8304 entries in 1.763s
ThickAsThieves: then qty 9`375
Bugpowder: O.USD.P125T : B 1`000 @ 0.08050000BTC (order #8901197)
Bugpowder: O.USD.P122T : B 1`000 @ 0.07047095BTC (order #8912799)
bowjob: 0`wii u dvi
bowjob: https://blockchain.info/address/12RYJjGk22NiNbhTHffCrCso4XgVzet5Eh`dvi
mircea_popescu: 67`186 ( from 100`000 to 1 )
mircea_popescu: 8`037.73 (35.1 / 64.9) i see
assbot: [MPEX] [S.DICE] [PAID] 445.0881225 BTC to 50`000`000 shares, 890 satoshi per share
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BBET] [PAID] 15.04416603 BTC to 3`000`000 shares, 501 satoshi per share
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BBET] [PAID] 50.1472201 BTC to 3`000`000 shares, 1671 satoshi per share
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] [PAID] 196.89044015 BTC to 500`000`000 shares, 39 satoshi per share
mircea_popescu: 190`817 actually
error4733: but when you see this you shit brick : 467`937 S.DICE @ 0.00310000BTC = 1`450.60470000BTC.
mircea_popescu: tho what he stated was "the current state of the art". well... the current state of the art is 356`139 option contracts traded this month.
mircea_popescu: ach ; one block of 3`000`000 (three million) shares at a price of 0.0037 BTC each.
mircea_popescu: (b)Based on their knowledge of the company and its assets, as well as on evaluation of market demand, current profitability and projected evolution, the representatives of SatoshiDice have elected to offer in this IPO a total of 10`000`000 (ten million) shares, as follows : one block of 2`000`000 (two million) shares at a price of 0.0032 BTC each ; one block of 5`000`000 (five million) shares at a price of 0.0034 BTC e
pizzaman1337: 117`362 sell wall on S.DICE at .004... :(
mod6: growing up here in the U.S. I was taught to hate all paper currency that wasn't backed by sound money. but then they go, "well, except we don't have the ``gold-standard'' any more since they went off the Bretton Woods system." "Ummm.. so what do they do now???" "Well they say we have this petro-dollar"...
Chaang-Noi: ltc, why are you not over $1` yet.. and BTC why not over $50 yet....
mircea_popescu: also consider 2nd line : 4`851.15 (8.5 / 91.5)
jcpham: PPS. Everyone named in this article for helping gets a block of 10`000 S.MPOE shares. Contact jurov to take possession.
mircea_popescu: in other news, 241`819 option contracts traded so far this month.
BitHub: PPS. Everyone named in this article gets a block of 10`000 S.MPOE shares. Contact jurov to take possession - that include me mircea :)
mircea_popescu: 10`000 btc
mod6: I think, at least for myself, every time I had to write a paper, or have written some code; I've gone back the next day or at some later date and done a `wtf?'
gabridome: thank you mircea that was really illuminating:"the next day, 167`855`212 peopel come to your shop. each of them goes "hi i want to buy a carrot".
mircea_popescu: the next day, 167`855`212 peopel come to your shop. each of them goes "hi i want to buy a carrot".
mircea_popescu: 27`206.06 (89.3 / 10.7)
mod6: ala, something like `SD has paid more in fee's than all the rest of the tx's combined'... must find link...
mircea_popescu: to own 50`000 items worth 1k each
mod6: 13`587 PUT
mod6: yeah, 89`125 CALL
mircea_popescu: 30day Total Volume 133`707.57454204 BTC
smickles: 13`996.17 (87.2 / 12.8)
gesell: btw, just posted this on redit but... pretty ascii graphs with: curl -s "http://bitcoincharts.com/t/trades.csv?symbol=mtgoxEUR&start=`date -v-1H +%s`" | gnuplot -e 'set datafile separator ","; set xdata time; set timefmt "%s"; unset key; set format x "%H%M"; set parametric; set y2tics; set tics nomirror out; set y2tics format "%.2f"; unset mxtics; set border 9; unset my2tics; unset ytics; set xtics scale 0; set term dumb; plot "-" using
mircea_popescu: Revenue from sales fee : 187.80380028 BTC (Total trade : 93`901.90014227 BTC)
mod6: 14`375 actually
topace: we're at S.DICE x 1`125`000
mod6: if it was binary would it just be like 50`000 per side?
