2500+ entries in 0.323s
mod6: <+jurov> the libnss was done as binary plugin to glibc << so there is no possible way to just build glibc by hand
and not include libnss? or there are basically so many things that use libnss that even if you did, stuff wouldn't work
anyway, primary is there's verifiable autorship
and readable content of patches, plus clear repeatable way to combine the patches
and wrt to the reference index thing, it's kind of weird that the same stuff would be defined at multiple places
anyway mircea_popescu:
anyway, the "fixing" by
and large leans towards denial there's any problem whatsoever, so far. which is why the war. to get back to the original point with adlai.
anyway, violence has the marked ethical advantage that it removes people from the goop where they imagine they are in control of their environmenty
and the future.
anyway, the differences between me
and justusranvier dude are amusing. fetlife vs okcupid, the locus of butthurt, etc.
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 22:28:04; Naphex:
anyway, what i was saying is you take steps 'secure' or tape your stuff always,
and you don't feed raw data to your apps if you can filter the input beforehand.
anyway, lesson learned
and appropriate duct tape applied
anyway. words ain't much to me
and I ain't one to duke it out on irc for random bullshit
anyway, what i was saying is you take steps 'secure' or tape your stuff always,
and you don't feed raw data to your apps if you can filter the input beforehand.
☟︎ mircea_popescu:
anyway, it's a toy, like any other. people learning
and kids are more than welcome to their fun, what.
anyway. bitcoin's elitism
and the horde's pretentiousness is setting the stage for some pretty hardcore raping
and pillaging down the road.
mircea_popescu: the guy is a total douche, as far as his emails let on,
and the woman is both smarter
and more collected than him, for sure. they weren't a good fit
mircea_popescu: "
And on through eeeeeevery item. "I'm just gunna take two milks." "No, you aren't, unless that second milk is worth being thrown out of this food bank."
And on.
And on. Really, people end up with several bags of food
anyway. Provided they take the "wimmin food" like fruit
and peanut butter."
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes
anyway, the problem of women, by
and large, is that they're naturally afraid
and most environments encourage this
and bring them up cowardly.
anyway, the "i'll feed her
and we'll see" plan is not really all that bad.
anyway, this entire discussion of interests
and bs... i dunno that there's any value in trying to re-write the protestant ethics-as-capitalism.
mircea_popescu has had enough fucking around with fucktarded php that apparently will just ignore settings
and dump it's bullshiot "strict" crapolade
anyway, turned off error reporting altogether.
Citizenfive: Well
anyway, if you believe you know all the details
and have the threat vectors properly mitigated, then you're already compartmenting, so don't worry about any of this
anyway I don't want to get lost into semantics; I think most here understand whatever system of governance the US has, it manages to masquerade as a democracy,
and isn't a good system. Whatever that says about the word is less important to me.
fluffypony: mats: because it's the first one in ZA, I'm going to be in Cape Town
and Micah Winkelspecht is talking
mircea_popescu: kinda how the soviets failed, people went "eh why bother, they gotta pay me
and i don't make anything out of iteither way"
and then "follow the WoT". If MtGox for example rates my "mirror user" br-8d255152 or "U.S. gov" rates that, no one trust them
anyway, to not peel off more than is fair : i rather distantly ran the kitchen, by virtue of ownership. it did have a chief cook
and everything.
mircea_popescu: but
anyway, moocs are made for the wiki generation of broken heads,
and a necessary outgrowth from the brokedness baked in the pseudo-encyclopedism.
anyway, it's a sad state of affairs for actual providers. they're stuck in the middle. can't really pay good lawyers, can't really exactly judge when customer is going to turn around
and bitchslap them with a ten ton hammer...
and i guess ima hammer the shit out of fetlife now,
mircea_popescu: Chillum something's amiss, actually. the +25dBm needs to output >320 mW. your thing can't eat 300mW peak
and also output 320. but
anyway, usual commercial puffery.
mircea_popescu: notheywon't.
and fuck walmart
anyway, let it come up with its own business.
