322 entries in 0.713s
nanotube: mircea_popescu: ah cool. so i presume your twitter will keep listing the latest proxies?
nanotube: mircea_popescu: ah, didn't know there were proxies. :)
mircea_popescu: nanotube main site is being ddosed. use proxies
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla not really, you can actually trace to source with http proxies.
kakobrekla: and if you change it to unknown its same shit if you keep it hidden via tor or via decent http proxies
kakobrekla: if proxies hide location
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla mpex would be on tor, proxies would be on normal web.
jurov: and only proxies would know where.. as long as it stays secret, no hoppin necessary
smickles: Rick_: full story and other proxies at http://pastebin.com/xfSBf759
mircea_popescu: Chilca there's a pretty dumb ddos going on the main domain. but you can use any of the proxies jsut fine
mircea_popescu: use the various proxies, such as
smickles: and there are other proxies too
smickles: and what do you mean 'a seat on the backend', if you have a connection to the backend which isn't a proxy, why are you worried about the other proxies?
smickles: mpex.coinbr.com is one of many proxies to the mpex backend, and since all you send is encrypted, it doesn't matter that you are sending info thru a third party
smickles: and it's not down, all the proxies are working
smickles: use one of the proxies
jurov: good you have put the proxies in place, i just switched
jurov: but they do check rigorously for open proxies
thestringpuller: you need a better paywall, since now I'm just using proxies to scramble the outbound ip :P
smickles: jurov: "Does it mean that, for example pyMPEx will come bundled with fall back list of proxies to send requests to in case of mpex.co is unreachable?" I could do that if you wanted
mircea_popescu: i will just make one fucking trillion free host proxies.
jurov: namworld: http://www.proxies.by/cgi-proxy.htm