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mircea_popescu: definitely got it. and im sure some idiot "woman in tech" a la carly fiorina is going to bring a shittier apple itunes store on it
trinque: rather than competing with microsoft or apple in the OS space, they just snuck their way in with their own OS
mod6: I, with trinque's help, need to patch gcc 4.8.4 with gentoo using /etc/portage/patches via ebuild flag(?). If that works, then I can test that the R.I. will link properly. If that works, maybe we finally have static apple pie.
mircea_popescu: generally, most infrastructure in all times and places operates at a loss, which is why commodification is not particularly welcomed by business people, which is how you get apple.
trinque: speaks volumes on apple's present state
decimation: apple buys you for $3 bil
ascii_field: http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Halbes-Apple-MacBook-Pro-/00/s/OTAwWDEyMDA=/z/I4gAAOSwsLtVevMs/$_57.JPG << ultra-portable laptop for ben_vulpes ?
assbot: Beats Music Tells Users To Switch To Apple Music | TechCrunch ... ( http://bit.ly/1CgelZW )
trinque: ascii_field: right, did you also see (I think I put it in the logs) Apple's move to compile to apps to an intermediate bytecode, which is then transformed to whichever back-end machine code?
trinque: leaving apple free to modify the thing at will from that point forward?
trinque: https://medium.com/@InertialLemon/apple-s-bitcode-telegraphs-future-cpu-plans-a7b90d326228 << I read this as indicating that in the future, Apple apps will be submitted as signed "bitcode", not a signed executable binary
pete_dushenski: and google, apple, amazon, paypal, banks, etc.
mircea_popescu: Essentially, “Megablock Bitcoin” will be exactly like the Apple App Store. <<< mmmm yeah.
mircea_popescu: http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc1pvnNEvi1r3si7eo1_500.gif << liek fresh apple pie
nubbins`: apple "magic mouse" resting on floor.
asciilifeform: mats: aha, 'microkernel', academitardia circa late '80s-early-'90s that apple folks still live with today.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> <mod6> mod6: Sir Grayhawk, I would like to use this recipe to craft a static apple pie. Sir Grayhawk: Let me traide you for this here Universe Schematic. << WUT ?! << 'twas a joke. the old one about how a programmer wanted to bake an apple pie but first has to invent a universe. 'cept in this one static bitcoind is the pie, and the universe is gentoo/uclibc/gcc/etc. :]
mircea_popescu: <mod6> mod6: Sir Grayhawk, I would like to use this recipe to craft a static apple pie. Sir Grayhawk: Let me traide you for this here Universe Schematic. << WUT ?!
mod6: mod6: Sir Grayhawk, I would like to use this recipe to craft a static apple pie. Sir Grayhawk: Let me traide you for this here Universe Schematic.
pete_dushenski: like apple's ceo chokes on it. yes.
ascii_field: hey, if apple could
asciilifeform: and apple bug tip hotline, lol
ascii_field: he tried to return it, 2 wks old, apple told him to piss off
ascii_field got tired of the gymnastics of maintaining an apple box to be somewhat usably posixy/x11y - and is now on an 'unusable' laptop
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: the closest approximation to a usable laptop is (or was) sold by apple
trinque: but who knows, apple looked dead once
williamdunne: Apple or other?
pete_dushenski: mats universities as businesses, which is what they've certainly become with their 20th century 'mass adoption' approach to education, couldn't possibly lead their students to be anything other than broke dicks anymore than apple can with the kids who buy their iphonez
Vexual: i assumed vault was just a word that presumed they were better than apple at storing nudes, so i didnt look
decimation: c64 had a version of 6502 like apple II
decimation: but when you consier that apple bought renasas for $0.48 bn, you gotta wonder if they are overpaying
assbot: Logged on 27-05-2015 01:46:08; decimation: yeah interestingly apple outta be an exception, given the weight they can throw around
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-05-2015#1146039 << i recall this. one of the pillars of my original "lol apple is not worth money" notions. ☝︎
decimation: yeah interestingly apple outta be an exception, given the weight they can throw around ☟︎
asciilifeform: notably, before there was an 'app store' from apple
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-05-2015#1143981 << It seems to me that the question is, "why have people selling computers preloaded with their software failed (Apple does this, but their computers are braindamaged, a failure by 'design')?" Interpretation: all companies in this space occupy a position in "uncanny valley". If you look at e.g ☝︎
mircea_popescu: symbolics died. the original apple died.
asciilifeform: apple, afaik, doesn't sell a pgptron
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i suspect that the 'apple product safety' thing is a target. that is, folks filing bug reports 'confidentially'
mircea_popescu: and the apple one
davout: "Apple Product Security"
justJanne: trinque: that is very much true @ the apple-strategy argument
assbot: The Apple Watch is basically hacker proof - Yahoo Finance ... ( http://bit.ly/1bQH0xG )
pete_dushenski: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/apple-watch-basically-hacker-proof-202725548.html << lulz. article goes on to mention all the ways apple watch isn't and couldn't be 'hacker proof'
davout: i use an apple computer
ascii_field: (and there is claimed x86 dynamic translation, a la apple ppc. so it may yet turn out that most 'elbrus' will end up running winblowsxp...)
pete_dushenski: but yes, is this elbrus isn't sufficiently magical, then it makes as much sense as buying 10,000 apple watches
ben_vulpes: http://www.wsj.com/articles/chinas-smartphone-market-slows-down-1431296873 << modern manufacturing can crank out so many units as to completely overwhelm demand. this, i believe, is what's actually driving apple into the 'watch market', such as it is
mircea_popescu: does it mean they could ? no, it does not. the proposition is of the kind of "apple shares could buy all of russia". no, they COULD NOT.
