64 entries in 0.78s
mp_en_viaje: is the very simple "we each have these herds of sluts we're competing" basis, upon which donizetti came and offered a useful tool : "hey guise ? ima write a piece no human female born out of human female can EVER fucking sing. it'll just be fucking impossible. you can watch them die trying, crash and burtn on the stage, all their natural girly hopes and aspirations and the rest of the coy behaviour debris eviscerated for y
a111: Logged on 2018-11-03 15:05 mircea_popescu: shinohai your only available position here is "here is what i now understand to have been doing wrong, and shan't be fucking doing again, as exemplified by this excessively costly self sacrifice". not fucking "hey guise, buddy-buddy, are you gonna change to fit me in THIS time or do i come back whenever later try again".
diana_coman: asciilifeform, for my curiosity: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-05#1892640 -> how is this ANY different from all the other "hey guise, I'ma signal nao" ; by now the "what do you think of X" is almost a signal in itself ☝︎
mircea_popescu: i mean, it certainly has the virtue of signalling, "Hey guise, i intend to do this" sorta thing
mircea_popescu: shinohai your only available position here is "here is what i now understand to have been doing wrong, and shan't be fucking doing again, as exemplified by this excessively costly self sacrifice". not fucking "hey guise, buddy-buddy, are you gonna change to fit me in THIS time or do i come back whenever later try again". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "hey guise ? i have a mathematical definition of blockchipher, and guess what comes for free with it."
mircea_popescu: it's kinda funny how the predictable result of an hour's logs is that... "hey guise... there's even MOAR space at the trough than we thought! you have engineermanyears to put to some use ? ohohoh here, here, uses, pick, choose!"
mircea_popescu: so, you're paying good money to have BingoBoingo on the ground there ; what "on the ground means" is that he can go to dc and say "hey guise, will you test this box we make ? no charge". IF they agree, and IF you have made the tmsruniper, and IF indeed they come out of it thinking they're better off with that, THEN you can sell it for credit, and not need to do more wires. yes ?
mircea_popescu: hey guise, i know how to to barrel rolls. i played some video games.
mircea_popescu: and this is on the purely livresque level of "hey guise, i have a great idea for a work of fiction".
mircea_popescu: funny how nobody from the "concerned" peanut gallery is there on the congress floor uninvited every day, "hey guise, remember that time when oyu decided to rechristian french fries ? what happened to that ??? I THINK THE USD IS WORTHLESS!!!"\
mircea_popescu: sn0wmonster the moment you stumble into a technical discussion with "proposals" on the level of "hey guise i just heard about this cryptormation superhighway, here's how to fix it", YOU made the discussion about you.
mircea_popescu: otherwise it'll be nothing but "hey guise, some bits flipped because cosmic-rays and that's how the deed got deeded" all over the place.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so far doing the whole "hey guise i can google plox like me" schtick which is getting on my nerves.
mircea_popescu: besides, you operate on the same exact paradigm, except when you deliberately turn off your brain and any sense of decency to participate with the empire of idiots. witness : if i now say "hey guise, i found way to crack asciilifeform 's key, will publish tomorow"
mircea_popescu: where's that cartoon about "hey guise, i heard about bitcoin/sex/eating/world yesterday, I AM HERE TO FIX IT"
mircea_popescu: i fail to see this potential. looks entirely like "hey guise, let's agree on definition of ai that allows the pretense of sv technologee to survive a little longer plox "
mircea_popescu: aww i was hoping for a thorougher trashing of the imbecile redditard and his "hey guise let me tell you what alt universe my unchallenged 15 yo mind dreamed up"
mircea_popescu: o hey guise, we're ok to do all our terrorism on iphones now ?!
mircea_popescu: "hey guise, is seattle legit ? my girlfriend got a job here but i dunno... i looked on the itnernet and it seems like a real town and whatnot, but how can i be sure ?"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i always thought someone should just take all the bs "hey guise is bitcoin legit ?" noob questions, take them to craigslist, replace bitcoin with name of city and go all concerned-like
mircea_popescu: one day someone calls up foxconn and is like hey guise... can i have fridge in cpu ?
