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mircea_popescu: or to any approach that includes anyone but apple making money.
ben_vulpes: apple is pretty much anathema to the #b-a approach to compute.
mircea_popescu: i briefly considered adding an apple apps thing for s.mg
ben_vulpes: we've been looking into the apple "enterprise deployment" story of late
mircea_popescu: heck, zinga still exists on apple right ?
assbot: Logged on 21-03-2015 21:56:58; decimation: on the other hand, perhaps apple is just trying to 'enumerate goodness' in its 'forced wot'
mircea_popescu: apple "open" : we'll give you some fiction to read while the thing boots ?
assbot: Logged on 21-03-2015 21:47:01; decimation: the developer in question had already made a deal with apple to publish the app apparently. I couldn't even compile my own version unsigned for my own personal use
pete_dushenski: several ways to skin cat, hard to argue that any involve apple
decimation: the argument being that even if every 'middle class' person in the world purchased a new apple device they would still only be 'holding steady'
trinque: decimation: the apple watch gadget etc
decimation: I recently heard an argument that apple's only recourse to 'grow' its revenue stream is to sell super-luxury goods
pete_dushenski: if apple has a slave harem, they win the award for 'dumbest slave harem'
decimation: except apple doesn't really have a wot so much as it has a slave harem
decimation: on the other hand, perhaps apple is just trying to 'enumerate goodness' in its 'forced wot' ☟︎
decimation: right, but apple just wants you to know that it sees what you are doing there...
decimation: apple could quite easily lock down osx just as hard as it locks down ios
decimation: at any rate, it does appear that with each release of osx/xcode, apple subtlety changes what is 'allowed', without much explicit explanation
decimation: Xcode insisted that I required a paid apple developer account before I could consider such a thing, it appears
decimation: the developer in question had already made a deal with apple to publish the app apparently. I couldn't even compile my own version unsigned for my own personal use ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: i'll build for apple shortly after i build for 'super nintendo' << ahahaha. nintendo!
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> [19:50] is anyone actually trying to build on apple's os ? << no
asciilifeform: i'll build for apple shortly after i build for 'super nintendo'
asciilifeform: i meant was, is anyone planning to -run- on apple's os
asciilifeform: is anyone actually trying to build on apple's os ?
asciilifeform: then no need for the weird apple minutiae, no ?
danielpbarron: ftr I do not intend to acutally use apple software; i've been putting OpenBSD on old iMacs
nubbins`: https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/ld64/ld64-97.17.tar.gz
asciilifeform: what apple does
asciilifeform: 'Apple does not support statically linked binaries on Mac OS X. A statically linked binary assumes binary compatibility at the kernel system call interface, and we do not make any guarantees on that front. Rather, we strive to ensure binary compatibility in each dynamically linked system library and framework.'
nubbins`: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/qa/qa1118/_index.html
nubbins`: i developed an allergy to apple skins
nubbins`: eat not thine apple
asciilifeform: thinking of the kcn apple
asciilifeform: can still explain the behaviour of turing's apple with chemistry
mats: ramtin-amin.fr/#tristar looks like Apple Lightning has been broken
mircea_popescu: and yes alf's right, the end of moore is also the end of ms, apple etc.
asciilifeform: which (stolen from korean coffee pots) was the one good idea apple forced through the thick skulls of other vendors
asciilifeform: (apple released a machine which is entirely unusable without the dock gizmo)
assbot: /hashtag/OpenBSD?src=hash 5.6 on an Apple iMac G4. http://t.co/vx5qS4N7WV
decimation: actually, since apple controls the complete stack all the way down to silicon, they are in a unique position to actually deliever, but didn't
decimation: if you read the apple whitepaper on the iphone 5 security, you see they play all kinds of shell games attempting to keep keys in temporary buffers so that the storage can be 'encrypted' while still able to receive texts, unlock screen, etc
asciilifeform: re: iPnohe bruteforcer - apple could have easily written 1) update counter 2) validate code instead of 1) validate code 2) update counter
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah. apple supposedly spent years trying to make the device secure
assbot: MDSec Blog: Apple iOS Hardware Assisted Screenlock Bruteforce ... ( http://bit.ly/1xdp0bd )
assbot: /hashtag/OpenBSD?src=hash 5.6 on an Apple iMac G4. http://t.co/vx5qS4N7WV
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-03-2015#1055381 << check it out, we fixed an apple fanboi! ☝︎
davout: danielpbarron: iirc imacs have special disks with apple-specific temperature sensors or w/e
danielpbarron: other than that they appear to work fine. xfce on openbsd is a nice fit with the apple style
mircea_popescu: and for that matter, apple also delivered to some degree. that's not the contention.
decimation: surely apple has seen this sort of thing coming
mircea_popescu: the way foxconn is using apple as a detachable glove / investment point is exactly copied after the manner some chinese guys used "friedcat" / asicminer.
decimation: yes apparently foxconn is doing quite well for apple, apparently there's no need for a 'competing vendor'
decimation: mircea_popescu: except they don't MANUFACTURE anything. < it would be interesting to know how much of the manufacturing expertise lies in apple proper vs. its chinese contractors
funkenstein_: stallman always did call apple products handcuffs didn't he
mircea_popescu: "apple's the world's largest buyer of some classes of items. while not the largest in any class of any import, and not the largest buyer in any sort of general perspective, one could select some items by a criteria more or less alligned with "items apple buys" to make apple apear like the largest buyer of items apple buys"
mircea_popescu: "Apple is the world's foremost manufacturer of goods. "
assbot: How Apple Makes the Watch — Atomic Delights ... ( http://bit.ly/1baMB29 )
decimation: re: manufacturing < http://atomicdelights.com/blog/a-glimpse-at-how-the-apple-watch-is-made < an interesting (apple fanboi) take on how apple actually manufactures the watches
mircea_popescu: you proceed to buyback shares and ditch apple ?
