800+ entries in 0.217s
asciilifeform: hence, e.g., the flipoladed 'apple bugreports' & similar keyz.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-13 01:35 ben_vulpes: i swear that apple is varying the time at which it presents its "are you ready to upgrade now?" modal to me
ben_vulpes: i swear that apple is varying the time at which it presents its "are you ready to upgrade now?" modal to me ☟︎
asciilifeform: they 'went apple'.
ben_vulpes: http://www.recode.net/2016/12/7/13864776/apple-spotify-60-million-subscribers-7-billion-revenue << bullshit fucking revenue numbers
mircea_popescu: if you are stewarding an apple tree, you'll fucking deliver apples till the day you die ; you do not come up with a way to make the apple tree make shitty plums.
mircea_popescu: "apple COULD buy russia ; meanwhile icbc bought south america"
mircea_popescu: if apple could buy russia, why not.
mircea_popescu: ahahaha i thought you meant that apple pr piece, i was totally lost here.
mircea_popescu: anyway ; intel knows him, "one of the more accurate predictors of apple's earnings" ; guy's been announcing "apple building new company" bla bla for a year
mircea_popescu: they managed to sell the same apple three times.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-05#1577731 << also 2005 (if you search the logs knowing what you're looking for) is a stand in for "decade of tail end of somewhat sane computing". linux on desktop hasn't wrecked the ecosystem yet, apple is selling unix boxes (and not phones), ibm is selling professional laptops, no reddit, no smartphone culture, no facebook, etc. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Why is Apple pie American when Apples are other?
mircea_popescu: eggplant is as iranian as apple.
phf: http://www.apple.com/newsroom/2016/08/apple-adds-more-gender-diverse-emoji-in-ios-10.html
mircea_popescu: with what money, with all their apple stock that could buy russia ?
scriba: Logged on 2016-11-15: [19:26:43] <mircea_popescu> no dude, when apple.com was registgered it was registered to a key.
mircea_popescu: no dude, when apple.com was registgered it was registered to a key.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i guess in your view, perhaps no viable conflicts would arise in gns? say, two owners of two distinct pgp keys claiming ownership of "apple.com". some kind of due process is to take place, presumably
a111: Logged on 2016-11-12 15:50 mircea_popescu: set up your client to pick two-of-three, give it 1 republic and 2 reich servers. it'll give you republic for all the things reich doesn't know and reich for stuff like apple.com
Framedragger: incidentally, iirc apple does have a key for security@apple.com or somesuch; would be amusing if later on, a 'security' intern at apple (who was the one to create the key as nobody else bothered with it) came forward..
asciilifeform: so now 'apple' is very small and consists of 1 unemployed ex-ceo d00d, or..
asciilifeform: apple - is an amoeba.
asciilifeform: so -- it'd be a lie, if some d00d, even the resurrected corpse of jobs, etc., showed up with key and said 'i am apple'
asciilifeform: where 'apple' is an organization, with board, etc.
asciilifeform: what this means ? that now 1 d00d 'is apple', like louis l'etat c'est moi ?
asciilifeform: picture if 'apple makes pgp key'
Framedragger: oh, that is for certain. "are you apple? really - prove it."
mircea_popescu: set up your client to pick two-of-three, give it 1 republic and 2 reich servers. it'll give you republic for all the things reich doesn't know and reich for stuff like apple.com ☟︎
ben_vulpes: the apple liquor industry is spinning up as well.
mircea_popescu: afgain with this apple could buy russia nonsense. why are they so stupid ?
ben_vulpes: somewhere in the back of my head i'm balancing the tradeoffs of continuing to use apple machines as ssh terminals into actually-usable machines vs cutting over to linux or a bsd wholesale
phf: asciilifeform: that was the case since forever, but they not only ensure that you can't apple from outside, they also ensure that you have to be on the upgrades bandwagon. with my 10.9.5 i'm running into things that "require newever version"
ben_vulpes: but that box on the table is the thing that produces and signs builds, and when apple says upgrade, it gets upgraded because it's a day to unfuck the toolchain after they break it and some completely unknowable amount of time to reverse engineer whatever the fuck xcode is doing.
ben_vulpes: and if you think you can do that with not-the-latest-xcode-and-os i have a build here that needs sucking through apple's garden hose
ben_vulpes: for the reprehensibly obstinate and misc log readers the only reason one could possibly *need* an apple box were if one came from such a bad life that producing builds for apple's walled garden was a regular requirement
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: but /why/ would you use an apple product?
trinque: you can throw in a chopped up green apple too
a111: Logged on 2016-10-28 20:15 phf: for apple people here, i guess, ben_vulpes? https://twitter.com/stroughtonsmith/status/791872723681239040 "Touch Bar runs watchOS, and macOS sends it framebuffer data over USB. This presumably then relays multitouch events back to macOS."