IHB: so how does this work? IHB is shutting down
anyway and i am concentrating on an iPhone app
and API we have been building.
anyway i'm gonna have a jazz smoke
and head to bed. if someone gets portatronic pogotronic static-o-matic bitcoind recipe posted to ML by month's end, i'll send you a free hand-bound book
anyway, it was good enough for the webpage + guestbook era, which is back when it shone. everything goes away eventually,
and the duct tape
and chewed gum contraptions holding togethere the everyman's arpanet especially so.
anyway, if one's interested feel free to contact me
and i'll either say gtfo or tell you what you have to do. if you'd rather avoid the record of the gtfo feel free to discuss privately.
anyway asciilifeform no you're not the first to notice. you're the first to notice who is actually connected
and thus powerful.
anyway, this playbook is as old as fucking herbert hoover. "fuck up. then replace the guys that 'fucked up' with another guy, who is going to admit to what everyone knows while fail to mention what nobody wants to hear. he can pose as somehow 'different' for the public of imbeciles,
and we can continue teaching the controversy"
decimation: junseth: " But
anyway, if you look at that case, if you look at other cases, I think the pattern is pretty clear that the least restricted systems are the ones that performed best from the point of view of the average user of money.
And those were systems that were on gold or silver standards.
And there doesn't seem to have been any great dissatisfaction with that. There were proposals by some economists to try to have a system that
anyway i guess the dude saw my auction
and got jealous
anyway, i actually went into cstdint.hpp
and replaced a few uint32_t instances with boost::uint32_t
gribble: brendafdez was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 1 day, 6 hours, 28 minutes,
and 37 seconds ago: <brendafdez> mircea_popescu it works now.
Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP,
and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn't know you were filtering.
danielpbarron: anonymity is overrated,
and it isn't for the poor
anyway nubbins`:
anyway hippies have now discovered that if you take a hair straightening iron
and crush marijuana buds with it
gribble: brendafdez was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes,
and 15 seconds ago: <brendafdez> mircea_popescu it works now.
Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP,
and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn't know you were filtering.
anyway, a) why wouldn't you surge protect what sounds pretty costly
and b) what the fuck is in there to explode.
jurov: i have these too. but for whatever reason, dude had to come in
anyway and connect it by usb
anyway, i find it quite morally dubioous
and in any case aesthetically abhorrent, to see the structural mental issues of adolescents used in this manner.
mod6: BingoBoingo: cool. ive got openssl/bdb/boost built now on obsd 5.6, then just gotta apply sublte obsd changes to v0.5.3.1
and then try the static build. if all works & pulls blocks, I'll make patches: one for the v0.5.3.1 source
and one for `auto.sh' (which needs a few tweaks). maybe you can just point at that instead.
anyway, no worries.
mircea_popescu: "i have an idea, let's separate church
and state. the 'community' is made out of idiots who aren't actually intellectually prepared to have any sort of church yet
gribble: brendafdez was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 days, 2 hours, 25 minutes,
and 26 seconds ago: <brendafdez> mircea_popescu it works now.
Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP,
and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn't know you were filtering.
and when i bought cheaper ink, found out the cassettes can really be refilled only once
anyway mircea_popescu: but
anyway, even wioth the arts, the distinction holds : the patron has no particular taste, merely money
and friends.
and i mean... the fact that us young adults score worse than anyone else is not a direct product. they worked to get there : the school's so dumb, why learn ; the kids aren't learning
anyway why not make it dumber... 30 years later in this process the fucking mit grads can't make a flashlight
anyway : you may be right re dirigibles, maybe. but i posit it has nothing to do with that
and everything to do with fucking.
gribble: brendafdez was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 23 hours, 24 minutes,
and 1 second ago: <brendafdez> mircea_popescu it works now.
Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP,
and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn't know you were filtering.
gribble: brendafdez was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 17 hours, 54 minutes,
and 9 seconds ago: <brendafdez> mircea_popescu it works now.
Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP,
and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn't know you were filtering.
mircea_popescu: sure, we could even argue the collapse was inevitable,
and while the particular incident gives it flavour, the us was going to soviet union all over itself
assbot: Logged on 26-03-2015 15:04:08; asciilifeform:
anyway this should be enough lure for everybody. mega-lulzy tirade. if chumpatronic, it is of top quality
and i take off my hat to the chumpatronicist.
mod6: It'd be nice to have it in there
anyway, signed by yourself.
And then I can mention it in this months address as well.
nubbins`: <nubbins`>
anyway, only counting 0.8.x
and above, that's like giving a population count of every country in the world, but excluding everyone under 5 feet tall.
brendafdez: mircea_popescu it works now.
Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP,
and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn't know you were filtering.
mircea_popescu: but
anyway : forget argentina,
and forget the anecdotal peculiarities of my odd choices in things.
anyway, the "Copy machine money" : this is a sad necessity. if it weren't present, muppets WOULD "try it",
and discover "it works",
and srsly financial collapse. for real.
nubbins`: nobody who can't follow some simple instructions to flash nand down the road
and reclaim their SD card is gonna buy one
anyway nubbins`:
anyway it's srsly two sed commands
and a new makefile
brendafdez: the banks can be avoided entirely. The intermediary is not a must. You can just get in contact with other people, publish your own listings
and such. When you're paying with bitcoin, they are selling the bitcoin, so the cost is also there. In Argentina
anyway pretty much no transactions at PoS are made in bitcoin, it's just a show for companies which pretend to be doing busniess helping merchants accept bitcoin
anyway, even if there's availability of btc <-> fiat services, i'd much rather avoid the intermediaries (
and the banks)
Anyway, I don't think claiming it
and presenting female so as to x would be a good strategy at all, if you don't prefer it, you'll end up changing your mind, because it's hard to put up with all the attached issues to being perceived a woman if you were only doing it for a specific purpose
anyway, the ideological cleavage is pretty clear,
and it will only resolve itself in time.
and so you lost at life, all through this inept bullshit of "if we pretend it works
anyway it'll really work!!1"
mircea_popescu: because whatever, i'm going to hang them
and usg isn't going to hang them no matter what, so that leaves a space in the middle.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo yeah, well... that's a good point. in honesty so is gawker, but
anyway. the distinction between one model
and the other blurs.
mircea_popescu: but
anyway, teh 100% anal child. "circumstances" forced it to not pay rent,
and evil people forced him to make stories for attention about making stories for attention.
anyway, there's the flag. mebbe some intellectual leadership of that movement whatever it may be sees it, feels equal to the task of representing their ideas in front of the world rather than in some carefully constructed echo chamber
and comes prove it.
anyway, as to the interest rates, there was a discussion recently,
and no, business rates aren't per month, you want to pay what, 3ish% a year or some shit.
assbot: Logged on 13-06-2014 02:34:16; mircea_popescu:
anyway, the fact that bitcoin is not actually traceable,
and all the sophistry of taint can at most produce persuasion is one of the largest points of pressure applied by bitcoin to human society. it may result in the "reasonable doubt" standard being taken out.
anyway, back to the issue : a plethora of persuasive arguments can be made starting with genetics
and ending with behaviours. however, the most commonly encountered ones are neither persuasive
anyway, i suppose the difference between "this is slightly annoying'
and "this is terrorism" has long been lost.
anyway, you know those stories about how rich guy heard the paupers / shoeshine boys discuss stocks
and bailed ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: danielpbarron
anyway, nazism also aimed to make the wortld a better place. this is indisputable.
and it also aimed to do this by empowering a subgroup at the expense of other subgroups, which it perceived , falsely, as oppressive. the identity between internet feminism
and fascism is quite indisputable.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform imo, the "
and why do you use that weirdo archaic word 'sky'
anyway, it's 'ceiling'" is exactly definitorily dumb.
anyway, make mesh of two wires, so that on each hole you have at least one spot of wire at - potential
and one spot at + potential. then the size of the hole
and the intensity of the emission tell you how much potential you need in the cage.
mircea_popescu: of course pay was mostly hookers
and blow
anyway, best for health
anyway, point i was trying to make last night was drunk, bad decision or not, i have done this many times over past year
and it would always get a full chain after a day, but can't since 0.10.0 came out
assbot: Logged on 13-03-2015 13:08:37; cazalla:
anyway, one might argue,
and i did try, that /pol/ is a short stop otw to #b-a
anyway, one might argue,
and i did try, that /pol/ is a short stop otw to #b-a
☟︎ mod6: ugh.
anyway, i was hoping this would be the /easy/ part
and we could actually test the part that needs testing lol.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field
anyway, this scurrying to coinbase
and mysterymeat is a good indicator of a) how painful the crushing of shitvin shitdressen was
and b) how scary #bitcoin-terrorists actually is.
mircea_popescu: nubbins`
anyway, "sequencing fraud" is how illiterate gubernmint pinheads refer to "we use shit crypto
and so it gets broken all the time"
anyway, the url is, let me remind
and underscore, www.ultimatebunker.com/wp-content/uploads/6000-sq-ft-underground-bunker.jpg
anyway. so teh usg-vc-turdatron is "building prediction markets"
and usgavin is "building consensus" among the "core developers" of a meanwhile obsoleted branch of bitcoin core.