60 entries in 0.586s

Mocky: oh hey, i didn't have the context for that
knapsack challenge when I read it in the logs, had no idea what it meant. meanwhile forgot all about it
a111: Logged on 2016-08-20 14:38 mircea_popescu: here's a nice eulora
knapsack problem for anyone looking to sharpen their ACTUAL computer science skills :
a111: Logged on 2018-04-05 16:36 asciilifeform: trinque: theoretically 'every private has a marshal's baton in his
knapsack', but realistically it is not esp. likely that 'popping trb' had to wait for this 1 d00d to turn 19 or what he was.
a111: Logged on 2016-02-06 02:49 mircea_popescu: actually the 4 color map thing is in my head just as good if not better than
knapsack mircea_popescu: and incidentally "
knapsack" problem is a fucking overstatement. here's a very simple strategy : 1. sort available inputs by size ; 2. if current step != last step, select first input that is smaller than tx going out else select the input right before that ; recurse to 1.
davout: the "let program select outputs to spend" half works half of the time, like you said "
knapsack problem"
mircea_popescu: here's a nice eulora
knapsack problem for anyone looking to sharpen their ACTUAL computer science skills :
☟︎ trinque: yep, you have finite volume and items of varying volume and value, want to pack the
knapsack by optimal value
mircea_popescu: actually the 4 color map thing is in my head just as good if not better than
knapsack ☟︎ trinque: nubbins` operates from a crypto-
knapsack ascii_field: so instead of actually racing, folks start to show off their strength by competing who can walk normally for the longest time with a
knapsack full of crap
TheNewDeal: or like, could carry in large
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo:
knapsack. << When restricted to a
knapsack I dunno that digging anything bigger than a hole to bury turds should be a bigger priority than evading the force restricting you to a
knapsack punkman: decimation: is there going to be a 'reset' of the state of his deed '
knapsack' over time? <- it happened a couple times during testing, hopefuly the lords will provide adequate space in the future.
decimation: is there going to be a 'reset' of the state of his deed '
knapsack' over time?
mircea_popescu: so i have a special
knapsack where i keep the 0 value items ?