115 entries in 0.455s
adlai was speaking metaphorically.
scalpl has been asleep for several months already.
adlai: seeing as it's a tool, not a "manned missile" (spot the sauce!),
scalpl's on vacation during the semester
a111: Logged on 2016-10-01 01:25 phf: heh,
scalpl is now part of quicklisp
phf: heh,
scalpl is now part of quicklisp
☟︎ adlai: [
scalpl] seen from a distance, is a pretty good machine for converting ten thousand dollars into twenty thousand. [no footnote here! it can make money in crashing markets, too] But, given the [minimum trade size] it is profoundly useless as a machine for converting ten dollars into twenty.
adlai: btw, just to bury the earlier discussion of
scalpl with shameless self-promotion: if anybody feels adventurous and wants to collaborate, speak up (PM is also OK)
adlai: "time-arbitrage" (ie, buy-low-sell-high-and-hope-the-noise-continues) is entirely automatic (up to sane/profitable configuration), cross-exchange arbitrage is entirely unsupported.
scalpl has no understanding of the fact that different markets on different exchanges might involve the same asset.
adlai: magical bug inducer =
scalpl running against the usual suspects of shitcoinistan
scalpl voiced for 30 minutes.
scalpl, having enjoyed mircea_popescu's options emporium during the dying throes of its public trade, will henceforth enjoy the dying throes of vitalik_buterin's nonsense polonium. more news once it actually loses money.
adlai: huh,
scalpl is roadkill too. shame.
adlai: BingoBoingo: cl blogotrons exist, these days my blog-time is spent 'auditing' coleslaw vs hyde.
scalpl, otoh, is pretty much one of a kind; cf ascii_butugychag on professional vs plebescite tooling...
adlai: totally unrelated, yet... this is why i work on
scalpl, and why nobody else cares about
adlai: fits right between "how to kill dictators on bitbet" and "why
scalpl only trades on mpex"
adlai notably doesn't touch
scalpl during this latest tirade, because the Real Men (tm) in the audence have already learned to dissociate snr, right?
adlai: lol, lies.
scalpl just sold, that was a market buy.
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for adlai with note:
scalpl rocks!
jurov: !rate adlai 2
scalpl rocks!
Adlai likes it,
scalpl was always intended to be an interactive tool anyways
Adlai: jurov: there's lots of data, but motivation to do anything
scalpl-related is currently at all-time lows
Adlai has brought
scalpl for some drydock, next voyage planned for the cross-chain seas
Adlai is glad that he no longer runs
scalpl on buttfixen
Adlai: williamdunne:
scalpl (my thingy) spent a year on a thinkpad x30 without a harddisk, i think you're doing just fine
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller now turn that on its head : business decisions without human heuristic can't beat adlai's
adlai: more personally, if perfect information exists,
scalpl is truly a wild goose chase; i'm betting my time on perfect information not existing, and there being room for patience to profit off information fuzzyness
adlai: specifically,
scalpl's purpose is to produce the fastest possible escape rocket for a given (parametrizable) risk tolerance; once that technology is in place, it's just a matter of finding a market for which the maximum speed at your risk tolerance exceeds escape velocity
assbot: Logged on 03-03-2015 18:38:25; *: adlai is glad he's not running a profit center with [the current version of]
scalpl... it would've lost ~5% by now, by btc accounting
adlai is glad he's not running a profit center with [the current version of]
scalpl... it would've lost ~5% by now, by btc accounting
☟︎ Adlai theoretically should migrate
scalpl to somesuch bare minimum hosting... but the current box hasn't broken yet, so there's nothing to fix!
Adlai: my long-term (years/decades) plan for
scalpl, assuming i don't lose interest by then, is commodities, since i'm hoping by that point "forex" becomes a quaint anachronism
adlai: i'd like to test
scalpl on larger amounts of btc than i have at my personal disposal.
adlai is not looking for a lump sum right now / yet. "
scalpl is an experiment"
adlai: mircea_popescu:
scalpl has existed for less than a year. puberty rarely starts in less than a decade. by this metric, i'm optimistic!
mircea_popescu: davout: one week later,
scalpl made 7% profit <<< best rng ever :D
scalpl's irrelevant in this discussion, people don't care about it, people just care "i'm investing with adlai and he keeps the thing going"
mircea_popescu: davout: Adlai: so ppl deposit funds with you, you put them on some exchange (or people push funds to your exchange account) and whatever p/l
scalpl makes is distributed among them, minus your fee? << this sounds to me more like a classical fund
jurov: Adlai you want
scalpl to become one of mpif profit centers?
