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mircea_popescu: possibly have a file with all the stuff you want to send people (because this process of -- think of it -- do something about it! has a lot of merit to it). but if you just >> alf.txt and then once a day or once a week or w/e >>
gpg -aer alf and >> p.bvulpes.com then you get it all.
mircea_popescu: as we're contemplating an eulora client rewrite, i am contemplating the following code release paradigm : client author a) releases code encrypted to l1, signed and deeded (so basically,
gpg -aer asciilifeform -r ave1 -r etc) ; b) releases precompiled binaries for allcomers.
☟︎☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: "extension scripts", fancy that wonder. koch put ethereum in
gpg before ethereum was even "a thing"
mircea_popescu: what
gpg tried to do is somehow kludge a whole working republic into their early prototype key "ecosystem". it didn't work in practice, but that aside, it's not actually useful.
mircea_popescu: ~possibly~ the solution is to take
gpg-only submissions via webform and any-key submissions via an eventual #trilema bot.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, btw, can the form accept ssh format besides
gpg format ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: in other lulz, phuctor acts as a de facto ssh to
gpg bridge now, can download the
gpg style keys.
mircea_popescu: anyway, honestly nfi what's so magical about
gpg in your mind. they're just as rsa keys as the ssh set ; and just as debian, and etcetera.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, so the standard here is, "a key from the sks system which my
gpg at home eats and which is nevertheless not prime and excepting A50591247C8E37A64117B74F78AB527059E13694 / B01584E9F6CB9E76DEA61E2A73786CA0F4EACC4F because reasons and with a special review clause for later on left blank atm" ?
mircea_popescu: afaik this exact discussion ended in 2015 with the showing of how
gpg will eat.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, i was discussing the dozen
gpg generated, sks vintage keys that weren't divisible by 5.
mircea_popescu: douchebag, aite, so do a hundred or so,
gpg me the links when done, and we can talk about how to franchise it after ?
mircea_popescu: and that "good enough"... anyone reading through teh discussion of
gpg in eucrypt comments, or in channel for that matter can readily grok just how fucking uselessly broken
gpg is. yet "good enough" for everyone else.
mircea_popescu: we will evidently have a ffa-based, canonical
gpg replacement. EVENTUALLY. until such an eventually, i don't feel so great recommending anyone
gpg (or, heavens help us,
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-22#1774477 -- just as i had to do, and recently). so a drop-in, eucrypt-based, "good enough" item is more than useful.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: ave1 you should ; also read through the eucrypt thing, ima (for instance) need someone to package it into a cmd line
gpg replacement as soon as next wek.
☟︎☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: joecool im sure it is.
gpg -aer bingo and p.bvulpes.com
mircea_popescu: the sizes note the message size, which is to say how many bits to lop off the end. this has specific benefits over the (deeply inept) scheme
gpg currently uses ; they'll be discussed in the usual diana_coman post on the topic.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo aite ; the one thing missing from your enumeration there, is "gpgram me the story of bbisp fiat holdings ab origine." ; what this means is, i want a list showing "hey, i got $8500 (or w/e the fuck it was) and i spent x, y, z, k, l, leaving me with q". you wrote me a story, as a literary exercise, i want a numeric thing.
gpg & send.
mircea_popescu: which explains why
gpg 1 has but gpg2 has not : by the time gpg2 came out, there was an absolute lower bound firmly in place, and well... TOO BIG. "people could never handle this!"
gpg doesn't "allow" the exporting of your own damned primes because IT DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO NOTATE THEM.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform cuz there's no evident link from trinque to michael trinque for idiots who don't understand what
gpg is, too lazy to click to your blog or read enough log to see stanislav, there's ~nothing "interesting" on mircea popescu besides a bunch of butthurt idiots complaining of ~same nonsense, and so on.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: which is why the whole "with mine owne eyes" screams were all about re previous pass of this,
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-23#1757314 << the principal fucking problem with the rank nonsense we're using is that idiocy of "subkey". consider mine : if you encrypt to 2FB7B452 which ~is~ my key,
gpg will nevertheless encrypt to 16B8E32E. because
gpg will use the master as sign-only and create a "decryption" key "automatically".
☝︎ mircea_popescu:
gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available << ahem
mircea_popescu: the thus reconstructed p and q should be tested for whether they indeed have no true witness of compositeness as low as
gpg tests.
mircea_popescu: was it ever checked whether it would appear prime to koch-
gpg ?
mircea_popescu: ie
gpg is wasting its time with "oh, let's see if 2 is a witness".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform tell you what, m-r as found in
gpg, with its "12" that are really 11 witnesses is worthlessly useless.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you shouldn't put
gpg clearsigned bits in a patch in the first place.