255 entries in 1.653s
asciilifeform: at least the 'monero' crackpot folx have some nominal chump lure ( the ring signature song an' dance ) . but 'ripple' i have genuinely nfi who would deal in, other than eliza
a111: Logged on 2017-05-19 02:04 asciilifeform: '2017-02-21: The patch is surreptitiously snuck into the Monero codebase in pull request #1744. It is kept secret to prevent it being used to attack other CryptoNote coins.'
asciilifeform: at any rate, in so far as i can tell 'monero' is simply 1 of 3 or 4 tor-style honeypots for the dimwitted 'death ray plot' candidates in the shitcoin space.
a111: Logged on 2014-10-02 21:28 mircea_popescu: davidlatapie i have nfi idea what monero is because in spite of being invited fluffypony doesn't want to give the group a presentation. the comment is just as to the improbable nature of the name. why mew and what's someone not in on the jokes to make of it.
a111: Logged on 2014-09-09 14:10 mircea_popescu: hey fluffypony do you plan to eventually sell the monero idea here once it reaches some sort of maturity or do you just plan to wait indefinitely for b-a to figure it out ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, no, dude came to #b-a to see what's being said re monero / what can be used by monero / whatever. finger on pulse. the meet-up was http://trilema.com/2014/fuck-me-fuck-you/
shinohai: http://archive.is/5Q19t <<< Heh, now mining some obscure shitcoin "Electroneum" instead of Monero
ben_vulpes: holy crap monero still undebunked in mainstream usg press
shinohai: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DVwsElmWkAEjBM4.jpg <<< uscourts.gov mining monero lmao
asciilifeform: 'People who wish to avoid financial surveillance should consider using privacy-centric cryptocurrencies with opaque blockchains, such as Monero' << lol, oblig money shot saved for end
a111: Logged on 2018-01-15 17:59 ben_vulpes: tangential lulz: thepiratebay takes bitcoin donations to 3* and also bech32 (beeeeetch!) addrs, will take your monero and litecoin but "BCH: Bcash. LOL"
ben_vulpes: tangential lulz: thepiratebay takes bitcoin donations to 3* and also bech32 (beeeeetch!) addrs, will take your monero and litecoin but "BCH: Bcash. LOL" ☟︎
weevlos: it pays me a couple thousand dollars worth of monero per month
mats: countless mentions to that and monero in every hn thread about bitcoin - more privacy! anon by default! diversify your holdings! *waves hands*
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It was the fluffypony monero guy, he's introduced in a Trilema. 2013-ish if I remember
a111: 232 results for "monero", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=monero
mircea_popescu: !#s monero
ppsk: what do you think about monero?
asciilifeform: shinohai: lulzy usgtorpropping of the monero nonsense
a111: Logged on 2017-08-01 23:42 f1maze: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@anonymint/is-monero-s-or-all-anonymity-broken
f1maze: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@anonymint/is-monero-s-or-all-anonymity-broken ☟︎
a111: 226 results for "monero", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=monero
asciilifeform: !#s monero
p0nziph0ne: i read "when you care about privacy have a look at monero" in linux reddit
p0nziph0ne: where it all began with monero
a111: Logged on 2017-05-19 15:53 ben_vulpes: the actual lolz are fluffyponzi ignoring "hey, gonna make that 'monero blockchain integrity scan' reproducible?" in favor of "we had to keep it secret because other cryptonotes were vulnerable"
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-19#1659175 << afaik the monero users give approx. as much shit as the tor users gave . ☝︎
ben_vulpes: the actual lolz are fluffyponzi ignoring "hey, gonna make that 'monero blockchain integrity scan' reproducible?" in favor of "we had to keep it secret because other cryptonotes were vulnerable" ☟︎
asciilifeform: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/1744/files ftr.
asciilifeform: what else, gotta ask, was 'surreptitiously snuck into the Monero codebase' .
asciilifeform: '2017-02-21: The patch is surreptitiously snuck into the Monero codebase in pull request #1744. It is kept secret to prevent it being used to attack other CryptoNote coins.' ☟︎
ben_vulpes: > secretly patched by the monero team
shinohai: "Does Eulora accept Monero?" lmfao
mircea_popescu: shinohai so basically this is the monero unraveling / going away party or what.
shinohai: In Monero scammer news: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=68520
a111: Logged on 2014-09-09 14:10 mircea_popescu: hey fluffypony do you plan to eventually sell the monero idea here once it reaches some sort of maturity or do you just plan to wait indefinitely for b-a to figure it out ?
asciilifeform: we discusses the ~fundamental~ problem with monero's signature scheme.
