385 entries in 0.839s

decimation: " According to a press release from the Se
miconductor Industry Association (SIA), until 2008, the CBP would snap pictures of the trademarks and other info on suspected counterfeit chips and send the images to se
miconductor firms for verification. That stopped with when the Department of Homeland Security implemented a new security policy."
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Legality wise I'm sure I could just say the book is part of the "Enhanced Reality game Bitcoin" like
Micon does
BingoBoingo: I am still wrapping my head around Seals was full last year, but it was still just me versus
Micon in March Madness
BingoBoingo: 11 Months ago I was the only person willing to bet 1 BTC agaisnt
Micon on NCAA tournament brackets
BingoBoingo: They (
Micon) rightly called BFL out as a scam
BingoBoingo: I still can't believe how disappointing a wee bit of education made
Micon BingoBoingo:
Micon though lacks the trust I offered him a year ago.
BingoBoingo: ThickAsThieves:
Micon used to be quite the scam early warning system/
BingoBoingo: This year though going to Seals with Clubs and getting bot robbed and facing a ponzi, it is hard to back an accusation because
Micon does to.
BingoBoingo: I'm just kinda shocked by how little
Micon moves me nao.
cads: like holes in a se
diametric: also I'm assuming you own a se
miconductor fab too.
monolithik: network consolidation is definitely a problem. Best case scenario IMO: ASIC development hits the point where an increase in ghash/watt would be reducible to a general improvement in human knowledge of se
miconductors. At that point bitcoin ASICs will become commoditized like Intel CPUs, and the distribution of hashpower would settle to some equilibrium where power was not too widely concentrated
benkay: that'd be one of the reasons i bailed on the se
miconductor space
mike_c: i don't see how that prevents the se
miconductor plants from being boss. they can still crank out the most work, regardless of what that work is.
mircea_popescu: i recall when the biggest fish flash game came in i put 10 btc in to eat
micon's fish
ozbot: Current Value - Se
miconductor - YouTube
mircea_popescu: well, this is an age old problem in the se
miconductor business
Urushiol: I wonder if "moore's law" didn't exist if se
miconductor advances might have advanced more quickly
kleeck: And they would only have to convine a whole market of se
miconductor fabs to destroy an emerging, recurring and highly lucrative market.
jurov: maybe organic se
miconductors would be more suitable than silicon?
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: but isnt crypto
micon older than that?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's more people owning slaves than se
miconductor fabs. this is a fact.
mircea_popescu: "@Bryan
Micon 9m If anyone wants to sell bitcoins I have a bunch of ppl calling me that want to buy"
jborkl_: sounds too much like
micon Bowjob:
micon is the winner of the bet
dub: spew moar
miconisms troll
kakobrekla: Inaba: My open offer for a bet: BFL will ship the promised products within a reasonable time frame (as determined by a reputable member of this community, I propose Casascius). I offer BTC from 100 BTC to 2000 BTC. I am also willing to accept the domain name joshzerlan.com in lieu of BTC on the part of Bryan
mircea_popescu: all memory is made there. all se
miconductors are produced in asia
FabianB: Josh_Rossi: yeah stephensons cryptono
micon is a fantastic book
Josh_Rossi: i literally feel like i'm living cryptono
micon B0g4r7_: You'll have to PM
Micon, or use their "contact" email.
micon never owned seals afaik
dub: I for one support any site that takes users away from
micon BingoBongo:
Micon's problem is he revealed his scammer intuition on BFL, but he played the Queen's gambit and is falling apart now that Black took his bishop's pawn.
BingoBongo: I've bet against BFL, but BFL can probably stay at the edge of shipping another 9 months and still keep some trust. The problem is that Josh is just a better troll than
BingoBongo: Seals big problem now seems to be
Micon can't take a little bit of retliatory trolling from BFL and his gamlbing instincts are betraying his lack of marketing instincts
dub: moar like "we're going to need a lot more than a quarter to buy
micon a clue"
error4733: wow
micon... thy dude is in a other galaxy
micon is marginally relevant. i mean, he's the site's stuffie. who cares whart he does ?
kakobrekla: if
micon is in the wiki, fab process will be too.
gigavps: dub i wouldn't give
micon so much credit
dub: heh
micon is like a slightly smarter version of EskimoBob
pigeons: "I believe so much in bitcoin that I wear this fucking button each day" --
micon jcpham: I'm thinking surely someone must've known it was
micon jcpham:
micon is numer one troll
pigeons: yes freemoney owns sealswithclubs and
micon is paid as the pro and to promote last i heard
kakobrekla: its apt-get install omnomno
micon you fool!
mircea_popescu: im not too busy to know the se
miconductor trade, but anyway.