322 entries in 0.8s
jurov: and unlike bitcoin protocol, allows connectiong through http(s) proxies, so it was kept
HeySteve: but there are problems :) they'd have to be clearly identified as proxies
BigBitz: [ yes proxies, vpn not hard ]
MichalisBTC: also, on the complete from end we used custom proxies.
[\]: probably one of their asshole proxies
rithm: should i just use tor and proxies
mircea_popescu: "Yeah, come at me gobment bro! Ahm behind 7 proxies! MPEX got an anthrax email from NSA but he muxed it to double sideband at a lower baud rate and now he's in ur base, killing ur d00dz."
tg2: super bell dsl proxies
tg2: or use some kind of fingerprinting technique like Kount does so you can't even use proxies
mircea_popescu: cokea btw, here's a pro tip : using random seven proxies is not enough
greenspan_fan: Idk, I am having a great time w/ my array of proxies
jurov: it cen even be behind proxies like mpex does and still can be pretty responsive
dignork: mircea_popescu: even lame proxies/vpns provide SOME level of anonimity, the fact that they're obviously not absolute does not make them useless.
greenspan_fan: isn't theirs worse, though? I can get the news from anywhere, but to read your site I have to use proxies or wait
benkay: kakobrekla: my next line was going to be 'you too, mpex proxies'
mircea_popescu: proxies being hammeredf to all shit
BingoBoingo: Oh, speaking of chenese proxies... If anyone is investigating the TradeFortress shit: the accounts o Bitcointalk named TradeFortress, MtDox, and Scotaloo might be the same person.
benkay: $proxies
pankkake: if you want unstopable exchanges just hide them. proxies, i2p, tor, whatever
gribble: Good Luck, I'm Behind 7 Proxies | Know Your Meme: <http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/good-luck-im-behind-7-proxies>; 7 Proxies - Encyclopedia Dramatica: <https://encyclopediadramatica.es/7_Proxies>; [ubuntu] 7 Proxies? - Ubuntu Forums: <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1679056>
mircea_popescu: ;;google 7 proxies
jurov: sooo...to place mpex order, you have to get through mutually distrustful network of proxies
mircea_popescu: no, i just had the dubious idea of having the proxies make something sort of like a blockchain
mircea_popescu: can anybody do anything on mpex yet? i see trades on assbot, but nobody here seems to be able to talk to it (including me)? << atm proxies are dumping most of the input because they can't agree its valid
kakobrekla: proxies
Azelphur: proxies? have places started blocking mpex? XD
pankkake: $proxies
asciilifeform: trivial solution: a kind of reverse mining pool, where people are paid small btc continuously to run single-purpose proxies
jcpham: all proxies were hacked?
mircea_popescu: (it measures how long it takes stuff to make it through the edge proxies to trade engine and back, not how long it takes you to connect to edge proxies)
mircea_popescu: some proxies may be unavailable. the main mpex.co website is for sure atm.
thestringpuller: moar proxies plz
jcpham: Chaang-Noi maybe it's time for a new nick and new shells and proxies?
asciilifeform: given the way bitbet works, how would a hypothetical IP ban matter? Isn't everyone using TOR/proxies/etc. anyway?
mircea_popescu: furuknap you know proxies only work if somebody hasn't already used them up
cole_albon: $proxies
cole_albon: $proxies
mircea_popescu: you can to this day send orders to mpex via proxies no matter how dirty.
jcpham: yo i heard you like proxies ion your proxies
lippoper1: Our blades implements only the diff 1 getwork protocol. So p2pool is possible, but should be with proxies.
jcpham: we could proxy all the proxies
Scrat: mircea_popescu: are you implying that it doesn't work? it can be avoided however if reverse proxies have set IPs and your webservers whitelist said IPs
mpexbot: smickles: avg, depth, email, moo, mpexlag, post, proxies, unconfirmed, and vwap
midnightmagic: mpex.ws doesn't resolve. same with mpex.bz, and.. hrm.. ( for the coinbr proxies.
pgp: proxies don't seem to work
mircea_popescu: $proxies
mircea_popescu: Load Averages 0.07 0.08 0.08 on the proxies.
mircea_popescu: $proxies
mircea_popescu: $help proxies
mircea_popescu: benkay superficially it is not a problem, but on the old system (before the previous upgrade) there existed windows of a few minutes between when the trade engine executed and when the web proxies reported.
smickles: $proxies Dsc5KCB9
smickles: $proxies DfwUaFTD
smickles: $proxies GPv6MV5E
smickles: $proxies
smickles: $proxies qmLNVKpL
smickles: $proxies
mircea_popescu: $proxies qU4hTtcP
jurov: $proxies
jurov: $proxies qU4hTtcP
mircea_popescu: $proxies http://pastebin.com/qU4hTtcP
mircea_popescu: $proxies qU4hTtcP
mircea_popescu: $proxies pastebin.com/1KXGu3vS
mircea_popescu: $proxies 1KXGu3vS
mircea_popescu: $proxies http://pastebin.com/1KXGu3vS
jurov: $proxies abrbm3cp
mircea_popescu: $proxies
mircea_popescu: $proxies VFfKqFB6
mircea_popescu: $proxies
mircea_popescu: once i get the rest online, can you measure the lag for the entire $proxies list ?
mircea_popescu: thing about it, you're getting it through 2 proxies
smickles: $proxies
gribble: Error: "proxies" is not a valid command.
smickles: ;;proxies
mpexbot: smickles: depth, email, post, proxies, and vwap
mircea_popescu: maybe i should upgrade the php proxies to also forward mail.
pigeons: it proxies
mircea_popescu: $proxies
mpexbot: smickles: depth, post, proxies, and vwap
smickles: $proxies
MJR_: $proxies
MJR_: !proxies
smickles: mircea_popescu and myself can add to the list with $proxies <pastebin paste key to a signed json array of proxies>
mircea_popescu: $proxies
smickles: mircea_popescu: give $proxies a go
mircea_popescu: $proxies
mircea_popescu: and b. the proxies just php proxy, it's fixed
pizzaman1337: it would be cool if you could distribute something for people to setup their own proxies
pizzaman1337: when you update the .php on mpex's servers does it need to be manually updated on proxies?
mircea_popescu: other than that there are private proxies available atm, and the public irc bots.
mod6: i gotta see if any of the proxies can process PGP messages similar to mpex.co used to -- otherwise I gotta change my perl scripts
mircea_popescu: anyway : in case our proxies get taken down, you can use mpexbot to check the json for vwap prices and market depth.
mircea_popescu: finally yest they got the proxies and everything.
mircea_popescu: mjr__ proxies help in the exact sort of way i had it set-up : open web proxy which connects on a sort of private vpn to mpex webservers
mjr__: hmmm, and since it is routers not boxes, proxies won't really help?
mircea_popescu: nanotube a coupla of the proxies were on amazon
nanotube: mircea_popescu: make sure to have the bot communicate with another secret proxy, not core server. so if bot is cracked open, they only discover one of your proxies, not real location.
mircea_popescu: so at that time i split the tubes up north/east, and started a bunch of proxies
mircea_popescu: if you look at it practically these webservers are practically proxies.
maximian: mircea_popescu where is that list of proxies again? mpex.coinbr.com isn't responding for me (I hope juror isn't under attack now)
Namworld: which proxies the backend