60 entries in 0.586s
asciilifeform: also anyffin that dun fit in a knapsack is decreed to go through the dock. which means ordering the crew to unlock the gates, takes 10min or so on top.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: re 'parameters', witness typical life cycle of ameritard. schoolboy -- glues rubbish to his knapsack, so to 'unique' . then inherits car, glues rubbish to bumper of car. then pupates and indentures into 'buying' house, glues rubbish to house. etc
Mocky: oh hey, i didn't have the context for that knapsack challenge when I read it in the logs, had no idea what it meant. meanwhile forgot all about it
a111: Logged on 2016-08-20 14:38 mircea_popescu: here's a nice eulora knapsack problem for anyone looking to sharpen their ACTUAL computer science skills :
a111: Logged on 2018-04-05 16:36 asciilifeform: trinque: theoretically 'every private has a marshal's baton in his knapsack', but realistically it is not esp. likely that 'popping trb' had to wait for this 1 d00d to turn 19 or what he was.
asciilifeform: trinque: theoretically 'every private has a marshal's baton in his knapsack', but realistically it is not esp. likely that 'popping trb' had to wait for this 1 d00d to turn 19 or what he was. ☟︎
asciilifeform: picture, knapsack.
asciilifeform: napoleon's 'marshall's baton in the knapsack of every soldier' is a lulgag
mircea_popescu: oh the knapsack application
a111: 49 results for "knapsack", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=knapsack
asciilifeform: !#s knapsack
asciilifeform: and ftr 70kgs afaik gives 0 trouble to a healthy d00d, whether in chick or knapsack or comp (e.g. my lispm)
asciilifeform: 'd00d walks in, knapsack of fat white envelopes to $monkeystans'
a111: Logged on 2016-02-06 02:49 mircea_popescu: actually the 4 color map thing is in my head just as good if not better than knapsack
asciilifeform: as i see it, what is missing here is the knapsack per se
asciilifeform: is it the knapsack problem, where coins are now vectors, rather than scalars, they have a volume and a density ?
mircea_popescu: and incidentally "knapsack" problem is a fucking overstatement. here's a very simple strategy : 1. sort available inputs by size ; 2. if current step != last step, select first input that is smaller than tx going out else select the input right before that ; recurse to 1.
davout: the "let program select outputs to spend" half works half of the time, like you said "knapsack problem"
asciilifeform: mod6: 'create a tx' is np-complete (knapsack problem) so you can potentially end up with strange solutions. user MUST approve before firing.
asciilifeform: in fact, it isn't N^2, but potentially exponential (knapsack)
mircea_popescu: here's a nice eulora knapsack problem for anyone looking to sharpen their ACTUAL computer science skills : ☟︎
asciilifeform: just like we aren't having a thread about testing strength of knapsack keys.
asciilifeform: just like the weight of knapsack a healthy young bloke can march with is roughly same today as in rome
asciilifeform: hopefully he does it with shaheed knapsack in tor hq also.
Framedragger: asciilifeform: hmh i guess https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle%E2%80%93Hellman_knapsack_cryptosystem is np-complete, pity it's broken
asciilifeform: seems to resolve to the 'knapsack problem.'
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-05#1463243 << quite unlikely. you can't just take a tumour off like a knapsack and get up and go... ☝︎
asciilifeform: as if the knapsack thing were not enough
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: knapsack problem is this np-complete boojum for which you can, yes, have various crapsack approximations
trinque: yep, you have finite volume and items of varying volume and value, want to pack the knapsack by optimal value
asciilifeform: is everyone familiar with knapsack ?
asciilifeform: the notion of the machine undertaking to solve the knapsack problem is ludicrous in itself.
asciilifeform: btw, further thread necromancy, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=08-02-2016#1399548 << this is misguided, no one goes around with stereotypical 'black van' any longer, the gear is pocket-sized (knapsack at the most) ☝︎
asciilifeform: i just need a motherfucking knapsack unix box that never has to be powered down, hotplugs displays, and '4k' lcd.
mircea_popescu: actually the 4 color map thing is in my head just as good if not better than knapsack ☟︎
asciilifeform: just like you can brag about being a muscle man, but i can always fill a knapsack that you cannot move with, so you cannot say 'it does not matter what a knapsack weighs!111'
asciilifeform: and yes, before anyone bothers to ask, the thing ~has~ to be portable, and yes, has to fit in knapsack
asciilifeform: thing was running on a portable, in a knapsack, in a car...
asciilifeform: i filled a knapsack with books and didn't feel like trudging home in the 99% humidity
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-04-2015#1109517 << sokoban is this ancient knapsack problemizer implemented for ms-dos. it was a riot. as famous as tetris. ☝︎
trinque: nubbins` operates from a crypto-knapsack
ascii_field: he is also stuck with the knapsack
ascii_field: theoretically a knapsack problem, yes
ascii_field: so instead of actually racing, folks start to show off their strength by competing who can walk normally for the longest time with a knapsack full of crap
asciilifeform: decimation: even if napoleon wrote that 'every soldier's knapsack must contain a fieldmarshall's baton', not everyone can be fieldmarshal
mircea_popescu: http://www11.kinghost.com/fetish/knapsack/bicycle182-brut.html whole set if you're curious.
mircea_popescu: http://www11.kinghost.com/fetish/knapsack/images/bicm6973.jpg
asciilifeform: unfortunately the timing of that experiment will soon be ruined, it is running on a gigantic portable that will be going into a knapsack in a few min.
TheNewDeal: or like, could carry in large knapsack?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: knapsack. << When restricted to a knapsack I dunno that digging anything bigger than a hole to bury turds should be a bigger priority than evading the force restricting you to a knapsack
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: knapsack.
punkman: decimation: is there going to be a 'reset' of the state of his deed 'knapsack' over time? <- it happened a couple times during testing, hopefuly the lords will provide adequate space in the future.
decimation: is there going to be a 'reset' of the state of his deed 'knapsack' over time?
asciilifeform: (example of optical 'knapsack packer', posted here some time ago)
asciilifeform: lol re: baggage machine. used to push my knapsack through this exact type of box every morning.
asciilifeform: damnit, you want that i draw the whole picture, and then some bozo maps knapsack to the discrete logarithm problem
asciilifeform: result: machine solving knapsack problem in polynomial time.
asciilifeform: consider this knapsack packer: ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: i also have a hunch that it is a variant of Knapsack Problem
mircea_popescu: so i have a special knapsack where i keep the 0 value items ?