1600+ entries in 0.517s
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: And the previous generation PowerPC. Pure Apple style trechery.
pete_dushenski: "Abraham says: “Fraud in Apple Pay… came as a surprise to all” " << mhm. right.
assbot: Apple Pay: a new frontier for scammers | Technology | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKYje1 )
pete_dushenski: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/mar/02/apple-pay-mobile-payment-system-scammers << for more details
punkman: more likely whoever owns the apple store
cazalla: who eats the chargeback? apple?
pete_dushenski: "The crooks have not broken the secure encryption around Apple Pay’s fingerprint-activated wireless payment mechanism. Instead, they are setting up new iPhones with stolen personal information, and then calling banks to “provision” the victim’s card on the phone to use it to buy goods. "
pete_dushenski: "Criminals in the US are using the new Apple Pay mobile payment system to buy high-value goods – often from Apple Stores – with stolen identities and credit card details." << le shock!
asciilifeform: 'For example, Newton's apple contains vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) which is parity-asymmetric, and it would accelerate differently if the laws of gravity cared about the mirror images.' << lying scum, yes. implying that effect cannot exist because not observable with naked eye on naturally-occurring objects
decimation: apple assumes that you don't need to use your computer to compute, so it isn't designed for sustained levels of cpu-pegging
asciilifeform: apple plays like monopolist because it -is- a monopoly
gabriel_laddel: (I have a $300 compaq that I prefer to any apple crapware - same one as MP iirc)
asciilifeform: apple wouldn't take it back.
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> [04:32] what does ben_vulpes do with his apple boxen? just throws them out when disk fills ? << generally, backup disk, format, give to pets and or repurpose as misc. computing devices around the house/office.
asciilifeform: what does ben_vulpes do with his apple boxen? just throws them out when disk fills ?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i presume the second item on this list was a build of traditional emacs for apple ?
asciilifeform: iirc the canonical emacs on apple is 'aquamacs'
mircea_popescu: no, it's just provincialism, the same idiotic middle age women that run apple now run google.
jurov: apple is such a whore with 214 root certs preinstalled?
mircea_popescu: "So what the hell do we buy now? HP's quality has hit rock bottom and is starting to dig, Lenovo is doing their best to destroy the Thinkpad brand, Asus is incapable of making a device without at least one fatal flaw... is Apple the only one making laptops that aren't garbage anymroe?"
asciilifeform: apple tax (tm)
pete_dushenski: i have an old apple box or two that is blue mooning
asciilifeform: i'm actually the only person i know who keeps an apple box 'for testing xxxx on apple once in a blue moon' without sitting on it all the time
asciilifeform: the only apple box currently in my collection is a circa-'09 'air'
asciilifeform: iirc pete_dushenski is a hereditary apple user, ought to deeply grok this ^
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it isn't about the money. talk to a 30+ year apple user. the kind that stuck to it 'through thick and thin'
asciilifeform: i suspect that a sizable majority of apple users, if offered the choice between using winblows and being buggered with a thermos, complete with handle, every night,
asciilifeform: the 'secret' is that *no one* is making quality hardware. but apple is the most egregious sc4mz0r, for continuing to maintain the pretense.
asciilifeform: apple wouldn't refund.
asciilifeform: it was precisely the gpu thing that cured me of the 'omg only apple knows how to make Quality Hardware' (tm)
asciilifeform: the apple gpu thing is a true plague
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: reference counting... [david moon tale] ...but sure, it'd be great if it worked << there are quite a few systems which used reference-counting in garbage collector (other than in the demented c++ and apple systems, it is generally used in a garbage collector to determine 'what's garbage?'.) appears in, e.g., wolfram's 'mathematica.' down side: cannot have circular data structures.
assbot: Apple launches repair program for longstanding 2011 MacBook Pro GPU problems | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1BzKShD )
decimation: http://arstechnica.com/apple/2015/02/apple-launches-repair-program-for-longstanding-2011-macbook-pro-gpu-problems/ << apparently it was in response to a lawsuit
decimation: speaking of which, did you see the apple macbookpro recall ascii?
mircea_popescu: well, in the sense apple coudl buy russia
nubbins`: apple? best bsd box i ever owned
jurov: remind me to revisit this back in 10 years ...whether fluffypony will still endorse such changes (or apple at all) by then
asciilifeform: fluffypony: the pill against coinbase is precisely the same as the one against apple: 'don't do it'
fluffypony: or non-Apple-developers
fluffypony: decimation: so it doesn't affect non-Apple-users
decimation: fluffypony: apple has been pulling this kind of thing for decades
fluffypony: so Apple is saying -shit- about a language, and fuck, it's their language (inasmuch as they're the only ones still using it)
asciilifeform: the 'centrally imposed' i was speaking of was the 'apple says -shit-, devs answer -what colour-' one
decimation: but it is understandable why apple would want it on their c-machines
asciilifeform: now, i get it, damn-near everybody is stuck in his particular gulag. fluffypony, it appears, is sitting in barrack where what-happens-in-apple-os-matters. i'm in one where they use weird zimbabwe money. etc. but being in jail doesn't mean you have to -like- it and deny the existence of outside.
asciilifeform: android works in much the same way as apple's regime, iirc
fluffypony: Apple is bad, Android is good
assbot: Mac Apps That Use Garbage Collection Must Move to ARC - News and Updates - Apple Developer ... ( http://bit.ly/17FUEBC )
decimation: lol apple https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=02202015a "Beginning May 1, 2015, new Mac apps and app updates submitted to the Mac App Store may no longer use garbage collection, which was deprecated in OS X Mountain Lion."
