255 entries in 0.525s
assbot: bitmonero/oaes_lib.c at master · monero-project/bitmonero · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1KAYcWR )
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell fluffypony Is this really the way to seed anything? https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero/blob/master/src/crypto/oaes_lib.c#L503
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell fluffypony You know of any working OpenBSD monero builds?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform which reminds me, apparently monero does just fine with the oak. somehow.
jurov: they can switch to litecoin, monero, etc.
fluffypony: then they're two steps away from being a Monero clone, goddamn altcoins
assbot: The People Behind Monero | Monero - secure, private, untraceable ... ( http://bit.ly/1K5fpFN )
CrazyLoafer: monero
pete_dushenski: NewLiberty: o_O gmaxwell de facto working on monero nao ?
NewLiberty: pete_dushenski: the ultimate gmaxwell use remains a mystery, but the method described is also useful for other purposes which may be more immediately nice. (less computer resource needed for some monero functions)
NewLiberty: It does more for monero than for bitcoin
fluffypony: but the advantage for Monero is that we may be able to adopt the scheme to reduce our signature size and verification effort
punkman: is that a monero thing?
BingoBoingo: If monero's still around in a year might be interested.
BingoBoingo: davout: How much of what kind of CPU is monero taking as it syncs?
fluffypony: https://letstalkbitcoin.com/blog/post/ltb-e202-understanding-monero
davout: so far my actual experience with monero is that the initial sync is horribly slow
davout: fluffypony: what was that podcast you made in which you explained how monero works?
davout: monero is pretty neat, the only real problem I see is that it'll bloat even faster than bitcoin given the fact that ring signatures are pretty expensive
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-05-2015#1145941 << from the crypts of the lost : "Can you run Monero miner through TOR? If yes, what change would need to made to the bat file on the opening page? I'm using Windows. thanks" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: for this reason, monero's choice is reasonable whatever anyone involved may personally believe - because bitcoin already exists
Adlai: cursory glance confirms that monero has permanent disinflation
williamdunne: I think fluffypony's Monero's way of doing it is pretty interesting tho
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for fluffypony with note: met this gentleman IRL, monero
davout: !rate fluffypony 2 met this gentleman IRL, monero
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for fluffypony from 3 to 5 with note: Met IRL, OpenRigs, Monero, etc
williamdunne: !rate fluffypony 5 Met IRL, OpenRigs, Monero, etc
davout: fluffypony: on IRC? nice! still up for the monero meeting tomorrow?
fluffypony: Helvetik: https://forum.getmonero.org/14/events/277/monero-meetup-paris-france-may-21th-2015
danielpbarron: ah, monero guy?
copypaste: fluffypony: Make Monero PoS pls
assbot: Monero | Events » Monero Meetup: Paris, France - May 21th, 2015 ... ( http://bit.ly/1zN9rrq )
fluffypony: davout: am I seeing you on the 21st? https://forum.getmonero.org/14/events/277/monero-meetup-paris-france-may-21th-2015
fluffypony: yes, hence why it was originally created for Monero, where your address is reusable
kakobrekla: what is this monero bs in ba
Naphex: !rate fluffypony 2 Riccardo Spagni of #b-a/monero. Responsible for OpenAlias which kicks ass
Naphex: !rate fluffypony 2 Riccardo Spagni of #b-a/monero. Responsible for OpenAlias which kicks ass
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 21:38:54; fluffypony: btw for any b-a'ers in Europe I'm going to be there for the next month, would love to meet up, or you could come to one of the Monero meetups I'll be presenting at (Brussels on May 19th, Paris on May 21st, Berlin on May 24th) or else I'll be presenting at Bitcoinference in Amsterdam on May 30/31
mircea_popescu: fluffypony wait, monero going on tour ?
fluffypony: btw for any b-a'ers in Europe I'm going to be there for the next month, would love to meet up, or you could come to one of the Monero meetups I'll be presenting at (Brussels on May 19th, Paris on May 21st, Berlin on May 24th) or else I'll be presenting at Bitcoinference in Amsterdam on May 30/31 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: felipelalli prolly ask fluffypony i think he's the only one here keeping an eye on monero.
felipelalli: I want to buy 1 BTC in Monero. Here is a good place to ask?
plonky: 170 euros, 200 monero iirc
plonky: it was a time monero was meaning something :)
hegemoOn: well thank to my honesty, when i bought monero from him otc
danielpbarron: i invited hegemoOn from #monero
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: he's attached to the Monero Research Lab as one of the MRL Friends, so he's participated in some of the Schnorr signature multi-sig discussions we've had
mircea_popescu: where is the official place to trade monero ?
ben_vulpes: scuse me, monero is a "hobby".
ben_vulpes: phillipsjk: ya well bitcoin monetized, and monero hasn't yet and likely won't so that's the kind of comment that paints you as entirely ignorant of the domain.