phf: for apple people here, i guess, ben_vulpes? https://twitter.com/stroughtonsmith/status/791872723681239040 "Touch Bar runs watchOS, and macOS sends it framebuffer data over USB. This presumably then relays multitouch events back to macOS." ☟︎
phf: pete_dushenski: i looked at eizos, but it's another minefield. they seem to have a "prosumer" line, that's the same trash you get elsewhere. and then there's pro line that's 2k+, but you can't just judge by the price. gotta know what you're doing. hence hunting for apple cinemas, i know they worked well for me in the past.
phf: ha, i'm at this moment trying to find a couple of matte apple cinema displays. they seem to have completely disappeared from ebay/amazon/... (they've been discontinued for a while now)
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: the unboxing experience is strongly reminiscent of early apple
ben_vulpes: macs belong to apple, customer just gets to depreciate them while running xcode or chrome
pete_dushenski: mats: all good. looks like the apple 'developer' page hosts all the old ones after all. surprising but true.
mod6: also, if you want, i can try to run the above command on this apple macbook pro i have access to; if you like.
mats: i suspect apple left their gfx driver debug switch on in their latest update to osx
mircea_popescu: shinohai the strat is to go after cases. "we have these here three horny fifteen year olds, ergo your site is banned. what, they're three out of fifty million ? ha-hA! you're not on the usg list of google apple etc, so your 50mn don't count. only fb's 50 million (which they misrepresent as 5bn) count. LISTS!!"
mircea_popescu: "i will now make apple pie out of turnips, because here in new york all we have is turnips. mmmmm delicious apple pie, new-york style. the angel morni told me so!"
mircea_popescu: (in case anyone thought "let's add fluoride to water" is some sort of novel insanity : as american as apple pie. this schmuck added radium for the EXACT same purpose - it'll strengthen your teeth, cure gout and female anoyingness.)
ben_vulpes: a) /delivery/, generally one levels etc after pulling it off pallet but w/e, b) it's not a total shoop in the style of that retro pornshot mircea_popescu posted with the apple kb?
mircea_popescu: nah. iirc some apple schmuck transitioned to it.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-19: [15:34:12] <asciilifeform> in other lulz, 'In the last two weeks many security professionals have praised Apple for reacting lightning fast to the PEGASUS threat that has been actively exploited in the wild. This praise was given because the parties involved kept samples from independent 3rd party researchers and did not reveal any detailed information about the kernel
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160921/#42 << sure ; hard to find an entirely clean apple in the swamp. i'd still like to see woit here if anyone knows him enough to invite.
mircea_popescu: what exactly "libreboot is no longer part of the gnu project" is supposed to mean is anyone's guess. the whole existence of gnu is in the form of licenses. they can't retroactively change these. so they'll what, move to mit/bsd licenses in the future ? nobody gives a shit. are they selling to apple ? wouldn't be the first time fraudulent operator tried this under the guise of "good reasonz, guise!!!1"
mircea_popescu: but hey, at least the-shithead-bureaucrat-who-inherited-apple gets to have his day in the sun about whether the glyph for "gun" should be "water pistol"
BingoBoingo: So true "Imagine a rutabaga or an apple, a living harbinger of an adult plant like Christ in His manger presaging the deliverance of all mankind boiled, baked, fried, sauteed, steamed, sun-dried (poor raisins!), microwaved, or roasted to death. Imagine crunching into a fresh green pepper and listening to it scream as your molars do their dirty work. "
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2016/09/google-and-apple-break-compatibility-with-new-developer-product-releases/ << Qntra - Google And Apple Break Compatibility With New Developer Product Releases
shinohai: "at least he's up to date with the latest in computing technology from windows/apple/mit etc" <<< lolz
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160919/#137 << at least he's up to date with the latest in computing technology from windows/apple/mit etc
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-19: [15:34:12] <asciilifeform> in other lulz, 'In the last two weeks many security professionals have praised Apple for reacting lightning fast to the PEGASUS threat that has been actively exploited in the wild. This praise was given because the parties involved kept samples from independent 3rd party researchers and did not reveal any detailed information about the kernel
asciilifeform: VE-2016-1828 in May 2016 without doing a security review of the code in question. In only 20 lines of code THREE codepaths existed that allowed UAF. Apple fixed only one of those paths although the other release() methods were clearly right next to it in the code...'
asciilifeform: hat the PEGASUS surveillance malware was using completely new kernel vulnerabilities to takeover iOS devices and that Apple heard about these problems for the first time mid August 2016. Unfortunately after having reversed what kernel vulnerability has been used by the PEGASUS surveillance malware a completely different picture emerges: The kernel vulnerability known as CVE-2016-4656 was only still in the code because Apple patched C
asciilifeform: in other lulz, 'In the last two weeks many security professionals have praised Apple for reacting lightning fast to the PEGASUS threat that has been actively exploited in the wild. This praise was given because the parties involved kept samples from independent 3rd party researchers and did not reveal any detailed information about the kernel vulnerabilities involved to the public. Without this information the public simply assumed t
PeterL: http://reason.com/blog/2016/09/14/chipotle-with-an-assist-from-apple-will deliver burritos by drone << seems relevant to discussion from yesterday
mircea_popescu: much like a definition of an apple is not an apple ; just so a spec is not a program.
pete_dushenski: http://archive.is/J86hJ << speaking of problems chez one infinite loop drive, "Apple changed the focus of the project, shifting from an emphasis on designing and producing an automobile to building out the underlying technology for an autonomous vehicle."
thestringpuller: Framedragger: just use apple's bluetooth earwaxphones << Glad I'm not the only one who discovered despite who clean I try to keep the headphones. Earwax gunks up into the metal screens and inevitably fucks up the sound.