Adlai: overhead compared to having a collaborator handle financing (of both forms), leaving me to focus on
scalpl itself
jurov: why not just offer
scalpl as service for some fee?
davout: one week later,
scalpl made 7% profit
davout: the exchange where
scalpl does its thing
Adlai: i'd rather the accounts belong to the financier(s). they lend reputation - people trust them not to run off more than they'd trust me, and they lend their credibility to account statements. my role would be setting up
scalpl, possibly maintenance, analysis, development - but on a case by case basis, as seen fit by the financier(s) and/or shareholders
davout: Adlai: so ppl deposit funds with you, you put them on some exchange (or people push funds to your exchange account) and whatever p/l
scalpl makes is distributed among them, minus your fee?
Adlai: any exchange where the fund would trade.
scalpl currently supports btce, bitfinex, and kraken, but the api is modular and more can be added (not my focus atm, but ~3 days of work per exchange if necessary)
Adlai: a
scalpl-managed fund, where investors could add or withdraw bitcoin in a manner similar to how X.EUR handles settlements
mircea_popescu: anyway.
scalpl made a killing on the rise ? or got kinda murdered ?
Adlai: yeah it doesn't make much sense because it's a stupid pursuit, i'm hunting out floating point arithmetic now that
scalpl needs to quack a little less like a prototype
Adlai: ie, working on
scalpl rather than studying crypto curiosities
adlai: the way
scalpl works currently, you can use it badly and lose money, just like with any investment; and that is likely to never change
adlai: i'm not proposing to lower it to the ground,
scalpl works quite badly on small accounts, and even with the usability changes i'm imagining, it'll be easy to footgun without either my help or some level of understanding on behalf of the shooter
adlai: you mean why anybody would want to use
scalpl executes approximately 0.1% of the orders it places, i guess i'm fucked
adlai: this code isn't really used in
scalpl yet, i'm kinda manually hacking together a shitty version of what this could eventually become
ben_vulpes: all i've read that you've written is
scalpl adlai doesn't know of anybody specific who's hunting
scalpl, but knows of at least one person who said that open sourcing it is braindeadingly retarted and that it'll get hunted to death immediately.
adlai: you could say that
scalpl passively hunts any and every bot that uses market orders
ben_vulpes: adlai: have you started hunting bots yet? or seen anyone hunting
adlai: until now,
scalpl never actually considered profitability of placed offers against past execution. now it does.
adlai thinks back to when he first connected
scalpl to bitfinex, and found that "signature = HMAC-SHA384(payload, api-secret) as hexadecimal" apparently also means to zero pad it to 96 bytes
scalpl already talks to bitfinex, but i hadn't tried placing hidden orders before
kakobrekla: are you trying to hook up
scalpl to that ?
adlai: ok that's enough. next time i bring up
scalpl not in response to somebody else, please !down me
adlai: anybody trading on mpex want to try
Adlai: more than any bug i've (inadvertently? subliminally coerced into?) introduced to
scalpl, i regret the times that i've manually tweaked its trading parameters, and contaminated its performance data with human idiosyncrasies
Adlai: i don't know whether to be pumped at the rally while i was gone or fucking pissed that
scalpl crashed right before it began
Adlai: but running
scalpl on something other than btcfiat has been on the back burner for a long time, in part due to not wanting to touch any glitzy forex gambler-traps
Adlai: so, just knowing that
scalpl is managing some assets in a market doesn't reveal its AUM or strategy, neither the general strategy nor the specific one at the present moment... the smaller the AUM, the better you can hide within the invisible hand
scalpl executes strategies which a separate component comes up with, in markets of that component's choice. whether that component runs on computers or brains is for that other component to decide.
Adlai: fwiw, if anybody in here is interested in geeking out a little on
scalpl and trying it out for themselves (or just get a better idea for how well it works atm), i'd gladly do that in PM. i try to keep my horn-tooting to a minimum, although
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-11-2014#913050 is still going
☝︎ Adlai: asciilifeform: anything, really, although the resolution of the salty fishmarket is probably too low for
scalpl to be much good
adlai tries not to watch the markets when he's not actively tinkering with
scalpl Adlai: no. so that's the AUM of all
scalpl instances which i have configured myself, but i highly doubt that there are any others.