75 entries in 0.554s

mircea_popescu: if you actually, inconceivably but actually, start
pruning, can just as well do it as "will keep last n searches that weren
PeterL: so I have been looking at v. (specifically asciilifeform's python version) it seems to me that there should be a "
pruning" step after the flow is laid out to remove any patches that are not ancestors of the desired leaf, so that you would not have to manually remove patches.
ben_vulpes: well now i have to look into this and figure out what drives the memory of getting stuck. very foggy memories suggest it was the
pruning of spent outputs i was unsure of.
shinohai: Seems you did
pruning of your own!
davout: i think
pruning would compare better to cutting everyone's throat "just a little" bit than "cutting one's own throat"
davout: so yeah, i'm satisfied with the answers in the sense that i did not miss any particular argument against
pruning davout: mircea_popescu: not really because i'm not particularly interested in discussing
pruning from a position where i'm somehow supposed to defend it
davout: which is basically what everything that has been said regarding
pruning boiled down to
mircea_popescu: blockchain replacement in a "pruned" scheme costs... whatever your
pruning interval is.
davout: asciilifeform: yeah, sure you're not serving peers the historical data, that's the single thing that seems very wrong with
pruning, at least to me
davout: as a naive question, what exactly is the problem with
danielpbarron: is it possible to do a lossless
pruning on this lubby thing? say some chunk of data kept in an early blk.dat can be removed and the whole thing still verifies because the missing piece can be re-produced from data in more recent blk.dat ?
mircea_popescu: there's a reason i said 2 in 2 out. anything else is either nonmoving (1-2) or else tree
pruning (2:1 ends up with a single coinbase ; 1:2 ends up with an infinity of satoshi sized coinbases you might as well stop lying about and issue outright)
Framedragger: i'm
pruning trustleaves slowly, but yeah need another degree of rigour hm
mircea_popescu: because, for any given genesis block, the possible patches are universally available ; and the only way to obtain variant builds is through
pruning the sigs.
trinque: to your point about "why is there no
pruning tool for this thing"
trinque: I have spent countless hours
pruning a kernel config
punkman: what new derp? SPV/
pruning/sig-check-skipping nodes exist already
brg444: Next, future Bitcoin "optimizations": Removal of transaction data from blocks - Blockchain
pruning UTXO set commitments - Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables (IBLTs) - Moore’s Law - Kryder’s Law - Nielsen’s Law - Yet-to-be-discovered improvements"
mod6: oh the functionallity of "automatically
pruning empty files" ?
pruning the tree of all ulteriors that depend on an unclicked patch
pete_dushenski: "Block
pruning works during initial sync in the same way as during steady state, by deleting block files “as you go” whenever disk space is allocated. Thus, if the user specifies 550MB, once that level is reached the program will begin deleting the oldest block and undo files, while continuing to download the blockchain."
pete_dushenski: "The minimum was chosen so that Bitcoin Core will be able to maintain at least 288 blocks on disk (two days worth of blocks at 10 minutes per block). In rare instances it is possible that the amount of space used will exceed the
pruning target in order to keep the required last 288 blocks on disk." << RARE !
pete_dushenski: highlight : "Block
pruning allows Bitcoin Core to delete the raw block and undo data once it’s been validated and used to build the databases. "
pruning the resulting include-fixed directory. Thus, the only people who have to deal with fixincludes are people who build GCC from the source packages, or who are setting up build scripts for their own deployment/distribution.'
mircea_popescu: '
pruning' offers a guarantee that the node won't be able to offer you a block which contains all spent outputs.
williamdunne: BingoBoingo:
Pruning nodes can still validate transactions with recent inputs can they not? Or do they store all inputs. Need to read how it works
BingoBoingo: I really fail to see much difference between the
pruning nodes and the pseudo-nodes
assbot: /orionwl just merged
pruning support in /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash Core! Run a (no wallet) full node with 1.3 GB storage. Thanks to all who contributed.
jurov: oh and btw reducing
pruning limit did not help here, fluffypony
davout: mircea_popescu: what
mircea_popescu: davout well the split happened after some pretty heavy duty
ben_vulpes: anyways asciilifeform how does the backported orphan-
pruning situation handle the full tree?
mod6: jurov looks at
pruning code in utter disbelief... was thinking that everyone konws the cp --parents trick to copy files named in manifest << i /knew/ there had to be an easier way. i seem to remember asking, but anyway.
jurov looks at
pruning code in utter disbelief... was thinking that everyone konws the cp --parents trick to copy files named in manifest
Adlai has started to think of
pruning in a different manner - rather than reclaiming hard disk space, '
pruning' just means you can provably flush certain transactions from various caches. it's a time/space optimization, not a change of the glob's outward behavior
kakobrekla: if transaction bloodline is bs, why are we against bc shelling/
pruning gavinandresen: asciilifeform: again, go read the technical road map post, section on
pruning the chain
mats_cd03: mircea_popescu: i haven't been using the west key system to search. instead, i've been filtering for proceedings involving USG and then
pruning for terms like wiretap, warrant, email, hard drive, paperwork, and suppression of evidence.
BingoBoingo: Implement UTXO commitments blockchain
pruning and fully validating but not full-history nodes << Killing this is basically the goal of Fall 2014-2015
ThickAsThieves: Implement “UTXO commitments” blockchain
pruning and “fully validating but not full-history” nodes
mircea_popescu: well, it's definitely the blockchain-friendliest approach, seeing as only a hash is stored in the first place. moreover, i don't see how nonspendable tx helps anything other than
pruning mircea_popescu: it's a middle
pruning control strategy, the exact equiv of raising taxes "for social good"
markedathome: and because of the
pruning it was a complete pain
ezdiy: carefully
pruning the outdated utxos must be written from scratch :(