JimRogers: 05-03-13 08:30 Yes 97`003 1.00000000 16fUs / 13rnD
assbot: [MPEX] [S.DICE] [PAID] 6,621.40925 BTC to 50`000`000 shares, 13242 satoshi per share
mircea_popescu: 0.00637769 64`615 / 13`131 0.00444440
topace_: no difference between /[0-9`]+/ and /[0-9]+/
topace_: mircea_popescu: in the push receipt, quantity will be split with a thousands separator right? like 1`456`231 ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BBET] [PAID] 2.72083959 BTC to 5`000`000 shares, 0.00000054 BTC per share
assbot: [MPEX] [TEST] [PAID] 1.23456789 BTC to 1`000`000 shares, 0.00000123BTC per share
Zillion: weight 37`870
mircea_popescu: "obama. started term, btc was 1/10000 of a pizza. ended term, 10`000 pizzas bought one btc"
mod6: just do like `find / -name "bitcoin.conf"`
topace: S.DICE x 1`040`000
mircea_popescu: (a)Mircea Popescu has elected to divide MPOE/MPEx into 1`000`000`000 (one billion) equal non-voting shares.
jurov: S.MPOE paid a total dividend of 489.94443185 BTC to 500`000`000 outstanding shares.
mircea_popescu: see where it says Weighted Yes: 90`361 ?
mircea_popescu: see where it says 04-02-13 15:49 Yes 16`070 1.15000000 ?
Anduck: A bets 1 BTC on winning side at weight of 100`000. B bets 1 BTC on winning side at weight of 50`000. C bets 10 BTC on losing side.
mircea_popescu: Namworld : Total shares : 1`000`000`000. Total dividend : 979.88886371 BTC.
Bicknellski: it was the `860s lol
error4733: 11am UTC 1`000`000 S.DICE @ 0.00639000BTC = 6`390.00000000BTC
mircea_popescu: actually it goes to 2`97, everone's happy
jcpham: i wonder if dub` is taken
pigeons: and milk`
jcpham: /nickserv info jcpham` isn't me
jurov: yeah. and 1`000 is a scammer, too
jcpham: there's a jcpham` running around scammin folks i here
jcpham: maybe we'll get a truffles`
mircea_popescu: 1`000 totally means 1.
mod6: (13:52) <+FonziScheme> maybe what's bothered me is that I thought this "1`000" meant 1.000 (one) , maybe it means 1,000 (thousand)? http://mpex.co/?mpsic=O.BTCUSD.P300T
Chaang-Noi: Current weight: 4`698 ( from 100`000 to 1 )
Chaang-Noi: mp Weighted No: 63`682`049
mircea_popescu: 4`321 0.00063996
mircea_popescu: 0.00064089 4`321
knotwork: " Two billion dollars divided by 600`000 Bitcoins comes to three thousand dollars and chance per Bitcoin." --> s/chance/change/ ???
mircea_popescu: so in this sense it can work as leverage, even as high as 10`000%
Bowjob: 0.01750000 1`000`000 0.01000000 2`500`000
topace: S.DICE x 851`000
Diablo-D3: -_-`
mircea_popescu: follow the links, it's prolly 10`000 words at the least.
topace_: On Wed, 06 Feb 13 03:00:43 +0000 S.DICE - 100`000 bought @0.00557000 BTC, total cost 557.00000000BTC
topace_: On Wed, 06 Feb 13 03:01:10 +0000 S.DICE - 20`000 bought @0.00550000 BTC, total cost 110.00000000BTC
swhitt: 412`625 0.00550000
pigeons: On Tue, 05 Feb 13 06:25:53 +0000 S.DICE - 1`000 bought @0.00420001 BTC
kakobrekla: > On Tue, 05 Feb 13 06:25:53 +0000 S.DICE - 1`000 bought @0.00420000 BTC,
truffles: voyeurist?`
truffles: somebody elected that pig so, what do we call the people`
truffles: who took this pics `
Ukyo: in 2`4 hours
mircea_popescu: S.DICE paid a total dividend of 2`000.73731948 BTC to 10`000`000 outstanding shares. #dividend #bitcoin #btc #stocks
mircea_popescu: 13`014 S.MPOE @ 0.00065051BTC = 8.46573714BTC (= 175.24 USD). 11 #trade #bitcoin #btc #stocks
mircea_popescu: 3`908 S.MPOE @0.00066401 i see as most recent one.
mod6: 480`057
mircea_popescu: yeah, ` much nicer.
mod6: i would say to also check that key ring to make sure that you see this keyid for mpex: 9214FC6BF1B69921 -- in unix its `gpg --list-keys --keyid-format=long`
mircea_popescu: S.MPOE paid a total dividend of 2`531.16646003 BTC to 500`000`000 outstanding shares. #dividend #bitcoin #btc #stocks
JWU42: they are using JWU42`
jcpham: you could reg the `
JWU42: jcpham: can you set a ban on JWU42`*!*@* in bitcoin-otc
dasher: weight 93`683 on http://bitbet.us/bet/159/bitcoin-mtgox-18-00-before-march-1st-2013/ didn't get paid out
mircea_popescu: ok so! 24 hour mpex volume 74`923.02599233
mod6: then the buy for 15`000, then the rest was pulled
mod6: after the dump there was ~500`000 @ .00085848 for about 30 seconds