84 entries in 0.568s

snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-24 00:56:59 BingoBoingo: Tomorrow I am going to try the cuntoo genesis scripts on the test machine with a differrent set of found kernel configs while the Uruguayos play their annual independence day death race game. Then I'll ask alf if we have multithreading on ARM yet and suggest his next payload consist of either 4 full 1U AMD64 box, 2 1Ubox and 8
PCengines APU, or 3 1Ubox and 4 APU.
BingoBoingo: Tomorrow I am going to try the cuntoo genesis scripts on the test machine with a differrent set of found kernel configs while the Uruguayos play their annual independence day death race game. Then I'll ask alf if we have multithreading on ARM yet and suggest his next payload consist of either 4 full 1U AMD64 box, 2 1Ubox and 8
PCengines APU, or 3 1Ubox and 4 APU.
spyked: ckang, one alternative you can consider is "
pcengines" board. plenty of info in the logs. fanless, runs coreboot bios iirc and has at least 2 gigabit ethernet ports.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I am not opposed to taking alfdebt in favor of mircea_popescu debt minding that the mircea_popescu debt comes first unless alf makes other arrangements with mircea_popescu. And also that a substantial part of the +EV involves BingoBoingo does things alf will find very disgusting to a few boxes in order to sell shared hosting. Think of how alf directed venture with
PCengines 8 to the 1U as opposed to VPS for small
a111: Logged on 2018-02-04 16:38 asciilifeform: i actually have a
pcengines apu1 ( 2G version ) with the sage header soldered on, and sageprobe, that i am adding to the cargo manifest
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mp_en_viaje: there was a thread, while back, re physically-compact, low-wattage machines as a sane alternative to cloudism. can't seem to find it in log << The 8
PCengines to 1U recipe would still be appreciated. Especially if someone can bake them and move them... ( danielpbarron?)
a111: Logged on 2017-12-19 15:47 asciilifeform: 'wyse' made a series of gui-terminals , but with sata disk , fanless , based on very similar mobo to '
a111: Logged on 2017-11-20 14:21 spyked: trinque, ftr, I tried getting a uclibc system up, but it seems to lack e.g. localization support, which didn't get me very far. will have to give this another shot on the next box I get up (which might not even be an x86 box; or else, it will be a
spyked: trinque, ftr, I tried getting a uclibc system up, but it seems to lack e.g. localization support, which didn't get me very far. will have to give this another shot on the next box I get up (which might not even be an x86 box; or else, it will be a
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-11-17 14:20 asciilifeform: back to coreboot, fwiw i have a working build for '
a111: Logged on 2017-11-03 15:32 asciilifeform: btw : truly, genuinely spiffy pc mobos ( e.g.
pcengines 'APU' series ) have ~on-board ttl serial port pins~
BingoBoingo going to pick up a
PCENGINES apu to play with, Ubiqiti has distributors in Brazil, exploring best way to acquire boxes
BingoBoingo: Anyways
pcengines is not proposed VPS host, but proposed VPS alternative
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform>
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-22#1727598 <<
pcengines ftr costs <200bux (sans disk), draws ~10w, and much spiffier for any practical use than vps << AHA, but it feeds same market segment. The thing about cheap boards is people can forget the other things that go into being a machine like casing, etc
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2017-10-22 05:49 BingoBoingo:
PCENGINES APU not so cheap), VPS 3x+ cost basis. Misc weird (i.e. hand courier and colo 32 bit SPARC machine) billed in proportion to time they take from providing excellent customer service and 2x cost basis for livng space.
PCENGINES APU not so cheap), VPS 3x+ cost basis. Misc weird (i.e. hand courier and colo 32 bit SPARC machine) billed in proportion to time they take from providing excellent customer service and 2x cost basis for livng space.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Well when making hardware shopping list gotta have idea what people want. Do people want beefy opteron things that'll have me on a 4th rack by Sunday or do they want
PCengines boards by the dozen.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> '
pcengines' racks a-ok << Gotta mind hot/cold aisle distinction for self defense from other's heat if otherwise passively coolable
trinque: that
pcengines guy's a great one, 3 nics.
trinque: ty for the recommendation of
pcengines trinque: anyhow. in other "cheap computers > vps", the
pcengines apu2 is now shipping.
trinque still on it, has a related item coming from
pcengines sometime later this month
pcengines! Seen one box personally
thortron: Yup. Anyway, my
pcengines box has arrived. I will follow along with any experiments published here.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-18: [18:22:30] <asciilifeform> phf (and any other interested folk) if you have a bit of spare change, buy yourself a '
pcengines api2', either 2 or 4gb model, it's this comp that comes with schematics. then we can play.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-18: [18:22:30] <asciilifeform> phf (and any other interested folk) if you have a bit of spare change, buy yourself a '
pcengines api2', either 2 or 4gb model, it's this comp that comes with schematics. then we can play.
mats: i just noticed
pcengines 'apu2c4' will have ecc support
assbot: Logged on 15-01-2016 15:51:50; ascii_butugychag: '
pcengines' makes a cheaper and physically more compact box with AMD chipset, of same horsepower
ascii_butugychag: '
pcengines' makes a cheaper and physically more compact box with AMD chipset, of same horsepower
☟︎ phf: asciilifeform: fwiw i've not tried
pcengines yet, but i might get it for an additional openbsd machine on your recommendation. compared to soekris though a lot of boards that i tried have dodgy reliability. i.e. random crashes. like BingoBoingo said though, this might just be a reputation impression
trinque: I might buy one of the
pcengines machines ascii_field pointed out soon
assbot: Logged on 12-06-2015 22:28:57; trinque: ascii_field: thanks for the link to
pcengines; very interesting to me for a variety of uses
trinque: ascii_field: thanks for the link to
pcengines; very interesting to me for a variety of uses