188 entries in 0.708s
mircea_popescu: heh, remember the manul gurl ?
mircea_popescu: sort-of like the manul chick, except moar dedicated.
asciilifeform: Pet The Manul. (tm) (r)
assbot: 0 results for 'ada manul' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=ada+manul
mircea_popescu: !s ada manul
ben_vulpes imagines stan's face shooped onto the manul
BingoBoingo: <ascii_butugychag> manul is pretty but not man-eating << yet
ascii_butugychag: manul is pretty but not man-eating
BingoBoingo: TI-92 is the Corgi/Manul/PampasCat of the computing world. The more you play with it, the less you can stand other...
jurov: punkman: here teh manul only says "the word "random", which specifies that the block should be filled with a random bit pattern."
BingoBoingo: The Manul's greatest asset in combat is that through the fur, an adversary can not tell from where on the moving limbs the claws will emerge
BingoBoingo: bounce: No, manul post, that way it isn't spamming
cazalla: sorta like thinking a manul is a tiger
BingoBoingo: Maybe consult the Manul? http://www.earthtouchnews.com/media/179015/06_02_2014_manul_Pallass-cat_1_GalleryLarge.jpg
BingoBoingo: Ah, that's why the scotties prefer their almost manul
mircea_popescu: (tbh, irrespective of her manul infatuations, this is how i've always imagined moiety : http://secondhandscottie.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/20120427-141023.jpg )
moiety: *Manual Later Tell* hello log readers, sorry if i missed you today. hope all is well with you all. http://old.daps.tv/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/OTOCOLOBUS-MANUL-550x412.jpg ba lacking manuls lately :]
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Manul pick and place... once the immune system is worked out
assbot: 245 results for 'manul' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=manul
BingoBoingo: !s manul
BingoBoingo: ;;ud manul
punkman: I'd go to manul beach
assbot: Pallas cat - Otocolobus manul - YouTube
BingoBoingo: moiety: Have they exhausted your manul supply already?
gribble: Error: "manul" is not a valid command.
jurov: ;;manul
BingoBoingo: ;;google manul taking a poop
benkay: <BingoBoingo> ;;google manul taking a poop
moiety: mike_c: the day you offer me a manul instead of a unicorn as national animal.. i'm in!
BingoBoingo: I'm just wondering what happens if manul fluff could scale up to arbitrarily large beasts, like rhinocerous, elephant, or Tillikum
moiety: HOLY SHIT did you just say a manul sized beast with manul fluff
BingoBoingo: moiety: My concern is that it seems any cat of ridable size is probably going to be person eating. Now if you could get a horse with Manul hair...
BingoBoingo: Or breed Manul with various big cats until large enough?
moiety: my ambition in lfe is to have a picture like mircea's pyramids, but with me on a giant manul instead
BingoBoingo: ;;google manul taking a poop
BingoBoingo: http://www.earthtouchnews.com/media/179015/06_02_2014_manul_Pallass-cat_1_GalleryLarge.jpg
mircea_popescu: quite the vibrant little community we got here. there's even a manul in a treehouse!
BingoBoingo: moiety: You first challenge probably is "manul with robust immune system"
moiety: so my dream of a giant manul is not unthinkable?
moiety hasn't even linked a manul yet
moiety: TheNewDeal: yeah i get a note when manul is mentioned so i just returned a picture.... like a manual manul bot, if you will :D
TheNewDeal: manul!?
gribble: Pallas's cat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <;' target='_blank'>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pallas's_cat>; Pallas's Cat Manul - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F13bkwYYcxE>; Manul – the Cat that Time Forgot ~ The Ark In Space: <http://www.arkinspace.com/2011/04/manul-cat-that-time-forgot.html>
BingoBoingo: ;;google manul
fluffypony: ;;later tell moiety I think I found the first cat that can take on a manul: http://i.imgur.com/PZNxrN4.jpg
moiety: artifexd: omg! thanks for linking me! thats my first manul gif... lol it's brilliant, can't stop chuckling :D
benkay: moiety: i read something you wrote earlier as "5-speed manul"
moiety: ive been looking into these charity manul people and i dont trust them
moiety: are you telling me if i gpt manul baby, it would be happy
kakobrekla: except if its manul.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Manul won't counter my Pirc defense with an Austrian attack so boring...
asciilifeform: finally bought manul ?
