49 entries in 0.475s
nicoleci: yeah thanks, Master. privilege in knowledge, torture in a
chromebook nicoleci: and suffering i am using a
chromebook of all things..
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> maybe if we keep going in this vein we can get the un to sponsor trilema. << Phf hasn't turned the
chromebook into ladypants yet
BingoBoingo: Right, the problem has to be your room isn't intimidating it enough into behaving. Pick up a car battery and some cables with alligator clamps. Don't attach the battery to the machine. Just let it sit where the
chromebook can see it.
BingoBoingo: The
chromebook appliance thing just keeps getting weirder
cnomad: yeah, for a whole
chromebook hanbot: suggested
chromebook add-on for asciilifeform: a mircea_popescu key that, when pressed, deploys a retractable sledgehammer that smacks operator on the nosebridge (or i guess alternatively, comes alive at night and fucks yer wife).
phf: asciilifeform: hey, have you had further progress with the
chromebook? i'm thinking of replacing my x60 with it, or rather i want to try a portable cuntoo install, without nuking existing setup
assbot: Logged on 10-05-2015 17:10:50; asciilifeform: several years ago, i bought the arm chipset
chromebook and tried in vain, for ages, to install gentoo on it
decimation: if you want 'cheap, don't care', you could buy a
chromebook and reflash
nubbins`: my next laptop will probably be a cheap desktop +
chromebook DreadKnight: fluffypony, on a desktop atm, but would definitely recommend a
ChromeBook to my parents and other people within a year or so
Mats_cd03: now i can use gpg on my
chromebook Mats_cd03: so having a
chromebook to do things that might be sensitive is great
KRS|Gotyawallet: I never tried it but I think
chromebook+linux ftw..heard stuffs about that combo
dub: I love how someone would buy a
chromebook ThickAsThieves: if i were using a
chromebook, i'd be playing on gox right now