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ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-17 18:32:47 dorion: I'll let him show and tell, his patch removes the whole
rotor orchestra since Gales is musl static anyway.
dorion: I'll let him show and tell, his patch removes the whole
rotor orchestra since Gales is musl static anyway.
mod6: Otherwise, the '
rotor.sh' and 'rotor_bitcoin_only.sh' are not actually utilized. So we could cut those loose too, if desired.
mod6: I hope I'm not doing anything redundant really. The Makefiles itself take care of the compilation of Boost/BDB/OpenSSL. The one thing that I still need from the
rotor.tar.gz is 'openssl-004-musl-termios.patch'
mod6: Evenin'. I've built trb on cuntoo with ave1's 20180924 tools, with
rotor only. Quick test shows pulls connects, pulls blocks.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-31 02:14 asciilifeform: theoretically should produce ~same~ binary as the
rotor build.
a111: Logged on 2015-07-30 04:08 asciilifeform: but ~i personally~ will from now on support ~only~
rotor. and soon after, only rotolinux (buildroot for arbitrary arch that includes therealbitcoin and its deps, and toolchain to reconstruct self and the latter.)
a111: Logged on 2018-07-05 17:59 diana_coman: asciilifeform, I get it: clone of dulap is pointless because it requires
rotor-style which can be equally done on existing server; but we are talking of having a box with trinque's musltronic proto-cuntoo
diana_coman: asciilifeform, I get it: clone of dulap is pointless because it requires
rotor-style which can be equally done on existing server; but we are talking of having a box with trinque's musltronic proto-cuntoo
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-06-21 12:34 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-21#1827977 << 're-emerge' seems to imply systemwide ? you're more or less guaranteed a borked box, muslism has to be done either
rotor-style (i.e. 100% user-local build of 1 proggy at a time) or systemwide ( trinque's cuntoo ), on account of the impossibility of cleanly linking glibc libs to musl proggy or vice versa
diana_coman: from the other side: why would
rotor-style be a better option than using trinque's script above?
diana_coman: well, either there is cuntoo and then can try with it or there isn't, in which no choice apparently other than
rotor buildroot style
ben_vulpes: you can get the fine control with mechanical
rotor pitch variation as well.
ben_vulpes: in other usg idiocies, i recently found a dood who achieved the not-insignificant feat of a constant propspeed belt-drive GAS ENGINE QUADCOPTER butbutbut the
rotor pitch variation mechanism RUNS OVER WIFI
mod6: make -f Makefile.
rotor bitcoind
mod6: make -f Makefile.
rotor bitcoind
mod6: make -f Makefile.
rotor bitcoind
mod6: make -f Makefile.
rotor bitcoind
shinohai: tfw sifting through old trb stuff and you find "
a111: Logged on 2016-06-06 21:37 asciilifeform: i find it also very interesting that all aes-like ('boxes') cryptosystems are direct descendants of
rotor machines. which were known to be pseudoscientific even when first built, as vernam existed
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes ride the
rotor train all the way to there then have it build whatever it is you're building.
phf: for extra lulz if you call "make" from src you're going to run
rotor build, but if you want to run "legacy" build system you do make -f makefile.unix
phf: but i don't think that's the one he's using, if he's building with
rotor.. that whole new build infrastructure seems to exist apart.
mircea_popescu: anyway. asciilifeform is actually aware quadcopter rotors can't handle as much as a blade of grass, imagines 2 ton heli
rotor can handle buckshot ?
trinque: ftr I put that comment there. used to be that
rotor lacked a -e and so would pass over the boost failing targets silently. while we don't use them, the `|| true` certainly has to go
mod6: <+asciilifeform>
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-24#1548016 << this is very spiffy and finally obsoletes the ad-hoc thing i've been using since
rotor 1 - finally i can use mod6's script. will test later this weekend. << hey thanks! let us know how it goes.
☝︎ mod6: I kinda felt like placing things like '
rotor' in 'shit'.
mod6: One of the last changes I made was to rid the 'shit' directory, and just use one directory; 'deps'. At which point the
rotor &
rotor patch were deedified.
mod6: Actually, I forgot, trinque already did that part. Makefile.
rotor exists.
mod6: so, im not 100% off the top of my head, but getting rid of the two
rotor build script and integrating that portion into our makefiles ~might~ resolve at least part of the source redundancy issue.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-09 00:28 mod6: oh, if you're saying that the
rotor is no longer needed, i can agree with that. to an extent anyway.
mod6: the two .sh scripts you have in there can be integrated into the makefiles directly i think. however, we'll still need the openssl-004-musl-termios.patch and rotor_buildroot_dot_config
mod6: oh, if you're saying that the
rotor is no longer needed, i can agree with that. to an extent anyway.
☟︎ mod6: The problem is here, that when you run `make`, it'll build everthing under: build/
rotor/TEST2/bitcoin/src despite the fact that the source is really under src/