BingoBoingo: moiety: Did you see the sort of eldrich not Manul beast I encountered Monday?
BingoBoingo: moiety: When your phone call is over http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/06/03/the-problem-with-apple/ has Manul
moiety: jurov: 1. can i skip the personal drive and just have a manul instead? 2. was it me you were looking for earlier?
benkay: where is the manul lady
moiety: the livingroom is huge, i think I have plenty space for manul-relating conferences
fluffypony: ;;later tell moiety can a manul do this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOyZojbYUEA
fluffypony: "18/05 21:33: Call from France; how to pronounce manul."
moiety: we should have the manul as a national animal instead of the fricking unicorn
asciilifeform: pet the manul (tm)
BingoBoingo: I'm wondering when the heard will start calling out CoinDesk for constantly leading them over the cliff into the jaws of a Manul like a bunch of lemmings
moiety: xmj: http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maxliiE3ut1rxutsvo1_500.jpg manul
moiety: that would just be a regular manul, mine would be more polite, i would bribe it with catnip
mircea_popescu: moiety, why is your manul so poorly brought up ?
moiety: i would like to hear a call between manul and dog. "yes, this is dog" "fuck you dog" "kden, bai manul" "fuck you dog"
jurov: also in missing manul http://explo.yt/post/2014/01/07/MPEx%3A-The-Missing-Manual-2-%28How-to-talk-to-MPEx%29
fluffypony: Samuel the Manul
fluffypony: The B-A Manul?
davout: i is manul actually
mircea_popescu: and manul is actually a local word.
mircea_popescu: moiety seks nedele manul?
moiety: I'm torn between this and Manul Manor
moiety: fave week will be the one i get it confirmed :D if i get it confirmed *strokes lucky manul*
moiety: ok application in, cross everything and pray to Manul and try to panic as little as possible now is all i can do. thank you BB.
bitcoinpete: manul has enough space
moiety: morning manul fans
mircea_popescu: btw, how about a manul fur coat moiety ?
mircea_popescu: is there a manul manual yet ?
moiety: omg.... think of it.... a wine stained manul would be a pink manul!
mircea_popescu: they manul
mircea_popescu: moiety so a manul came out of my chocolate truffle and fell into my wine glass.
fluffypony: Chateu de Manul
moiety: i think manuls would be pro wine. there should be a wine called manul
fluffypony: Manul!
moiety: easy answer to everything: manuls. eg1 where are my letters going? manuls ate them eg2 what the fuck should i name my child? manul
mircea_popescu: the manul girl.
moiety: there shall not be a manul girl unless tis me!
mircea_popescu: *booming manul voice of valhalla* WHO CALLS THIS ANCIENT PHONELINE
moiety: lol i went with the manul and am updating the blog mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: <moiety> is it out of the question to have a manul gravatar? mine looks derpy << no, go right ahead. almost-nipple tits or manuls are the two acceptable looks.
BingoBoingo: moiety: What about that sleepy manul kitten in the tree?
BingoBoingo: I actually thought you were going to link a derpy manul picture.
BingoBoingo: A Manul is fine too.
moiety: can i not just use a manul
moiety: is it out of the question to have a manul gravatar? mine looks derpy
kakobrekla: moiety is taht manul shooting lazers from ze eyes or lasers shooting out manuls?
moiety: jurov: i think gavin might be too placid to pull off the manul-look
kakobrekla: what a weird manul
jurov: invite hime to Manul Of Teh Year Award