mircea_popescu: "bingbot 0.0.0 Ben AsselstineBingbot turns you into an IRC cyborg. When someone says "uptime" to you, it answers them back with your uptime. When someone says "vi?" to you, it answers them back with the last file you opened in vim. When someone says "search: foo" to you, it gets a random link to a gif on imgur.com
/r/gifs/new and shows them that. written in c++, requires glibmm, curlpp and sigc++."
mircea_popescu: "EDIT: Ive told this story at conferences and in bars for months and absolutely love teaching through humor, but Ive always been extremely self-conscious about my writing. I want to thank the absolutely amazing people on the
/r/marketing subreddit and those in commenting below for giving me such profound feedback and encouragement on this article. I guarantee you that there will be MANY more like it in the very n