267 entries in 0.658s
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: couldn't seem to find current
zoolag ip in logs. only managed to find `` as the last known IP
a111: Logged on 2016-09-07 16:29 asciilifeform: in other noose, (yes, 1 box) has been ddosing trb nodes, in particular
ascii_zimbabwe: fiber dead.
zoolag and asciilifeform down until tomorrow noon at earliest.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 16:56 thestringpuller: asciilifeform: i'm guessing
zoolag is down?
trinque: $node asciilifeform
zoolag ascii_deadfiber: i'd bridge the 2 lans and avoid the ascii_misc_rubbish gymnastics but will need mechanism to switch off
zoolag so as not to exhaust the gsm bw quota
assbot: Logged on 19-03-2016 20:51:53; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> interestingly, it was among those NEVER exposed directly to the net, fed -connect directly from
zoolag << that IS interesting. wut ?!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> interestingly, it was among those NEVER exposed directly to the net, fed -connect directly from
zoolag << that IS interesting. wut ?!
☟︎ assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 13:29:59; asciilifeform: in other news,
zoolag was blackholed for a record-breaking 8 hours.
ascii_butugychag: nor does idem, running on SAME BOX as
zoolag in parallel with it and -connected to it and the other trbs.
pete_dushenski: looked like bucephalus was stuck at one point earlier as well. and
zoolag is consistently trailing too. (at least according to bitnodes)
assbot: Logged on 11-01-2016 02:56:50; BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ^ currently in live fire on
zoolag and dulap << Applied to my bastardized testbed
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ^ currently in live fire on
zoolag and dulap << Applied to my bastardized testbed
☟︎ assbot: Logged on 23-12-2015 02:56:57; asciilifeform: incidentally,
zoolag is under heavy and modestly-clever ddos
assbot: Logged on 22-12-2015 03:41:28; mod6: is that one Mr. P.'s node? i seem to remember maybe that one was stopped or something? asciilifeform /just/ updated
Zoolag and Bucephalus
mod6: is that one Mr. P.'s node? i seem to remember maybe that one was stopped or something? asciilifeform /just/ updated
Zoolag and Bucephalus
☟︎ mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> in other nyooz, 73 connexions on
zoolag, 41 - on bucephalus. << i see 64. not really a big deal there.
assbot: Logged on 17-09-2015 00:37:40; asciilifeform: over, for the time being.
zoolag @