39 entries in 0.9s

BingoBoingo: Here's another fat joke: "Acral dry
mircea_popescu: in other random lulz : there are many diseases of the foot, all of them rather similar : capilaries die, then the skin gets colonized by fungus and bacteria, then the nerves die and then
gangrene sets in. frostbite is not necessary ; nor is diabethes -- something as simple as keeping the feet in warm mud for half a day, or wet for a few days in the same socks will do it.
mircea_popescu: we're discussing what software runs on black box. you propose "hey, it's trying to cut
gangrene in such a way as to do maximal damage to enemies". yes, this may be, as a generous interpretation. the more common interpretation however is to say there's exactly no cutting.
mircea_popescu: i would propose that the surgeon drawing a distinction between toe
gangrene and finger
gangrene is a dubious surgeon indeed.
a111: Logged on 2016-04-22 00:49 asciilifeform: once the
gangrene sets in, you either freeze your toolchain or give up work.
ascii_butugychag: right now we have
gangrene in one leg. what is an improvement about having ~two~ ?
BingoBoingo: phf: Not all of them are so bad, but yeah... Dat Beetus
gangrene mircea_popescu: obviously this should be fixed. but we're not there yet, and the fix would not consist of shaping
gangrene anyway.
mircea_popescu: we got slutmint and yekutzky can go on writing about what
gangrene said to liberty valance or w/e.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Money's merely a Candida. In right forms it prevents
gangrene. In wrong forms it is worse than any cancer.
BingoBoingo: Being on the edge of founeir's
gangrene because docotrs don't understand bacteria, that is pain.
VanCleef: hate it when you get
gangrene on your balls