mircea_popescu: here's something i don't understad. so, qualcomm side : in q4 2014 it announced a 2.4 bn deal with csr plc, to deliver chips. then in q1 2015 it announced massive share buyback. from apple side : they moved the modem chip order from qualcomm to intel. from csr site : 50mn operating profit on 1bn gross revenue.
mircea_popescu: of course... they sold ~3bn of chips last year. it may be that on the contrary, they told apple to pack it.
decimation: no, not for apple, but it is for qualcomm
mircea_popescu: but not a major thing for apple
assbot: Intel will reportedly land Apple as a modem chip customer | ITworld ... ( http://bit.ly/1AIgiwv )
decimation: in related news, apparently apple is going to fully drop qualcomm for intel http://www.itworld.com/article/2896796/intel-will-reportedly-land-apple-as-a-modem-chip-customer.html
mircea_popescu: in fairness, i suppose the burning hatred of usg and its many agencies (such as apple) that informs us is really a very novel thing.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Loves Apple. Only cares about source being available. Hates Linux in practice. Been keeping up the blog forever and posting rather infrequently. Almost has to be ESR.
mircea_popescu: yup. at apple fanboism since what, 2001 ?
asciilifeform: it's exactly like the apple thread
chetty: isn't the new apple watch thing planned that way? chip is not replaceable
ben_vulpes: <ascii_field> in other news, apparently apple released a portable machine that not only has slower cpu clock than the typical such box 5 yrs. ago - but cannot charge and use an external peripheral at the same time! << they want you to buy a thing to make more holes
assbot: Apple USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter Preview - CNET ... ( http://bit.ly/1KS4wdM )
kakobrekla: re adapter, but i havent really bothered reading http://www.cnet.com/products/apple-usb-c-digital-av-multiport-adapter/
ascii_field: in other news, apparently apple released a portable machine that not only has slower cpu clock than the typical such box 5 yrs. ago - but cannot charge and use an external peripheral at the same time!
asciilifeform: lol re: usg spending $maxint to extract apple symmetric key from cpu
nubbins`: "As well as targeting the iPhone and iPad directly, the CIA also claims to have developed a poisoned version of Xcode, the software development tool used by app developers to create the apps sold through Apple's hugely successful App Store. It is unclear how the CIA managed to get developers to use the poisoned version of Xcode, but it would have allowed the CIA install backdoors into any apps created using their version."
asciilifeform: decimation: iirc 'efi' (standard apple/sun/sgi bootloader) a) has published source b) doesn't do particularly much in the first place
decimation: but apple isn't in the business of making functionality
decimation: re: apple watch < my question: did they spend an extra $10 for a temperature compensated crystal oscillator or does it have a cheapass crystal which requires constant correction
assbot: iOS 8.2 uses your home screen as an Apple Watch advertisement | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1E7joi5 )
BingoBoingo: lol http://arstechnica.com/apple/2015/03/ios-8-2-uses-your-home-screen-as-an-apple-watch-advertisement/
gribble: Slow Mac: Why is My Mac Running Slow? | 5 Ways to Fix Your Slow ...: <http://macpaw.com/slow-mac/why-is-my-mac-running-slow>; New 2014 MacBook Air: Performance benchmarks - Macworld: <http://www.macworld.com/article/2150841/lab-tested-new-2014-macbook-air-benchmarks.html>; How to eliminate slow Mac problems | Apple Support Communities: (1 more message)
assbot: Logged on 09-03-2015 18:20:42; ascii_field: lol re: new apple hardware released today being -slower- than previous
assbot: Logged on 06-03-2015 00:38:12; mircea_popescu: be it google or apple, it can fucking rot. everything will have to be reimplemented.
ascii_field: lol re: new apple hardware released today being -slower- than previous ☟︎
ben_vulpes: anyways, feds can't pull their heads out of their arses. apple, otoh, targets you and yours specifically for pain.
ben_vulpes: apple ships you people all the 'B' grade hardware.
asciilifeform: and apple wouldn't take them back
asciilifeform: or you can just mail apple a box of benjies and skip the suffering
mircea_popescu: well, it tried for the entire "being apple" marketing thing.
mircea_popescu: be it google or apple, it can fucking rot. everything will have to be reimplemented. ☟︎
sjsqd: or deal with Apple's Aperture software
danielpbarron: you won't use apple to literally save your life but you'll use windows to save your job.. ok..
sjsqd: I would never, ever personally use anything branded by Apple in a million years
danielpbarron: you have apple pay and paypal and whatever app of choice for that
decimation: asciilifeform: the devilish thing about apple 'upgrades' is that the old versions no longer exist
mircea_popescu: apple came a lot closer to making phones = iphone
BingoBoingo: But M$ in particular hit the same issues that sent Apple away "Red Ring of Death"
BingoBoingo: Then again the PowerPC console generation came as Apple left the architecture and IBM wanted anyone else to jsutify its continued work there