Framedragger: so to construct a counterargument, i'd have to dig into what particular 'novel' stuff monerolink is claiming, and what particular vulns were discussed by monero project prior to this stuff. i can't be bothered, though - just don't care about monero that much - does that mean that i now have to default to "all shit is stolen from #t!"
Framedragger: you will laugh but there is e.g. /r/Monero , and it discussed unoriginality of above e.g. here https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/65dj7u/an_empirical_analysis_of_linkability_in_the/ (while giving references/links to outside stuff)
Framedragger: (it's possibly they did not acknowledge prior research on monero, done by monero itself. that's true. also, ipfs project plagiarised the above just ~now. that's also true.)
mircea_popescu: why, there's other venues discussing the problems with monero ?
Framedragger: re. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-15#1644022 -- i don't really see where the plagiarism is. honest. the title ("collider")? the content (research had been done by monero project itself some time ago; *plenty* of discussion of RingCT outside #t (unless you define "discussion outside #t is not discussion", in which case you are right..tautologically))? ☝︎
BingoBoingo: !~later tell shinohai http://qntra.net/2017/04/shinohais-shitcoin-roundup-xtend-tmr-monero-ring-solution-coinbase-presents-gdax-has-goxlike-phenomenon-and-another-hoaxtoshi/#comment-94914
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/04/shinohais-shitcoin-roundup-xtend-tmr-monero-ring-solution-coinbase-presents-gdax-has-goxlike-phenomenon-and-another-hoaxtoshi/ << Qntra - Shinohai's Shitcoin Roundup Xtend (TM)(R): Monero Ring Solution, Coinbase Presents GDAX Has Goxlike Phenomenon, And Another Hoaxtoshi
asciilifeform: 'monero'
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform idly wonders if prb is infested, yet, with automakeism << Monero is!
asciilifeform: 'Pay Shield, SIGAINT's Bitcoin mixer, is on separate infrastructure and was in no way affected. SIGAINT's Monero server is on separate infrastructure and was in no way affected. SIGAINT also runs 4 Tor middle nodes in support of the Tor network, these machines are also on separate infrastructure and were in no way affected.'
Framedragger: heh, i've considered contributing to monero as per fluffypony's suggestion, they have some kind of open sores bounty program, too. but yes the whole ring signature thing etc - too 'mysterious'
mircea_popescu: placing self on (monero, solidcoin) continuum takes being ustardian.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2016/10/oasis-drained-while-major-monero-webwallet-languishes-offline/ << Qntra - Oasis Drained While Major Monero Webwallet Languishes Offline
ben_vulpes: rebroadcasting from the heathens: https://cointelegraph.com/news/monero-loses-darknet-market-in-apparent-exit-scam
shinohai: Sign needs qr and "Monero accepted" at the bottom
shinohai: fluffypony was guest speaker and got monero to sponsor the hot pockets for lunch
mircea_popescu: anyway, the allegation is that the "privacy" offered is very heavily time bound ; that it naturally dissipates over time ; and that after a sufficient interval - say a year - one can rely on any and all transaction being no longer at all private. this means that the monero ring signature is in fact an anti-feature : it makes the superficial user (who either foolishly doesn't invest the time ; or otherwise lacks the capacity a
Bugpowder: In turn, Monero has potential to fix a weak point in DNM function, which potentially provides significant value. Now, whether the tech geniuses that order on DNMs or vendors have the savvy to implement properly and with enough volume to make economic sense is another matter.
a111: 129 results for "monero", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=monero
mircea_popescu: $s monero
shinohai: As asciilifeform says, I see nothing in monero even worth stealing
mod6: wtf is monero?
Bugpowder: Is trilema consensus that monero has some potential value in its feature set?
Bugpowder: its been a good week. why not qntra article on how monero is not the one true bitcoin yet?
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:450/to:450#450 << i don't think the guy personally has any voice into this whatsoever. see also http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:256/to:256#256 on this topic. basically, there's a very fat, dumb man walking around, and it tried to sit on a chair named eth which caught fire. the fat man still wants to sit, and monero is the one thing looking most like a chair available. it WILL si
asciilifeform: i was discussing whether there is any idea worth stealing in monero.
davout: the problem i have with monero is the bloat and uncapped block size, not really the crypto itself
davout: i remember already reading this monero thread actually
BingoBoingo: <phf> i think crystal whatever is particularly nasty take on autoconf, probably one of the best examples in support of asciilifeform's rants. << Nah, "Monero" is far worse because of what it supposes to be.
