49 entries in 0.475s
asciilifeform: i experimented with curing an earlier chromebook, in early 2013, also
nicoleci: yeah thanks, Master. privilege in knowledge, torture in a chromebook
asciilifeform: trinque: on various newer irons, soldered (e.g. almost all 'chromebook')
asciilifeform: lol!! that very same chromebook ??
nicoleci: and suffering i am using a chromebook of all things..
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> maybe if we keep going in this vein we can get the un to sponsor trilema. << Phf hasn't turned the chromebook into ladypants yet
BingoBoingo: Right, the problem has to be your room isn't intimidating it enough into behaving. Pick up a car battery and some cables with alligator clamps. Don't attach the battery to the machine. Just let it sit where the chromebook can see it.
asciilifeform: что тебе снится, крейсер chromebook
BingoBoingo: The chromebook appliance thing just keeps getting weirder
cnomad: yeah, for a whole chromebook
asciilifeform: srsly, try walking into repair with chromebook. 'we can reset this for you for $50', lol
asciilifeform: September 1, 2017 Asus Chromebook Flip C101PA Bob rk3399 etc
asciilifeform: |\n: only chromebook. afaik all recently-rolledout units, have it
asciilifeform: 'the confession was on his chromebook, and no one (But US, but US Would Never!11) but his own hand, could have written' etc
hanbot: suggested chromebook add-on for asciilifeform: a mircea_popescu key that, when pressed, deploys a retractable sledgehammer that smacks operator on the nosebridge (or i guess alternatively, comes alive at night and fucks yer wife).
loper_os_cr50: Just read the article on the Chromebook backdoor
phf: asciilifeform: hey, have you had further progress with the chromebook? i'm thinking of replacing my x60 with it, or rather i want to try a portable cuntoo install, without nuking existing setup
shinohai: Found those too: https://www.amazon.com/Chromebook-C101PA-DB02-Quad-Core-Lightweight-Touchscreen/dp/B075KFFMZS
shinohai: While asciilifeform is here on subj of rockchips, is this the type of tablet you referred to a few days prior? https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-C201-Chromebook-Rockchip-Lotus/dp/B01EGBAR4W
asciilifeform: example of typical 100%-certifiably-worthless gpl compliance -- google's 'chromebook' www
a111: 27 results for "chromebook", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=chromebook
asciilifeform: !#s chromebook
asciilifeform: #!s chromebook
asciilifeform: (supposing the comp were gentooable, rather than 'chromebook' etc liquishit)
asciilifeform actually read the entire talos turd, and the links, and as is quite typical the 'libreboot' idiot pitches 'use linux on chromebook c201' -- but if you actually read, then will learn that 'so long as you don't need wireless nic or video to work!'
asciilifeform: and yes, some of it also runs under 'linux' - see the excellent example of the samsung chromebook, which i bought some years ago and tried to civilize
asciilifeform: one nitpick: the c201 chromebook he recommends as a potential arm box is a TURD
assbot: ASUS Chromebook C201 ... ( http://bit.ly/2365GZY )
asciilifeform: just like the samsung arm 'chromebook' gathering dust in my bookcase
asciilifeform: (e.g., i had a vivisected arm chromebook with me in romania, as disposable comp.)
asciilifeform: dell's 'chromebook 11'. but keep in mind 1) it requires heavy-duty massage to transform into something like a civilized pc and 2) 'mil-std' is not 'stops rifle bullet' but simply means it passed some degree of traditional vibration, dust, water tortures.
assbot: Logged on 10-05-2015 17:10:50; asciilifeform: several years ago, i bought the arm chipset chromebook and tried in vain, for ages, to install gentoo on it
asciilifeform: several years ago, i bought the arm chipset chromebook and tried in vain, for ages, to install gentoo on it ☟︎
decimation: if you want 'cheap, don't care', you could buy a chromebook and reflash
nubbins`: my next laptop will probably be a cheap desktop + chromebook
assbot: 11 results for 'chromebook' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=chromebook
ascii_field: !s chromebook
asciilifeform: the chromebook thing is just like the situation i spoke of last week: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2014#944963 ☝︎
asciilifeform: only remembered 'systemd' now because happened to switch on a machine in my collection, a 'google chromebook a15', based on single-chip 'arm.' afaik, no clean (traditional init) linux distro has ever been published for said machine.
asciilifeform: 'chromebook' can be turned into a perfectly normal machine (diassemble, remove eeprom write protect jumper, write in an ordinary linux, e.g. 'gentoo')
DreadKnight: fluffypony, on a desktop atm, but would definitely recommend a ChromeBook to my parents and other people within a year or so
fluffypony: DreadKnight: do you use a ChromeBook?
Mats_cd03: now i can use gpg on my chromebook
Mats_cd03: so having a chromebook to do things that might be sensitive is great
asciilifeform: nubbins`: chromebook can be diddled into some semblance of general-purpose usefulness, with some sweat
KRS|Gotyawallet: I never tried it but I think chromebook+linux ftw..heard stuffs about that combo
dub: I love how someone would buy a chromebook
ThickAsThieves: if i were using a chromebook, i'd be playing on gox right now
ThickAsThieves: a chromebook plz