522 entries in 0.571s
mod6: So, yeah, added in the pull of the deeds, the checking of the sigs, uudecoded, and checked the output hashes. not just on the craptastic four; also put in explicit sig checking on the
rotor and V.
mod6: or
rotor? i'd have to look.
phf: j-dawg: btcbase secretly tracks btcbase itself, since i'm experimenting with (load-v "foo.vpatch") type thing, but that's not public. i don't think there's a proper vtronic chain of V or
rotor available, so unless i generate those myself there's nothing i can track
j-dawg: phf: btcbase.org doesn't track V itself or
phf: hmmm
rotor script actually uses 4.9, for some reason i though it was frozen around 4.2-4.3 but maybe i'm confusing it with eulora
assbot: Logged on 02-03-2016 03:20:58; mod6:
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-03-2016#1418803 << i usually just modify the
rotor script so that it just builds bitcoind with all of the necessary environment vars set, but comment out the building of BDB/SSL/Boost. The re-compile usually takes a few minutes. Not more than say 15.
assbot: Logged on 02-03-2016 03:20:58; mod6:
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-03-2016#1418803 << i usually just modify the
rotor script so that it just builds bitcoind with all of the necessary environment vars set, but comment out the building of BDB/SSL/Boost. The re-compile usually takes a few minutes. Not more than say 15.
ben_vulpes: mod6: this is 'rotor_bitcoin_only.sh' in the
rotor tarball
mod6: or the
rotor script?
phf: asciilifeform: there's no
rotor mod6: gernika: what happens if you're in the
rotor dir and you do `gpg --verify buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz.sign` ?
gernika: mod6 I have that fine file in
rotor :)
danielpbarron: regardless, the script ended with a bitcoind in
shinohai: if you have a
rotor dir and try to run script it fails.
mircea_popescu: ROTOR_HASH=e232c07238feb16ce055211fba68ed283c47753a8716681ac47c869c21936f48768f
mod6: when he built it, it ~should~ have included your original malleus patch, see: ./v.pl p verbose
rotor/TEST2 asciilifeform_malleus_mikehearnificarum.vpatch
mircea_popescu: mod6 what's the scriopt called ? the one that makes
rotor.sh ?
mod6: yeah, cause if you don't run the script, then you need to set up everything, including the
rotor, buildroot & copying around the config, and tons of other stuff.
mod6: ./v.pl p v
rotor/TEST2 asciilifeform_malleus_mikehearnificarum.vpatch
assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 17:51:53; mod6: i do a lot of testing etc. often if I'm actually going to change a line of code, i'll press out a seperate branch call it 'foo', go in there copy a & b, then make changes in b. make a vpatch. drop it in my live bitcoin branch, rebuild with the
rotor. bunch of stuff.
mod6: i do a lot of testing etc. often if I'm actually going to change a line of code, i'll press out a seperate branch call it 'foo', go in there copy a & b, then make changes in b. make a vpatch. drop it in my live bitcoin branch, rebuild with the
rotor. bunch of stuff.
☟︎ mod6: <+ben_vulpes> mod6 and trinque as well << hacking the codebase? << I just build the statically linked bin with
rotor via the build-bitcoind script that everyone uses.
assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 01:10:38; mod6: <+mircea_popescu> ftr mod6 : i ended up with two
rotor.sh scripts, one under
rotor the other under
rotor/test2 << yeah, if all goes well, you should ~only~ need to just execute the build script -- if you have to execute either of the
rotor.sh scripts, then something went wrong.
mod6: <+trinque>
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=24-01-2016#1384068 << I designed the makefiles to take a BUILDER variable, of which there is currently only
rotor. ... << for now, as far as I'm concerned, this is totally ok. we'll have to worry about other *nix's after we perfect getting linux x86-64 done with a CD to boot also.
☝︎ shinohai: I just nuked my entire
rotor directory on build machine every time I am doing an update
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> ftr mod6 : i ended up with two
rotor.sh scripts, one under
rotor the other under
rotor/test2 << yeah, if all goes well, you should ~only~ need to just execute the build script -- if you have to execute either of the
rotor.sh scripts, then something went wrong.