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-01#1258074 << every six month hard fork killed monero iirc ☝︎
asciilifeform: i could've sworn we had a monero thread
asciilifeform: i thought monero was an ancient heresy
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the best part of that article is random derp frothing about how "monero'd have made it impossible for egypt to be a shithole"
asciilifeform: model has proven remarkably durable despite the constant wearying turmoil of exit-scams and hacks and as I write this in mid-July 2015, there seems to be little chance that things will change substantially soon. (If Tor hidden services are cracked, the DNMs will simply move to I2P or Freenet; if Bitcoin starts getting too easily tracked, transactions will be settled in Monero or another cryptocoin with better anonymity properties, et
mircea_popescu: fluffypony is this some sort of dig at monero or something ?
assbot: Monero Research Lab - Protecting Your Privacy's Future ... ( http://bit.ly/1UIeHoj )
assbot: Logged on 22-05-2014 17:00:58; asciilifeform: re: 'monero': 'Egalitarian proof of work' << do we need to read past this line ?
punkman: does monero solve the miner-can-block-my-tx with its ring signatures? (ping fluffypony)
fluffypony: he's in #monero via the irc2p relay
copypaste: I have a friend who is now working for fluffypony and Monero on adding I2P to that coin (perhaps the work is already finished)
BingoBoingo: jurov: Luke seems to be mocking that ClassicCoin wants to take the Monero approach and add reddit voting or some shit
jurov: lol do i see right? luke wants to adopt monero approach?
fluffypony: copypaste: b) applies to Monero, and has applied to Monero for the past 20 months, so there's that
fluffypony: let's be fair, though, the chances of Monero ever becoming the largest cryptocurrency is about the same as the chances of mircea_popescu secretly being a woman all along
mircea_popescu: and so if somehow monero became the one, it would simply be the one.
mircea_popescu: more properly put : what happens if someone actually takes monero seriously, and decides to disallow your future forks.
adlai: fluffypony: let's say btc fails and monero by some accident becomes The Blockchain. do you think the biannual hardfork policy would remain?
assbot: 4 results for 'monero fork' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=monero+fork
jurov: !s monero fork
adlai: at least monero doesn't have the implementation plurality braindamage
mircea_popescu reviewed them in 2012. the answer was, come to think of it, very much like monero's. (oh hurr durr we're visionarily important and lalaal). so i decided to give them all the time they could possibly need to figure shit out and well...
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-11-2015#1321394 <<< yeah intel eventually dug out some lines ab out how "hardforking is the future" and it entirely cooled me on the notion monero has any sort of future. ☝︎
davout: he's also with fluffypony in monero
HeySteve: busy touring exotic destinations from what I saw in r/monero!
HeySteve: fluffypony, how are things going your side, and with Monero?
assbot: History of Monero [XMR] development in 2.5 minutes with music - gource visualisation : CryptoCurrency ... ( http://bit.ly/1OXGuPP )
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Now that monero is off the table, may have time for that. Just trying to shave a few unecessary bytes here and there out of the Qntra
assbot: Logged on 01-09-2015 06:50:14; BingoBoingo: ;;later tell mircea_popescu Also it looks like Kim kinda went Monero... https://slimgur.com/images/2015/08/31/3a08dc9a038e0c30bb568b48d0f758cd.jpg
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell mircea_popescu Also it looks like Kim kinda went Monero... https://slimgur.com/images/2015/08/31/3a08dc9a038e0c30bb568b48d0f758cd.jpg ☟︎
asciilifeform: can mircea_popescu or anyone else remind me, what was supposed to be the upside of being a glass bott^H^H^H^H^H^H^Husing monero ?
mircea_popescu: Every 6 months, either on March 15 + September 15 or on April 15 + October 15, the Monero network will have a hard fork. 30 days before the fork we will have a code freeze + tag + release, and if there are no major changes we'll have an increase in the protocol version (ie. that's at a minimum). A similar fork system to Bitcoin will apply, whereby a rollover to the new code after the trigger block will only occur if a
assbot: Monero | Academic and Technical » A formal approach towards better hard fork management ... ( http://bit.ly/1KAZNvy )
mircea_popescu: so i've been sort-of idly thinking maybe monero is actually something should be taken seriously. then BingoBoingo dug up https://forum.getmonero.org/4/academic-and-technical/303/a-formal-approach-towards-better-hard-fork-management