger 's bot
shinohai: $rate theymos -1 Thanks for wasting my time and sorry my submission didn't meet you rigorous criteria for scams http://archive.is/NoL2y
Framedragger: $rate scriba 3 An instance of a bot I wrote and manage. I trust it with log history, but if it becomes sentient and starts asking for money, do beware.
diana_coman: $rated shinohai
diana_coman: $rate shinohai 1 Held many euloran noob hands.
mircea_popescu: $rate sellbtctraderz 1 Euloran
mircea_popescu: $rate Robespierre_ 1 Euloran
mircea_popescu: $rate VAodminnTer 1 Euloran
mircea_popescu: $rate mihi 1 Euloran
mircea_popescu: $rate mihi
a111: Logged on 2016-08-17 16:09 mircea_popescu: $rate hasimir -1 Ill informed idiot.
mircea_popescu: $rate t2yax 1 Euloran
mircea_popescu: $rate hasimir -1 Ill informed idiot. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: $rated hasimir
asciilifeform: $rate Hasimir -1 https://archive.is/hfEBt or inquire within.
asciilifeform: $rated Hasimir
mircea_popescu: $rate gabriel_laddel 2 "McClim & stuff"
mircea_popescu: $rate gabriel_laddel 2 McClim & stuff
mircea_popescu: $rated gabriel_laddel
shinohai: $rate _FeltPen -1 My argument is you are just another redditard that sucks VC cock.
shinohai: $rate covertress 1 Prompt payment for server setup.
mircea_popescu: $rate covertress 1 Entertaining.
shinohai: $rate _FeltPen -1 I prefer ballpoints
BingoBoingo: $rate _FeltPen 1 new blood
asciilifeform: $rate covertress 1 new blood; tresses - well-covered
BingoBoingo: $rate covertress 1 Palmer's Amaranth
shinohai: $rate covertress 1 Coverer of tresses
BingoBoingo: $rate covertress 1 Palmer's Amaranth
mircea_popescu: $rate Apocalyptic -1 ex tmsr, currently tardstalk. apparently sense sometimes fails to take.
mircea_popescu: $rated Apocalyptic
mircea_popescu: $rated mats
mircea_popescu: $rate Framedragger 2 Le ssh!
mircea_popescu: $rated Framedragger 2 Le ssh!
mircea_popescu: $rated Framedragger
ben_vulpes: $rated pankkake
thestringpuller: $rated casascius
asciilifeform: $rate Joshua-I 1 new blood.
a111: 75 results for "\"$rate\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22$rate%22
mircea_popescu: $s "$rate"
shinohai: $rated trinque
a111: Logged on 2016-06-29 22:54 pete_dushenski: $rate funkenstein_ 2 trb privkey patch guy
pete_dushenski: $rate funkenstein_ 2 trb privkey patch guy ☟︎
pete_dushenski: $rated funkenstein_
pete_dushenski: $rate shinohai 2 trb tester+navigator
pete_dushenski: $rated shinohai
mircea_popescu: $rate drizztdourden 1 Euloran
diana_coman: $rate vtheimpaler 1 New to Eulora.
diana_coman: $rate vtheimpaler_ 1 New to Eulora.
diana_coman: $rated vtheimpaler_
mircea_popescu: $rate punkman -1 timewaster.
diana_coman: $rate Mafroz 1 New Euloran
shinohai: $rate vc 1 Thanks for mail@nigge.rs as well
mircea_popescu: $rate vc 2 cock.li hoster ; published "secret" supoena back in 2015.
mircea_popescu: $rate vc 1 cock.li hoster
a111: Logged on 2016-05-25 12:22 mircea_popescu: $rate alikim -1 militant idiot, of the kakobrekla school of gimme. see http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-05-25.log.html#t11:47:39
mircea_popescu: $rate alikim -1 militant idiot, of the kakobrekla school of gimme. see http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-05-25.log.html#t11:47:39 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: if you try to $rate someone it'll give you another token, every time
mircea_popescu: $rated Framedragger
mircea_popescu: $rate Framedragger 1 old timer
mircea_popescu: $rate mike_c 4 the right honorable lord c.
mircea_popescu: $rate ben_vulpes 4 the right honorable lord vulpes.
mircea_popescu: $rate jurov 5 his lordship the lord treasurer.
mircea_popescu: $rate davout 5 his lordship the master of common pleas.
mircea_popescu: $rate asciilifeform 5 his lordship the lord admiral.
mircea_popescu: $rate danielpbarron 4 his worship the learned trishop.
mircea_popescu: $rate diana_coman 5 her ladyship the marquess eulora.
mircea_popescu: $rate hanbot 5 her ladyship the lady falconeer.
mircea_popescu: $rate mod6 5 his lordship the lord high steward.
mircea_popescu: $rate bingoboingo 4 his lordship the lord goebbels.
mircea_popescu: $rate phf 4 his lordship the lord chancellor
mircea_popescu: $rate trinque 4 his lordship the master of the rolls.
shinohai: $rate trinque 2 http://wiki.deedbot.org/
shinohai: $rated trinque
shinohai: $rate jurov 2 coin.br
shinohai: $rated jurov
mircea_popescu: $rate wise 1 Euloran
mircea_popescu: $rate phf 4 Keeper of the logs ; and of Symbolics history.
mircea_popescu: $rated phf
mircea_popescu: $rated gwern
shinohai: $rate phf 2 btcbase.org
mircea_popescu: $rate hcb 1 Euloran
trinque: $rate jurov 9000 bug finder
jurov: $rate tripleslash 0 nfi
jurov: $rate 0 tripleslash nfi
jurov: $rate adlai -999 junkie!!! cnat keep secrets!!!!
shinohai: $rated trinque
diana_coman: $rate Zakorus123 1 new Euloran
diana_coman: $rate Zakorus123 1 new Euloran
diana_coman: $rate Zakorus123 1 new Euloran
trinque: $rated BEN_vulPES
mircea_popescu: $rate Apocalyptic 1 math guy.
mircea_popescu: $rated Apocalyptic
danielpbarron: $rated nubbins`
shinohai: $rate PeterL -1 no I shall not voice you in #trilema
shinohai: $rate PerterL -1 no I shall not voice you in #trilema
trinque: $rate TomServo 1
trinque: $rate TomServo 1
mircea_popescu: $rate alikim 2 Euloran, flash programmer, alikim.com/photos
mircea_popescu: $rated alikim