56 entries in 0.733s

BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Huawei sells
pNohe models that dwarf Apple in price. The own the high end with a strong presence in the mid range market
BingoBoingo: Huawei already owns the high end fondleslab
pNohe market outside the US. Not like they can't use owning the market to shift what the warez is.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, I guess next time sell the car? Trade it for a
pnoHe and then sell the
pnoHe in destination?
BingoBoingo: In my experience it is same people who drop
pnohe that repeat that mistake indefinitely
ascii_field: the exploit which allowed the
pnohe to be 'jailbroken'
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: these are a very funny joke on their own. WITHOUT EXCEPTION all 'rooters' are closed-source gigantic blobs that do fuck-knows-what to the
pnohe ascii_field: as in 'no upgrade, proggies bought in the store won't run, latest
Pnohe won't sync, etc'
ascii_field: 'google' now sells a cardboard frame one can stuff a
pNohe into, as 3d glasses.
pnohe does not want to resolve dns even apparently
ascii-bolivia: wtf; there is a -coin operated
pNohe charger here-.
ascii_field: there is no sensible '
pNohe', we already knew this
ascii_field: BingoBoingo: once you turn said
pNohe on from your home, it may as well be registered to your face
BingoBoingo: I bough
pnoHe and minutes cards for said without ID
nubbins`: *:asciilifeform wonders if he's the only fella here who has never rage-smashed a keyboard,
pNohe, pNablet, ..., etc <<< i rage-smashed a set of folding binoculars at around age 8, broke the little compass on top. wept bitterly at the loss, resolved to only smash things i didn't value from then on
BingoBoingo: Adlai: Mobile online machine, Maybe I want someone to shoot money at me from a
Pnohe while watching it hit
BingoBoingo: cazalla: You ever try reading coinfire on Mobile? We're kicking their ass on
pnoHe friendly layout nao
BingoBoingo: davout: Well google was more the catalyst for doing it now. That and having picked up a Smatr
PNohe to actually test on.
BingoBoingo: I'm pretty sure
pNohe sellers could find a way to make resistive touchscreens fashionable again.
BingoBoingo: Microphoneless smart
Pnohe is the way to
Pnohe, because BB pager recieves calls, records a message. To return calls you battery up a flip phone.