thestringpuller: "hey guise don't sell your stock" - to the employees, while all big investors sell out
mircea_popescu: "hey guise, i get no shit for doing things right, my worn out butt is surprised. what is this!"
pete_dushenski: "hey u guise, i have a capital idea ! mebbe no one will notice that we've inflated trillion of worthless rmb into our 'markets' if we change the colours of the stop lights at the intersection !"
mircea_popescu: in other news : i am satisfied that the 363730 fork and the 363730-363736 dead chain contain nothing remarkable from a "hey guise they switched out the blokchanin" perspective. so i'm letting this rest.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-07-2015#1186881 lmao "hey guise, everyone is now playing to your tune, what do you mean everyone's playing to your tune ?!?!?! so sad to see wind out of your sails as everyone's playing to your tune!!!" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: do you expect torvalds to consider what random shitforbrains released as "linux kernel" and go "hey guise we can't use version x.x, anon shitforbrains used it fiorst!!11" ?
mircea_popescu: it's dead anyway, but hey, well done guise, at least you went blind on code.
pete_dushenski: "hey guise, i just noticed something funny and i know you're gonna laugh at this too"
mircea_popescu: 'hey guise, how do you make meth in your kitchen ? afaf"
mircea_popescu: "o hey guise, now that the bitcoin crowd has headshot'd our openssl holes, please everyone fuck up their init!"
mircea_popescu: lol "hey guise, we're mpex!1"
mircea_popescu: lol. what's with all the youtube chicks, "hey guise, there is something i want to talk about today"
assbot: 26 results for 'hey guise' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=hey+guise
mircea_popescu: !s hey guise
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: "hey guise i'm the first hand-blown glass satanist dildo shop in the WORLD to accept bitcoin!" << when's the ipo!
nubbins`: "hey guise i'm the first hand-blown glass satanist dildo shop in the WORLD to accept bitcoin!"
mircea_popescu: fluffypony no but i mean "o hey guise, i discovered trollbox on btce"
mircea_popescu: currently the entire thing is "hey guise, check out this shit i made. i call it... a box cutter. it cuts everything"
benkay: hey youse guise today i learned bitcoin doesn't have the discipline to be a monopoly
dexX7: hey guise what do you think about a blockchain postcard service? users submit a message which is then posted via op_return. i bet some devs would love the idea! :D
mircea_popescu: hey guise, you really think i'm... eh nevermind
mircea_popescu: then copme back a week later going "hey guise pls charity ???"
mircea_popescu: you have to be incredibly fucking retarded to go "hey guise, i don't give a shit about you bye"
mircea_popescu: hey guise you really think i'm eccentric psychotic ?
mircea_popescu: hey guise, i have an idea!
mircea_popescu: hey guise, have you heard about jpm rebranding ?
mircea_popescu: "hey guise! check out this neat thing i did" "x" "o fuck me".
mircea_popescu: totally worth a nobel prize for going "hey guise, wouldn't it be better if we ipo that shit ???"
mircea_popescu: "hey guise! beer! w00t!"
mircea_popescu: i imagine it'll be a good day when most of the people commenting on Nature are going "hey guise Nature is nasty I am ignoring it hahaha!"
mircea_popescu: this will be a trending topic. "hey guise remember me ? i donated 0.35 btc to your project in 2010.
mircea_popescu: bwahahaha this is great. "hey guise i am new to internet stuff, it's all fake rite ???"
mircea_popescu: for instance, the silkroad kid they caught by discovering that he came here going "hey guise, how would someone make like a bitcoin tor craigslist"
mircea_popescu: "hey guise, here's a cool idea, make us president coins narf" ?
mircea_popescu: "hey guise guess what, my secret key is just like my name lol. but it's all cool because i have a paper wallet."
mircea_popescu: o hey guise! remember
mircea_popescu: hey guise,
dexX7: hey guise. i liquidated all my amethyst shares to buy btcgrowth. who's with me?
proximo_: hey guise mircea popescu is a scammor you idiots
benkay: hey you guise
benkay: hey guise