252 entries in 0.937s

BingoBoingo: diana_coman: In mike_c's case, I am very confident I can make the case that gets his coin back. The argument is grounded in Republican doctrine as I understand it, proceeds from cause, does not import Pantsuitisms, and is incredibly removed from the late
ROTA's derpitude.
mircea_popescu: what's left is the one remainder in the hands of this yet-
another ex-republic (ex, through its failure, conscious even if disavowed, an' in any case vehehehery carefully constructed out of vehehehehery carefully curated [
http://trilema.com/2 mircea_popescu: !!rate jcpham -1 fucktard that showed up early and proved to be useless ; got butthurt over his attempt at paintsuit injection being rebuffed back when i was trying to
ROTA, has been hoovering ever since trying to affect the specific sort of libertard aloofness that makes it all okay in their religion.
mircea_popescu: the whole
rota debacle -- exactly the same thing, as well. "oh, but that was something else". no, not really.
mircea_popescu: it was a painful and sad process, being disabused of the notion that average human is capable to tribune (ie, maintain law, complicated discussion i won't go into) via the
rota experiment AND the notion that average human is capable to praetor (ie, administer resoruces) via the whole bitcoin finance/investment/profits/etc thing.
rota mega-loophole comes to mind
PeterL: before closing down
PeterL: didn't MP follow decision of
jurov: phf there is no judge mircea_popescu wuld accept such "verdicts" from. remember when
rota decided in similar way?
PeterL: mircea_popescu if you were to start
rota now, what would you do differently?
nubbins`: the
rota was a brutal flop too
PeterL: so the only recourse shareholders have is to sell if they disagree with his decisions, maybe they could have brought suit for negligence before the
rota when that was a thing?
rithm: afaik the
rota thing was a mircea and wences setup
assbot: Logged on 22-12-2014 22:14:11; jurov:
http://trilema.com/2013/rota-post-mortem/ << Anduck see the discussion, it's mircea's and kako's sacrosanct right to arrange unprotected hole in the foyer with a sign "whatever falls here, is our property"
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 well that's why i gave you that
rota reference. nobody o.O after the attempt at a public court thing failed miserably.
Rota pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 you ever read up on the fabulous adventure of teh
rota ?
ROTA, post mortem. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: The MPEx
Rota pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: mike_c i suspect that's perhaps stretching a point.
rota judges did make a salary, and had a deeply vested interest in making th emodel work.
rota did not need to decide things for the good of
rota. bitbet has a vested interest in making good decisions.
mircea_popescu: davout anon mods deliberating in secret. exact opposite of the "citizenship judge"
rota model
davout: so, how does it manage to avoid the shortcomings of the
davout: i think that in essence, bitbet and the
rota have a lot in common
davout: i think my broader point is that since you don't know what you don't know, it makes sense to define a way to clarify propositions along the way, lest you end up with some
rota v2
davout: the more i think about it, the more similarities i see between bitbet and the
rota mike_c: dignork: but then you trusting the crowd of oracles to make the right decision. see
rota for examples of that not working so well.
mike_c: mpex actually did lose some investor funds according to
rota :)
rota was a fine idea but just incorrectly structured from the start. it'd probably still be going if it was set up the way i've outlined ;D
nubbins`: if some asshole sends 100btc to mpex for no reason and wants to
rota it, he pays 10btc, you pay 0btc.
nubbins`: you want the
rota to solve your problems for you, it costs you 1btc.
nubbins`: suppose i call chetty a poopyhead and it turns out this damaged her reputation so badly that she lost a 100btc contract. she decides to sue me via
rota, i decline.
nubbins`: well, if you look at it that way, the
rota was a solution in search of a problem
nubbins`: seems to me like if you remove the per-case judge payment and stick to the yearly sum, the
rota would involve a whole lot less QQing
BingoBoingo: I thought
ROTA was an acronym for Round, Oiled, Tense, Asses
nubbins`_: fun fact,
ROTA was an acronym for Rand of the Ayn
peterl: didnt they have a
Rota for that sort of thing?
mircea_popescu: dexX7 perhaps. though the
rota project as originally designed proved unworkable. it'd have to be worked on.
benkay: pankkake: we'd need a
rota for that
jcpham: mircea_popescu did you get any new
rota signs ups or did you successfully frighten everyone away
dexX7: i'd love to see
mircea_popescu: this is incidentally not so different from the core principles of the
rota system,
nubbins`: mircea_popescu: some sort of sub-100 btc baby
rota where judges don't get paid, or only get paid a pittance, for example
jcpham: II.2. The
Rota supersedes the jurisdiction of any other court, institution, group, organisation, corporation, reigning monarch, city fool etc.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` sadly your shot at judging things WAS RUINED by the earlier
rota judges
ozbot: The MPEx
Rota pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
jcpham: am i going to get that 30 btc
rota pay next month
jurov: nubbins`: you are welcome to submit the issue to
rota ;)
pigeons: i'm borrowing at 0.05/day against my upcoming possible
rota payment ;0
mircea_popescu: _Neil to answer your original question : an judged escrow service. people could, in principle, use bitbet private bets to resolve disputes of the nature the
rota was supposed to resolve.
jcpham: let's bet that mircea_popescu won't pay the 100 BTC or so in his failed
rota experiment thing
jcpham: pigeons let's bitbet on those
rota dues
jurov: luke-jr, to finish today's discussion as is right and proper, i suggest submitting the case before
rota jcpham: the one
rota case we had so far was for the founder of lemon wallet and we returned his freaking money
jurov: judge jcpham thought mp was pushing the case to
rota without trying enough to settle otherwise and judged thus
mircea_popescu: there's two ways to go about things. you can prosecute or negotiate. the time to negotiate was then. sadly the possibilities to prosecute kinda died with the death of the
rota, leaving you hanging there too.
jcpham: the
rota case guy runs a wallet
jurov: MJR_ submit it to
rota :)
pigeons: which is why mp lost in his own hand picked
rota jurov: "employed" in
rota jcpham: mircea_popescu when does
rota get paid
jcpham: this drama seems
jurov: no naked chicks on
rota duty?
dub: this is why we can't have nice