Framedragger: just use apple's bluetooth earwaxphones
mircea_popescu: i never contested apple's a fucking zoo.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i will inform you with great joy that apple power adapters die in this identical manner.
Framedragger: from a friend mentioning release of iphone 7 and seeing this pic http://i.imgur.com/SAkZ0C4.jpg i just realized that apple didn't put a fucking 3.5mm jack into their newest shit"phone". srsly.
mircea_popescu: "this is the tyre store" "do you have tyres ?" "yes, here's an apple audio jack" "this is not a tyre" "allegedly."
asciilifeform: gurl with adam's apple.
ben_vulpes: subject of ipad, apple is picking a fight with the 3.5mm audio jack
mircea_popescu: yeah sure, soon as apple's check clears.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-05 20:21 trinque: seems technically excellent and the only criticism has been "apple made it" of which, nazis made this and that modern medicine, what
trinque: seems technically excellent and the only criticism has been "apple made it" of which, nazis made this and that modern medicine, what ☟︎
mircea_popescu: other than for that curl, i totally beat apple's watch by like 30 years.
mircea_popescu: hey, whatever works. tho in my experience apple never made usable anything.
phf: mircea_popescu: i am, i am ashamed to admit it, feel comfortable in the warm embrace of apple's unix boxes, so transitioning out has been slow and painful.
mircea_popescu: html5 had a fighting chance as "not just text" ; it lost. this shit is dumber still, with a larger ground to cover still, with less talent and intellectual capacity involved ; and with the corporate nonsense that formed the original impetuus, from apple "app store" to cisco via intel/amd fritzchips etc dying left and right. the bottom's already fell out of apple store, there's no revenue made, and all these idiots can go back
asciilifeform: the phrase is often abused, perhaps it was 'his' as apple was steve jobs's.
mircea_popescu: even something like apple - here today, gone tomorrow. alphabet inc was fdounded... 2015. ie it's not yet 2 years old. on it goes.
mircea_popescu: any arbitrary pick of my slaves has more money than jobs had when retook apple.
PeterL: actually, I wouldn't be suprised if meth would dissolve better in apple juice than plain water, so maybe he was telling the truth?
PeterL: who is going to claim a powder is apple juice? but yes, would not nescesarily all be dissolved
asciilifeform: 'In January 2014, a teen crossing the US–Mexico border at the San Ysidro POE claimed the two bottles he carried were apple juice. Upon further questioning, the teen volunteered to drink from the bottles and died hours later from acute methamphetamine intoxication.'
pete_dushenski: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-02/samsung-unveils-iris-reading-note-7-to-keep-apple-at-a-distance << as per asciilifeform's prediction
mircea_popescu: how much cash, how much asset and how much goodwill does apple have ?
mircea_popescu: you're getting the brunt of it for your "sin" of being naively open, but whatever, you're a big enough boy to survive it i'd hope : the above orcish "when stated plainly they laugh so whatever, the face trick seems to work" is a large part of why people like rms failed without meaning to and without realising they were. much like the hurtless cut of the apple carpace.
asciilifeform: 'In March a Frenchman was actually jailed for sending his ex-girlfriend the pistol emoji, in what was interpreted as a threat. What if a joke sent from an Apple user to a Google user is misconstrued because of differences in rendering?' << lel
PeterL: http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-change-pistol-emoji-toy-confusion-precedent-meaning-retroactive-2016-8 << asciilifeform mircea_popescu does this support "use alphabet not symbols", or is it just emojis are braindead lulz?
asciilifeform: boolcrap: didja bury your pgp key in the garden and planted apple tree on top, or wat
mircea_popescu: literally, the only point problems start, is when jay goes into shop and wants to buy an ipad because he thinks this is the only shop and therefore must be that apple concept store he's heard about.
phf: i had that happen to me too by the way, it's my day to day 2011 macbook pro, and even the chassis got bent. all i had to do is order replacement battery and carefully apply a rubber mallet. good luck doing that on recent apple machine(tm)
mircea_popescu: iirc apple still hasn't figured out the wonder of multitasking.
mircea_popescu: but from a cultural (as opposed to a civilisational) perspective, they're doing a (belated) digestion of a large field. ie, they're finally apple-izing it.
mircea_popescu: very much the 1800s computer, really. including apple hipsterism and the whole array of social peribehaviours
phf: well, more specifically "Records provided by Apple showed that tirm@me.com conducted an iTunes transaction using IP Address on or about July 31, 2015. The same IP Address was used on the same day to login into the KAT Facebook."