assbot: Logged on 10-05-2015 10:11:00; davout: oh and ben_vulpes, by 'real computer' I mean any non-Apple machine, that'll always be a good improvememnt :D
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-05-2015#1126960 << ruby hipster that despises apple ?! what's this world shattered into! ☝︎
ben_vulpes: reminds me of apple maintaining os x for the intel arch
davout: oh and ben_vulpes, by 'real computer' I mean any non-Apple machine, that'll always be a good improvememnt :D ☟︎
mircea_popescu: you don't get to even hear about them otherwise. by the time you hear about amazon, or apple, or /we it's no longer on the table whether bezos is or is not competent.
asciilifeform: unless intel pulls a microshit-apple and keeps it on life support as token competitor
mircea_popescu: imgine, leave your toddler in its thing out by the apple tree, come back with some pie, ants dragging it away
mircea_popescu: suppose chinese monarch had refused... windows. apple. whatever.
assbot: Inside the Apple Watch: Technical Teardown | Chipworks Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1P3gz4W )
pete_dushenski: http://www.chipworks.com/en/technical-competitive-analysis/resources/blog/inside-the-apple-watch-technical-teardown/ << anatomy of a closed boxen.
jurov: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/apr/22/wi-fi-hack-ios-iphone-ipad-apple
assbot: Even more evidence that Apple was full of shit."/osxreverser: "Fixing rootpipe in Mavericks to call Apple’s bluff" https://t.co/HK5EWLACap"
ascii_bolivia: specially saved for such occasions, apple box, with contempt
mats debating whether to buy the Apple Watch to exploit it
trinque: decimation: I doubt US intelligence has zero assets inside apple
decimation: in the case of apple, I think it's quite likely they are honestly trying to make things secure, but are about as successful as all other 'tech' firms have been
assbot: How to fix rootpipe in Mavericks and call Apple's bullshit bluff about rootpipe fixes | Reverse Engineering Mac OS X ... ( http://bit.ly/1GErL8o )
decimation: asciilifeform: what fascinates me is the fact that even the higher management who is nominally 'free' find themselves enslaves to apple's paradigm (for example, making iphone clones)
mircea_popescu: unlike pretty much anyone, including google and facebook/ godaddy is like apple.
decimation: lol even apple plays the game http://www.zdnet.com/article/ios-6-granted-fips-140-2-approved-for-u-s-government-use/
mats: i have a pile of powerpc apple laptops
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: anything made by Apple should be on that list.
mircea_popescu: so here's an idle thought : one could import apple into the pogo, create an autovote application for 20 dollars a device
decimation: http://opencores.org/project,cpu6502_true_cycle < lol can build "Apple ][+ SoC"
asciilifeform: almost as good as apple v apple
TomServo: the apple case specifically
mircea_popescu: what, you think i don't like apple because of its hairdo ?
ascii_modem: canary << mega-lol, apple killed their canary. who noticed, who remembers now ?
Chillum: I remember when my apple IIgs was pretty neato
mircea_popescu: "before turning off the obsd firewall, apple used to turn off the fbsd firewall"
decimation: apple didn't move to pf until 10.7
decimation: pfsense, yes, another apple thing shamelessly ripped by apple
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> he's from apple. wut firewall ? <<< o.O the same firewall that obsd uses, smarty
mircea_popescu: strikes me as exactly the sort of apple-esque innovationitivity.
mircea_popescu: he's from apple. wut firewall ?
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075064 << so far being on apple is such a blessing for nubsy
nubbins`: scan a GMO apple
jurov: "for example apple juice can have 0.2-0.3% methanol, or if derived from pulp by enzymatic degradation, the levels can be 2 to 3 times higher."
pete_dushenski: singapore is now apple without steve jobs
assbot: Apple Acquires Durable Database Company FoundationDB | TechCrunch ... ( http://bit.ly/1y3awFz )
Pierre_Rochard: http://techcrunch.com/2015/03/24/apple-acquires-durable-database-company-foundationdb/ < NoSQL just became NoDB. Everyone who jumped on that bandwagon got their comuppance
nubbins`: so of my eight bucks, $2.40 went to apple.
ascii_field: danielpbarron: this is an ancient plague in the apple world. vendor releases an unusable os, and then various 'entrepreneurs' show up to expensively offer to paper over the turd, and users - oblige
ascii_field: article mentions gruber. who i recall very distinctly as an especially smarmy 'volunteer' apple propagandizer. he once sent fifty or so thousand morons to my site
assbot: Critical Sharks Part IV: Fear of Apple — Eli Schiff ... ( http://bit.ly/1BKTAUp )
Pierre_Rochard: well I saw crapple mentioned was coincidentally reading up on their developer chumpatronics: http://www.elischiff.com/blog/2015/3/24/fear-of-apple
indiancandy1_: do you use apple
BingoBoingo: decimation: I'm not sure I can trust Apple to not use words in a way wildly different from word's actual meanings
decimation: BingoBoingo: according to that page they are not using that patented ceramic procedure, but are instead using an alloy with 'work hardening' "For the Watch Edition however, Apple appears to have eschewed any revolutionary alchemy and instead, applied an innovative work hardening process to create gold that is (claimed to be) significantly harder than the typical 18kt used by other watchmakers. "
assbot: How Apple Makes the Watch — Atomic Delights ... ( http://bit.ly/1COmrhT )
decimation: http://atomicdelights.com/blog/a-glimpse-at-how-the-apple-watch-is-made < asciilifeform did you see this? this was the most interesting bit to me: "Apple is doing something utterly unique in this 5 seconds of video - they are using a laser to clean up any burrs or finishing defects from machining."