assbot: After Google Glass, Apple Watch, Japan offers wearable tomatoes - Yahoo News ... ( http://bit.ly/1DFjPkg )
chetty: http://news.yahoo.com/google-glass-apple-watch-japan-offers-wearable-tomatoes-095421514.html;_ylt=AwrBJR4wJOZUqjIApN7QtDMD
decimation: "Let’s talk about encryption. What’s wrong with what Google and Apple are doing? You have encrypted email — shouldn’t everybody have encrypted email, or have their protections? Everybody should. And I’m a strong believer in strong encryption."
ben_vulpes: apple only worked because there was one guy at the helm.
assbot: Identifying iPod models - Apple Support ... ( http://bit.ly/17KBJGT )
ben_vulpes: http://support.apple.com/en-us/HT1353 << this page is actually omitting the best ipod that was ever released
assbot: RARE Collectors Apple iPod Classic 2nd Generation Mac 10 GB Original Box 718908423851 | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/17k9Yna )
ben_vulpes: http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-COLLECTORS-Apple-iPod-classic-2ND-Generation-MAC-10-GB-ORIGINAL-BOX-/181536114101?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a446545b5
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Did Apple even release iTunes ever for Mac OS
ben_vulpes: another amusing tidbit from apple's wholesale collapse in quality on the desktop: no longer does the right arrow in iToonz skip to the next track.
mircea_popescu: apple just works neh ?
ben_vulpes: good job apple.
cazalla: smashed my iphone in a burst of anger so.. no more apple products here (ipad already went out the window)
asciilifeform: ^ how apple meritwash works
asciilifeform: the ones sharecropping under apple?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: so far problem only exists in winblows/apple world, but it creeps onward - microshit in particular requires it as a condition of doing business with manufacturer
decimation: asciilifeform: actually I think the best explanation for 'why hypercard had to die' is that apple discovered that you could sell software to chumps at huge profit, whereas actually competing on hardware is a low-margin miserable business
decimation: re: apple compilers < i wasted a few hours last week trying to get macports to build 'octave'
ben_vulpes: the apple binary signing process is hilaribad.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: other people in the shop use the apple toolchain and the android toolchain. all i ever do with those is "turn the right nut" when it comes to "signing" binaries for apple/google and cutting builds.
asciilifeform: apple's compiler ?
decimation: "Chief Executive Officer Ken Chenault, 63, has introduced new products aimed at younger and less-affluent customers as AmEx seeks to broaden its appeal. The lender is working with companies including Uber Technologies Inc. and Apple Inc. to expand mobile payments, and courted Americans who lack access to traditional banks with products like its Bluebird prepaid card, offered at Wal-Mart Stores Inc."
assbot: Logged on 10-02-2015 17:51:37; thestringpuller: How is Apple making so much money? Does everyone use macs these days?
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-02-2015#1015042 << neutered combudders and preprogrammed "apps" are devouring the "laptop" market Apple built itself upon. ☝︎
decimation: obviously they suck at being apple, why not try something new?
decimation: "Walkley writes that his assessment of vendor data in smartphones suggests Apple, whose shares he rates a Buy, captured 93% of industry profits in Q4." << why are all of apple's competitors in the 'mobile market' simply trying to imitate apple?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the llvm thing, prior to career as apple crud, had a previous life as a darling plaything of u.s. 'comp sci' academitardia ☟︎
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i can only conclude that he is an apple/usg shill.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform esr is posting from an universe where apple has ambitions.
thestringpuller: How is Apple making so much money? Does everyone use macs these days? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: so im having the 2nd breakfast of the day. like the previous one, this one also consists of milk and apple pie.
assbot: Apple Has 93% of Mobile Profits; 650M Users by 2018, Says Canaccord - Tech Trader Daily - Barrons.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1CPQdBP )
ben_vulpes: http://blogs.barrons.com/techtraderdaily/2015/02/09/apple-has-93-of-mobile-profits-650m-users-by-2018-says-canaccord/ << hard not to read this as "apple mobile users dumbest in the room"
decimation: bitcoinquestions: it is my understanding that macOs uses freebsd's rng (Yarrow), but you are implictly trusting apple...
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: if you were trying to get $proggy built for apple's gui to draw on an x11 instance, i regret to inform you that this won't work...
asciilifeform: anyone even has suspend-to-ram working on linux-on-apple ?
asciilifeform: the systemd folks are emulating apple, not (intentionally) microshit
asciilifeform: kill etc << apple killed it long ago
asciilifeform: this, in effect, is what i'm seeing in apple
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: now try expanded mindfuck. think of what this picture will look like once apple implodes.
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2015 19:51:38; asciilifeform: 'golang' is in the same league as apple's 'darwin' unix kernel. a whole zoological kingdom of pseudo-open, where, yes, theoretically you can read source, but it is not -for you-
decimation: that and, the only proprietary hardware unix vendor left is... apple
asciilifeform: 'golang' is in the same league as apple's 'darwin' unix kernel. a whole zoological kingdom of pseudo-open, where, yes, theoretically you can read source, but it is not -for you- ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the funniest thing in all of this isn't exactly the horde of children who don't understand how the fuck they were tricked exactly. the funniest thing is the plethora of articles about how "apple could buy russia"
punkman: but... how? http://arstechnica.com/apple/2015/01/itunes-connect-bug-logs-developers-into-other-developers-accounts-at-random/
assbot: Apple is reportedly giving the Chinese government access to its devices for “security checks” – Quartz ... ( http://bit.ly/1yH6nWA )
trinque: http://qz.com/332059/apple-is-reportedly-giving-the-chinese-government-access-to-its-devices-for-a-security-assessment/
mircea_popescu: yeah well, apple pie is probably a lot more convincing than working out.
assbot: Apple : first greatest biggest etc. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1tsgd2W )
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/apple-first-greatest-biggest-etc/