☟︎ mod6: what's the cannonical makeclean, rm -rf * in /
rotor ? << yeah, i would just blowaway the entire '
rotor' directory along with all the V stuff. the stuff that I would save is just the .wot dir, the keys contained therein, and of course, your ~/.gnupg stuff (ofc. have backups etc (this is for everyone who blew their keys away once)) : then totally restart the entire script.
mircea_popescu: ftr mod6 : i ended up with two
rotor.sh scripts, one under
rotor the other under
mircea_popescu: Saving to: /home/bitcoin/
pete_dushenski: y patches directory. should i just wait until it syncs fully and build another
rotor (with line 61 updated) or is there something else i can try ?
mod6: # Required Public Keys to add to your PGP Keyring. These are used to verify V,
rotor, buildroot, and trinque's patch:
mod6: # Required Public Keys to add to your PGP Keyring. This are used to verify V,
rotor, buildroot, and trinque's patch:
mod6: ok folks, my build succeeded with the changes to moving V outside of the
rotor directory.
mod6: ok the new script, having V outside of the
rotor dir seems to be building just fine so far... will update again when its complete, or if fails.
mod6: and I think this is what we want. So we can stick with that, and probably not break anything -- i'll just move V & .wot outside of the
rotor dir.
ascii_butugychag: this was a common complaint about my
rotor system also, recall
mod6: ./v.pl p verbose
rotor/TEST2 asciilifeform_malleus_mikehearnificarum.vpatch
mod6: if we have V source and .wot adjacent to
rotor dir, then we could press like the following:
mircea_popescu: the way i see this is, script tries " mkdir -p
rotor/.wot " , if it succeeds it says "wot dir created, populate and re-run please" ; if it fails it proceeds with build.
mod6: the only actual alternative here is to create .wot adjacent to
rotor directory, along with the V source
mod6: ok. so if we create a .wot in /.../
rotor/ (so,
rotor/.wot), then it can not be populated by hand...
mod6: mkdir -p
mod6: mkdir -p
mod6: make note that V does not /expect/ or /default/ to a ~/.wot dir, it just so happens in this case, that it needs to be somewhere accessable outside of the
rotor build path
mircea_popescu: the script ~must~ reference a .wot directory somewhere outside of the entire
rotor build area. <<< wait wut ?!
mod6: One notable change to the build script linked on the wiki: Since we're pressing out V in a directory that gets created by the script, there is no way to have a .wot inside this dir that it can find -- the script ~must~ reference a .wot directory somewhere outside of the entire
rotor build area.
mod6: 2: Can you `cat
rotor/TEST2/bitcoin/src/db.cpp` and post it to dpaste or somewhere else I might be able to look at it?
mod6: TomServo: Hi, if you followed the instructions via the wiki, this means you should have built via
rotor & V.
phf: everything else in there is either cross platform clarification or straight up an #ifdef. it's a tiny ass patch, if it doesn't build on
rotor, linux, etc. it's a bug in a patch
assbot: Logged on 24-01-2016 02:26:40; mod6: <+mircea_popescu>
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383446 << wait, explain this to me ? << the idea is that our makefiles, or whatever build scripts will utilize V to build inside of the
rotor (a linux thing) - the source must be compatable with that. phf's openbsd scripts are not compatible with this.
mod6: eh, sorry: does the idea of a flashable universe built from
rotor still make sense.
mod6: asciilifeform: so are we basically, with
rotor, able to not only build a static bitcoind, but couldn't we also build a flashable rom that contains said static binary - a flashable universe so to speak?
mircea_popescu: phf you seriously considering maintaining a bsd
rotor thing ?
mircea_popescu: so you bring up your *bsd box, run
rotor on it, does it build or doesn't it.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu>
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383446 << wait, explain this to me ? << the idea is that our makefiles, or whatever build scripts will utilize V to build inside of the
rotor (a linux thing) - the source must be compatable with that. phf's openbsd scripts are not compatible with this.
☝︎☟︎ mod6: having an alternate to linux is important to me. and i was able to build a static binary, but obviously this doesn't work with the
rotor (linux only buildroot). i did build it with the stator.
mircea_popescu: but still, Three phase, four pole AC induction motor with copper
rotor << this thing is well over 10k at that power.
guruvan: there some more docs on the
rotor script? this looks like the mojo I'm looking for for the simple docker "whip up a node for testing" builds
ben_vulpes: did i hear that someone managed to get
rotor to clobber their whole homedir?
assbot: Logged on 17-01-2016 20:54:44; mod6: instead, just pulled the source and built inside the
rotor so it would be built with the gcc/musl that comes with buildroot
mod6: instead, just pulled the source and built inside the
rotor so it would be built with the gcc/musl that comes with buildroot
☟︎ mod6: just needed to build gdb inside of the
rotor, that i think was my problemo.