500+ entries in 0.191s
jfw opens up the spec
PDF he had lying on HDD, is reminded it's 2500 pages
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-07 06:32:48 diana_coman: upon asking my moldavian ISP for the data re attack on my server, they sent over a .pcap file + a .
pdf file with an analysis; it says max 1.5Gbits/s on Oct 4th; the whole thing seems to be coming in from 8 IPs; I still have to look at the .pdap in detail
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-07 06:32:48 diana_coman: upon asking my moldavian ISP for the data re attack on my server, they sent over a .pcap file + a .
pdf file with an analysis; it says max 1.5Gbits/s on Oct 4th; the whole thing seems to be coming in from 8 IPs; I still have to look at the .pdap in detail
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-07 06:32:48 diana_coman: upon asking my moldavian ISP for the data re attack on my server, they sent over a .pcap file + a .
pdf file with an analysis; it says max 1.5Gbits/s on Oct 4th; the whole thing seems to be coming in from 8 IPs; I still have to look at the .pdap in detail
diana_coman: upon asking my moldavian ISP for the data re attack on my server, they sent over a .pcap file + a .
pdf file with an analysis; it says max 1.5Gbits/s on Oct 4th; the whole thing seems to be coming in from 8 IPs; I still have to look at the .pdap in detail
a111: Logged on 2019-06-04 00:51 asciilifeform: incidentally, i generate these by machine, and it takes about 3sec per. would have put it as a
net-connected hopper thing aeons ago, BUT it of course uses a heathen render (there are no 'demonstrably electrically correct'
pdf eaters, and i dun expect one to exist) and suffers from
the obvious problem a111: Logged on 2019-06-04 00:51 asciilifeform: incidentally, i generate these by machine, and it takes about 3sec per. would have put it as a
net-connected hopper thing aeons ago, BUT it of course uses a heathen render (there are no 'demonstrably electrically correct'
pdf eaters, and i dun expect one to exist) and suffers from
the obvious problem BingoBoingo cutting up
pdf extracted text for Qntra, but this one...
a111: Logged on 2019-06-04 00:51 asciilifeform: incidentally, i generate these by machine, and it takes about 3sec per. would have put it as a
net-connected hopper thing aeons ago, BUT it of course uses a heathen render (there are no 'demonstrably electrically correct'
pdf eaters, and i dun expect one to exist) and suffers from
the obvious problem a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 22:29 mircea_popescu: thatg aside, the more pressing problem is that we don't have a proper
pdf-decrufter, (random moron with delusions of self-impoirtance failed to be useful, as you prolly recall), and if we're going to do something by hand this'd be more sorely needed than that.
PeterL: proof-reading welcom, I included a link to the
pdf in a footnote
bvt: also, the linked
pdf contains one FFT-like algorithm i considered to implement (using walsh transform for convolution instead of fft). but it'd be even more complex
mircea_popescu: "oh mp, just because orgmode evidently made by a certain kind of idiots to support their specific idiocy doesn't mean anything ; and also, when the necessary fruits of that labour of love start
pdf-ing their way to the surface, that's just coincidental 3rd party linkage". how far ?
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-21#1882432 << mircea_popescu believes orgmode is ~stupid~, which carries no further import than this, and mircea_popescu does not begrudge the users their usage. he however also notices that what it LEADS to is fucking anathema ; because if indeed orgmode is in your mind a stepping stone from emacs to
pdf, then indeed orgmode is exactly as stupid as i fucking thought it was.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-12-21 06:29 mircea_popescu:
http://irreal.org/blog/ << for the lulz files. incidentally, when i think "emacs user" i think of this moron, "omg you guys .org -> .tex -> .
pdf is a great work-flow for sharing information. It's like #inception though - first #emacs became my OS and now everything I create in Emacs is becoming an #Orgmode file. First I started doing all my writing in Emacs (and later, of course, as much of everything else as I could) and the
http://irreal.org/blog/ << for the lulz files. incidentally, when i think "emacs user" i think of this moron, "omg you guys .org -> .tex -> .
pdf is a great work-flow for sharing information. It's like #inception though - first #emacs became my OS and now everything I create in Emacs is becoming an #Orgmode file. First I started doing all my writing in Emacs (and later, of course, as much of everything else as I could) and the
☟︎ phf: it's got ada, emacs, sbcl (and some extra tooling like mutt and a
pdf reader)
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> i beleive this Jnrrnnv Ltcmuex, esq shall become a character. << Hey, in a world where only machines can read
pdf ocr hell into text, courts have to live with their illegible data writing
mircea_popescu throws hands up, this was the available budget for
pdf bs.
pdf can't "own" bits anymore than wikipedia can. if i drop a can of tuna in dogshit, it;s not now "dogshit brand tuna"
mircea_popescu: just re-genesis anything you happen to find and care about in a
pdf as if it were your own original invention.
mircea_popescu: so imo saddling anyone with "transform
pdf into sanity" is not unlike saddling the one with any other restatement of "build machine, shit in, prunes out".
mircea_popescu: by a i mean : a zip of pngs can be presented as ".
pdf" and this is legal ; just as vectored text or ascii text could.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the problem afaik is that
pdf is a) not a format and b) not digital.
mircea_popescu: i'm perfectly willing to turn the de facto "we of tmsr do not believe anything in a
pdf should ever be read" into law.
mircea_popescu: iirc i even put in the logs url of very fine service in this vein, back a few years ago when i still even considered i might be interested in reading something that came in a
BingoBoingo: To be clear this isn't a
pdf merely filled out from the
pdf reader. It is filled out and interacts(maybe interacted) with their backend system from
pdf reader.
BingoBoingo: Well, the all time low of systems I interacted with is pre-Uruguay when I went to Southern Illinois University for my graduate philosophy stint. The independent university department had an interactive
pdf web form everyone had to use to register for the sticker to keep their vehicles from getting kidnapped by University Parking.
mircea_popescu: but whatever, moron opted to make it a
pdf, i don't care.
mircea_popescu: the sooner i don't have to hear
pdf anymore the better.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-11 18:40 phf: i'm unconvinced there can be such a thing as hygienic latex, possibly there can be ghostscript if you pull out the
pdf support (?)
phf: i'm unconvinced there can be such a thing as hygienic latex, possibly there can be ghostscript if you pull out the
pdf support (?)
☟︎ phf: i think we might've discussed how all these utility libraries (particularly freedesktop ones) are the holes through which the darkness comes. poppler is one of them, a fork of venerable xpdf it is now everywhere where
pdf manipulation is done, naturally with no way to turn of said manipulation when need be
phf: just curious, i'm trying to figure out where to draw the line on hairshirts. postscript pulls poppler for its
pdf backend (so does latex, etc. but i'm not even going there)
mircea_popescu: im not curling some
pdf, fuck 'em, let them learn how to use the web if they want to spread their drivel.