ben_vulpes: phillipsjk: you're aware that monero's an experiment, right?
phillipsjk: That is the primary reason I am wary of Monero actually. 1 minute block|
danielpbarron: oh hey it's a monero guy!
assbot: 93 results for 'monero' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=monero
ben_vulpes: !s monero
jurov: felipelalli: if you dream of altcoins, you might make elevator pitch about monero
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: ben_vulpes: that's precisely the current Monero architecture << heh. apparently sanity is not a luxury product.
fluffypony: ben_vulpes: that's precisely the current Monero architecture
jurov: maybe monero has it, dunno
mircea_popescu: 35 weeks of development (245 days) since Monero was inherited by the Core Team 594 separate commits << inherited by whom ? how ? if that inherited had linked to a gpg signed testament...
mircea_popescu: aid at all, but we've put a significant amount of funds into Monero)."
jurov: pity the monero memory problem isn't resolved yet (keeps blockchain in memory, needs 30G)
assbot: Monero | News and Announcements » Monday Monero Missives #22 - Year in Review, January 5th, 2015 ... ( http://bit.ly/1E6Nmlx )
fluffypony: davout: I think our Year in Review report is a good start - https://forum.monero.cc/1/news-and-announcements/134/monday-monero-missives-22-year-in-review-january-5th-2015
davout: fluffypony: do you know a monero executive summary?
fluffypony: maybe it's best to think of Monero as something like Freicoin - an experiment in creating something usable and useful
fluffypony: pubkeys) thus breaking compatibility with every existing application, and then enforce the standard for some time before the utxoset is sufficiently large to allow for a measurable level of privacy (see MRL-0001 on lab.monero.cc as to why this is true)
adlai: for example, this monero thing... let's say the tech is remarkably successful, and as this becomes evident, the value grows TENFOLD
assbot: Monero Research Lab - Protecting Your Privacy's Future ... ( http://bit.ly/1GfK5Si )
fluffypony: and some nice research on that side of things: https://lab.monero.cc
fluffypony: that was before Risto had any interest in Monero
BingoBoingo: fluffypony: Your monero thing
punkman: fluffypony: anything going on in the secret monero research labs?
Anduck: mircea_popescu: you know the new monero/bitcoin rpg stuff by rpietila?
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bdeizHM9OU no monero
thickasthieves: monero is like a darkcoin
mircea_popescu: davidlatapie i have nfi idea what monero is because in spite of being invited fluffypony doesn't want to give the group a presentation. the comment is just as to the improbable nature of the name. why mew and what's someone not in on the jokes to make of it. ☟︎
davidlatapie: mircea_popescu: how should I understand your "#monero-mew ? srsly ?" Funny name, stupid initiative, such idea much wow, else?
davidlatapie: mircea_popescu: how should I understand "#monero-mew ? srsly ?"
mircea_popescu: #monero-mew ? srsly ?
TheNewDeal: whats monero-meow?
ristopietila: kakobrekla: no gpg key for the moment. Later on. The immediate goal will be for him to access invite-only #monero-mew
fluffypony: overview of ring signatures as they're implmeneted in Monero
punkman: sold all my monero before the drop, time to buy again?
fluffypony: http://lab.monero.cc/pubs/MRL-0003.pdf
Vexual: whats new in monero?
xmj: fluffypony: how are your monero port efforts doing?
assbot: The Monero Free For All Thread
mats_cd03: 20:08:59 <+mircea_popescu> i have no idea what monero even is.
assbot: Logged on 09-09-2014 14:10:58; mircea_popescu: hey fluffypony do you plan to eventually sell the monero idea here once it reaches some sort of maturity or do you just plan to wait indefinitely for b-a to figure it out ?
mats_cd03: 20:08:34 <+fluffypony> I had no idea you were all-in on Monero
assbot: 56 results for 'monero' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=monero
mircea_popescu: !s monero
mircea_popescu: i have no idea what monero even is.
fluffypony: I had no idea you were all-in on Monero
assbot: The Truth About Monero's Risto Pietila (rpietila XMR)
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: Hard to take anyones word seriously, I can only judge by the flock of bitcoin developers in #monero-dev, I am not trusting 1 guy named jl777 that he will create a "Supernetwork" while he also have created 50 other altcoins. I am instead trusting the names assoicated with Monero. Familiar names to me. Also unless BTC is forked it will be the transparent coin and this is
fluffypony: the block flooding DoS attack doesn't work with Monero, at least not that we've been able to simulate
mircea_popescu: "This coin's enthusiasts contribute to the applied aspects of the CryptoNote technology. It has been launched as a fork of Bytecoin in April 2014. Bitmonero/Monero was subject to a quarrel among the community members on the choice of name. Nevertheless, its contribution is valuable to CryptoNote’s popularization. Moreover, it has the fastest block generation speed of 1 minute."
punkman: mircea_popescu: that monero thing