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mircea_popescu: inb4 the next
mosul lulz (aka "great success of barefoot negresses on the world diplomacy stage") will be the coallition capture of rebel islamabad.
mircea_popescu: why should people forget the us army doesn't exist and was fucked in the ass by towelheads with a slight russian dusting over at
mircea_popescu: i'm about 5000 times more interested in reading all about how usg hasn't managed to recapture
mosul years after pantsuit press stopped mentioning it than whatever the fuck pantsuit press wants to talk about.
mircea_popescu: you could prolly get the street urchins involved, if only you can provide rifles for them. this is becoming a sort of "isis in
mosul" deal
mircea_popescu: well, "social media". usg's astroturf for its own sheeple. much like you know, the notion that "embargo of russia" or "recapture of
mosul -- two weeks starting in 2016", the sort of ideas with no further substance than "i really watch too much tv"
mircea_popescu: then they run into actually trained actual men, and "o noes, snipers!!!" => collapsing tikrit "offensive" and "we're still two weeking
mosul year and a half later" because three dudes didn't feel like speaking english that time.
mircea_popescu: "With at least one quarter of
Mosul still under Islamic State control, it is too soon to uncover the full story of the liberation of western
Mosul." orly ? i guess what he means is "with the isis army being outnumbered 10:1 and it still managing to inflict blistering, humiliating if regular tactical defeats on the ill prepared, bumbling invading force, it becomes clear that the only victors in the engagement were the so calle
☟︎ mircea_popescu: im kinda surprised they sat by with the
mosul base did ~nothing
mircea_popescu: in other lulz,
mosul successfuly conquered ; russian reports of mass bombing of civilians entirely untrue. don't fall for fake imitations, always read only the genuinotrue Real News (tm) !
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, british national and ex-guantanamo detainee abu zakariya al britani blew up a car in
mosul. which you know, "is being progress made upon", still, six months later. except for the part where isis killed kadim al saeedi, ie one of the few actually competent sand monkeys on the imperial side.
mircea_popescu: i dunno ; the "two weeks to take
mosul" worked even better than that.
mircea_popescu: which reminds me, i had a dream last night,
mosul had been actually conquered by teh coalitioderacy of dounces and they were rebuilding it.
mircea_popescu: oh, let the forgotten not be forgotten : "NPR-3 hours ago Iraqi forces are nearing what is expected to be the toughest part of the fight for the northern Iraqi city of
mircea_popescu: and the whole thing relies on a certain blindness of "why is the tomato green on your cash register but blue in my plate and shouldn't tomatoes be red to begin with" which is the very bread and butter of both "mit is the premier science and technology institution at the world series" as well as "thank you for your leadership we will conqueliberate
mosul in two weeks three years ago. or four."
mircea_popescu: "In a new photo report purportedly released by the Islamic State, an ISIS suicide car bomber attacks Iraqi forces in the Intisar neighborhood of east
Mosul, Iraq. The photo report was released on ISIS terrorist channels on December 22."
mircea_popescu: in further news nobody cares about, "4 million letters of 'empathy, support' dropped on
Mosul". this thing, which was a) going to be a war that b) was going to take two weeks twelve weeks ago (and then a month, and then two, and here we are) has now degenerated in a fucking spam offensive.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: yes. derps at dept of state GENUINELY BELIEVE that they "did what they had to" in
mosul and the russians are being evil criminals in aleppo.
mircea_popescu: what some psychologists then turn around and measure as "integration". but in any case, it's trivially evident that ~the world~ may be good or bad, but not the subject. observable at all scales, from the freeranged girlfriend of your choice to the us propaganda discussing aleppo/
☟︎ mircea_popescu: (for the innocent : there was a 2015 "we'll take
mosul in spring" thing, also. you never hear anything about it today BECAUSE the key of usg behaviour is exactly
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523269 : they make one a year. if this year's fails then "it never really happened" ; if it succeeds then "see, we always win, told you so!")
☝︎ mircea_popescu: anyway. the battle for
mosul, originally slated to end about a month ago, and then upgraded to end about today, has been upgraded again to take "months" hence. i think i want a refund.
mircea_popescu: in other news nobody cares about, the us&friends decided the leaking of civilians from
mosul is more trouble than it's worth, sealed it off, will proceed to butcher the remaining and blame isis for it.
mircea_popescu: fucking loony tunes collection over here. that guy doesn't trust anything or like anything ; that other guy wants to cook while running around the streets of
mosul. isn't there anyone in this god damned republic that is sane ?
mircea_popescu: and in other
mosul news, presuming anyone gives a shit : karkojli "liberated" ; nimrud not.
mircea_popescu: guy that was killed in june by ypg missile (as reported by ypg) and in january by the syrians (as reported by the saa) was just killed in
mosul, according to the kurds.
mircea_popescu: and yes they're VERY fucking busy all around
mosul these days. tons and tons of "ngos" "charity workers" and whatnot. apparently preteen muslim meat is at a premium for some reason.
mircea_popescu: (the part where
mosul is a town apparently made out of villages i can understand - so is buenos aires. the orcs dun do urban life.)
mircea_popescu: meanwhile from that one's sister, equally qualified to freely speak her absent mind, "Security forces kill tens of ISIS suiciders, free village in
mircea_popescu: what with their terrorism of pointing out that
mosul and aleppo aren't that far apart.
mircea_popescu: ahahaha bernard henri levy (self important french dood) going to
mircea_popescu: and wtf is this, no more trump news, no more
mosul news, what is this gross failure of the united entertainment machine!
mircea_popescu: btw, speaking of
mosul & more generally the us inept engagement in the empire's graveyard : anyone know the great story of the faqir of ipi ?
mircea_popescu: otherwise in
mosul, the fight is now supposed to take two months, a 50% upgrade, and from the locals The Iraqi army arrived yesterday and took the town, and today Isis came back and the army ran away. We werent expecting this.
mircea_popescu: mats btw how's
mosul ? the beobachter surprisingly speaks of "tough resistance" and "slowed advance" ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, since we're on it : remember when the us had to bomb its intel depot / "embassy" in baghdad ? it came with a ~230 mn bill for gear, that was never reported. there's going to be another 50 ? 60 ? 100 mn worth of destroyed expensive gear in
mosul. once you start adding all these up, the "misplaced" pentagon money suddenly catches a very different light.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "US Central Command says up to 25,000 troops are being assembled for the
Mosul campaign, to take on 1-2,000 ISIL fighters." boooon.... o sa iasa un dezastru...
mircea_popescu: Speaking of Yazidi women captured by ISIS, Nazand Begikhani said, "These women have been treated like cattle... They have been subjected to physical and sexual violence, including systematic rape and sex slavery. They've been exposed in markets in
Mosul and in Raqqa, Syria, carrying price tags."
mircea_popescu: mike_c: who understands this: "ISIL stole $400 million in a raid on
Mosul's central bank". what, it was stacked in the corner in bills? << yes.
mircea_popescu: "The city fell like a plane without an engine," said a
Mosul businessman << what's with these people and planes.
mircea_popescu: This i don't fucking understand. if you're trying to leave
mosul and there's some fuckwits holding a "checkpoint" in your way